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Pluviometrijski režim i njegov uticaj na erozioni procesu slivu Kolubare

dc.creatorDragićević, Slavoljub
dc.description.abstractPluviometric regime of Kolubara basin is caused by its geographic location and height above sea level, as well as by the dissection of relief. If we analyze the importance of precipitations for the process of erosion, we can notice that the annual amount of precipitation is not of great importance for this process as it is the distribution of precipitation (pluviometric regime) and their intensity. Intensive erosion could appear even when some area receives small amount of precipitations, but they come in few great showers. The best example for this is climatic happening in July of 1999. So, if we analyze amounts of floating silt that has been carried during the year we can notice that the biggest average amount is in June and May when we have the biggest amount of precipitations. In certain circumstances, it could happen that the maximal amount of carried silt appear out of expected period of time. In the summer it could be explained by the sudden shower rains. It is also noticed that increased amount of carried silt could appear in winter. Snowy precipitations are also important factor of erosion. If the snow melts gradually then there is no danger of erosion, but if the snow melts suddenly then the erosion appears on slopes. On the base of this it could be said that the influence of climate on the water erosion must be researched as a total state of all factors, because it is the only way to understand how the same amount of precipitations cause different erosive consequences. This conclusion could also be attained by the analyses of climatic occasions in the second half of December of 1999. Beside climatic characteristics of basin, the amount of carried silt depends on other physico-geographic factors. Analyzing of only one factor is very difficult because of fact that the mechanical water erosion is multifactorial phenomena and it is necessary to know interactive act of many physico-geographic parameters in order to understand and measure it.en
dc.description.abstractU radu su detaljno razmotreni prostorni i vremenski raspored padavina u slivu Kolubare. U julu 1999. godine na sliv Kolubare se izlučila neuobičajeno velika količina padavina. Cilj ovoga rada je da se utvrdi značaj pluviometrijskog režima na iznos mehaničke vodne erozije.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
dc.subjectpronos nanosasr
dc.titlePluviometric regime and its influence on erosive process in the Kolubara river basinen
dc.titlePluviometrijski režim i njegov uticaj na erozioni procesu slivu Kolubaresr
dcterms.abstractДрагићевић, Славољуб; Плувиометријски режим и његов утицај на ерозиони процесу сливу Колубаре; Плувиометријски режим и његов утицај на ерозиони процесу сливу Колубаре;
dc.citation.other81(2): 27-36



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