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Konvergentne i divergentne dnevne migracije stanovništva Zmijanja

dc.creatorGatarić, Dragica
dc.creatorIvanišević, Marko
dc.description.abstractIn view of the fact that commuting flows present a complex settlement geographical phenomenon, whose frequency and development testify about many relevant features of the settlement network, in this paper, the emphasis is placed on the analysis of convergent and divergent daily spatial mobility of the population of Zmijanje. The analysis of convergent (inbound) and divergent (outbound) daily commuting flows of workers, pupils and students between their homes (domicile) and place of work / schools, and vice versa, is based on the field research in which 1,728 inhabitants (922 pupils and students and 806 workers) took part. The structural ratio between divergent and convergent commuting flows is 65.8: 34.2%. The obtained results, which were collected by surveying workers, pupils and students indicate that Zmijanje belongs to the unsteady migration space which is characterized, with the exception of the villages Podbrdo, Krupa on Vrbas and Bistrica, by low employment opportunities, undeveloped commercial and service sectors and educational functions, as well as by the migration of working-age and university-educated population. The diversity index of convergent and divergent commuters by educational level is 16.4, which supports this conclusion.en
dc.description.abstractS obzirom na to da dnevne migracije predstavljaju kompleksnu naseobinsko-geografsku pojavu čija zastupljenost i razvijenost svedoči o mnogim relevantnim svojstvima u mreži naselja, u ovom radu akcenat je stavljen na analizu divergentne i konvergentne dnevne prostorne mobilnosti stanovništva Zmijanja. U konvergentnim (ulaznim) i divergentnim (izlaznim) dnevnim kretanjima radnika, učenika i studenata na relaciji domicil - mesto rada/školovanja, i obratno, na osnovu terenskih istraživanja, utvrđeno je da učestvuje 1 728 stanovnika (922 učenika i studenta i 806 radnika). Strukturni odnos divergentne i konvergentne dnevne migracije iznosi 65,8:34,2%. Dobijeni rezultati, koji su prikupljeni anketiranjem radnika, učenika i studenata, ukazuju da Zmijanje spada u labilan migracioni prostor koga karakteriše, s izuzetkom naselja Podbrda, Krupe na Vrbasu i Bistrice, mala ponuda radnih mesta, nerazvijenost trgovinsko-uslužne i prosvetne funkcija i iseljavanje radno-sposobnog i visokoškolovanog stanovništva. Na ovu konstataciju upućuje i indeks različitosti konvergentnih i divergentnih dnevnih migranata prema stepenu stručne spreme, koji iznosi 16,4.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/176017/RS//
dc.subjectconvergent and divergent commuting flowsen
dc.subjectmigration spaceen
dc.subjectkonvergentne i divergentne dnevne migracijesr
dc.subjectmigracioni prostorsr
dc.titleConvergent and divergent commuting flows of the population of Zmijanjeen
dc.titleKonvergentne i divergentne dnevne migracije stanovništva Zmijanjasr
dcterms.abstractИванишевић, Марко; Гатарић, Драгица; Конвергентне и дивергентне дневне миграције становништва Змијања; Конвергентне и дивергентне дневне миграције становништва Змијања;
dc.citation.other(13): 139-144



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