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Iskustva i problemi u implementaciji prostornih planova opština

dc.creatorŠećerov, Velimir
dc.creatorFilipović, Dejan
dc.description.abstractSince the adoption of the Planning and Construction Law, 2003., started the producing of the series of spatial plans, among which the most dominant position have the spatial plans of municipalities. Legal obligation and, less frequently, the understanding of the necessity of adopting and implementing this type of plan, contributed to the fact that they are made today in the most cases. Compliance with the procedures of making the local (municipal) spatial plan is an assumption to his adoption, while its implementation is left to the decision makers at the local level and capacities that local self-governments has. In order to implement the plan as much as possible, necessary is to prescribe the clear measures and instruments for his realization and to define the precise implementation mechanisms that will contribute to his implementation. For this reason this paper aims to highlight some examples of the past practice in making the planning documentation and to point out some problems in their implementation that may occur due to a different understanding of the municipal spatial plan importance and his implementation mechanisms. The intention is to emphasis the strategic component of the municipal spatial plan and its developmental importance, in relation to the technical and regulatory dimension that such kind of a document has and which can be often found in practice through the insistence on the rules of planning and construction as the only implementation mechanisms.en
dc.description.abstractOd donošenja Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji, 2003. godine, započeta je izrada serije prostornih planova među kojima najdominantnije mesto imaju prostorni planovi opština. Zakonska obaveza i, ređe, shvatanje o neophodnosti donošenja i sprovođenja ovakve vrste plana, doprinela je tome da se oni rade u najvećem broju slučajeva. Poštovanje procedure izrade PPO je pretpostavka njegovom usvajanju, dok je njegova implementacija prepuštena donosiocima odluka na lokalnom nivou i kapacitetima sa kojima lokalna samouprava raspolaže. Da bi se plan što je moguće više realizovao neophodno je u samom dokumentu propisati jasne mere i instrumente za njegovu realizaciju i definisati precizne implementacione mehanizme koji će doprineti njegovom sprovođenju. Radi toga ovaj rad ima za cilj da istakne neke primere dosadašnje prakse izrade planske dokumentacije i ukaže na probleme u njihovom sprovođenju koji mogu doći usled različitih shvatanja važnosti samog PPO i njegovih implementacionih poluga. Namera je da se akcentira strateška komponenta PPO i njegov razvojni značaj u odnosu na tehničko-regulatornu dimenziju ovakve vrste dokumenta koja se kroz insistiranje na pravilima uređenja i građenja, kao jedinog implementacionog mehanizma, često sreće u praksi.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
dc.subjectmunicipal spatial planen
dc.subjectmeasure and instrumentsen
dc.subjectstrategic planningen
dc.subjectprostorni plan opštinesr
dc.subjectmere i instrumentisr
dc.subjectstrateško planiranjesr
dc.subjectzakonska regulativasr
dc.titleExperiences and problems in implementing the spatial plans of municipalitiesen
dc.titleIskustva i problemi u implementaciji prostornih planova opštinasr
dcterms.abstractФилиповић, Дејан; Шећеров, Велимир; Искуства и проблеми у имплементацији просторних планова општина; Искуства и проблеми у имплементацији просторних планова општина;
dc.citation.other90(1): 197-214



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