Приказ резултата 1114-1133 од 2256

      Padavine kao nepovoljna klimatska pojava u Negotinu [1]
      Paleoecologic showing of depositing environment of Jurassic and cretaceous sediments in the area of Golubac mountains [1]
      Paleoekološki prikaz sredine taloženja jurskih i krednih sedimenata na području Golubačkih planina [1]
      Paleogeografski sadržaji u publikacijama Geografskog fakulteta u Beogradu - povodom 30-godišnjice od uvođenja predmeta Paleogeografija u redovnu nastavu [1]
      Paleogeographic contents in publications of Faculty of Geography in Belgrade: On the thirtieth anniversary of introducing Paleogeography into regular instruction [1]
      Pandemija virusa COVID-19 kao ograničavajući faktor demografskog razvoja lokalnih samouprava u Srbiji [1]
      Panel Diskusija: Demografska perspektiva razvedenih brakova, 29. novembar 2022. [1]
      Parameter optimization of a computer-aided diagnosis system for detection of masses on digitized mammograms [1]
      Parental allowance in Serbia - examining the world health organization recommendations [1]
      Parental allowance in Serbia – examining the world health organization recommendations [1]
      Parity of liveborh children in Serbia: pattern by educational level of women [1]
      Part of information’s power systems planning at exploration an screen environment [1]
      Patient comfort level prediction during transport using artificial neural network [1]
      Patrilineal traditional family: Examples of Serbia and Bulgaria [1]
      Patterns of small-scale residential segregation in the centre of Belgrade [1]
      Pećina na reci Zamni u svetlu novih morfogenetskih istraživanja [1]
      Pedagogical benefits of fieldwork of the students at the Faculty of Geography in the light of the Bologna Process [1]
      Performance analysis of improved ZigBee wireless network by simulation [1]
      Periglacial Relief Phenomena on Mount Vardenik (Southeastern Serbia) [1]
      Perspectives in geography of culture and civilizations [1]