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Cartographic modeling of infrastructure systems in spatial planning

dc.contributor.advisorIkonović, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherLukić, Bogdan
dc.contributor.otherNestorov, Ivan
dc.creatorĐorđević, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we identified and scientifically explained modern concepts of cartographic modeling of infrastructure systems in spatial planning and we defined the algorithm of cartographic modeling of infrastructure systems in spatial planning, all in accordance with the subject and purpose of this research, on the basis of relevant theoretical and methodological postulates of modern spatial planning, cartography and its disciplines, taking into account the principles of geographic information systems. This paper indicates that it is necessary to improve on the theory and practice of spatial planning in Serbia, by enabling that the sectors of spatial planning, cartography and geographic information systems be linked and integrated. The paper has the character of a multidisciplinary research, particularly since the organizational, technical and technological context is going through significant changes on a global level, as is the case these days. We presented the results of research work based on well recognized methods. In accordance with the existing hypotheses and the nature of the problem in question and its characteristics, while also having in mind that it is an interdisciplinary (relating to spatial planning) and applied research, we used the deductive method, the inductive method, cartographic methods, as well as the principles of common scientific methods, primarily the modeling method. We also applied other methods such as the method of analysis and synthesis. We used analytical methodological approach to observe certain elements of cartographic models and the synthesis approach to define the models of their improved future use: defining and classifying, comparative method, cartographic method, modeling, system analysis, functional analysis, time and spatial correlation. The following hypothesis were set in this paper: Adequate cartographic modeling of infrastructure systems during the process of producing spatial plans significantly improves the implementation process of spatial plans and makes the decision making process better. Two secondary hypotheses were derived from this basic hypothesis and they are related to improving the efficiency of the making process of cartographic supplements and the importance of cartographic modeling on the overall quality of the spatial plan. The first secondary hypothesis states that adequate cartographically modeled infrastructure systems in spatial plans, obtained with the use of GIS or other tools, and which support digital cartography, enable a more efficient further elaboration of spatial plans through creating the infrastructure system development program. The second secondary hypothesis states that bad cartographically modeled infrastructure systems in spatial plans lead to inadequate interpretations of the spatial plan and aggravate further planning and implementation of the plan. In the theoretical-methodological sense, this paper analyzes modern concepts of cartographic modeling of infrastructure systems in spatial planning, it considers the problems of creating analog and digital referral maps of infrastructure systems in spatial plans, the possibilities for its improvement and standardization, as well as the effects stemming from all this. Next, the paper insists on further linking, shaping, modeling and the creative synthesis of cartographic modeling approaches, on the improvement of the approach to creating referral maps in spatial plans and particularly on the cartographic modeling of infrastructure systems in spatial planning. At the same time, it identifies the basic terms that need to be defined, policies to be introduced, levels of data exchange to be established, costs and benefits to be expected, institutions to be engaged and/or reorganized in the system of planning in Serbia and the management of space with an aim of improving the quality of space and the existing practices in the area of spatial and urban planning. We defined a new methodology of creating analog and digital referral maps of infrastructure systems in spatial plans, recommendations for choosing optimal signs and guidelines for further improvement and exploration of the cartographic method. We proposed a meta-model, i. e. a prototype of a standardized database model and a standardized key for cartographic signs applicable in referral maps and spatial plans.en
dc.description.abstractSvrsishodno predmetu i cilju istraživanja, na temelju relevantnih teorijskih i metodoloških postavki savremenog prostornog planiranja, kartografije i njenih disciplina, uz uvažavanje principa geografskih informacionih sistema, u radu su utvrđeni i naučno obrazloženi savremeni koncepti kartografskog modelovanja infrastrukturnih sistema u prostornom planiranju i definisan je algoritam kartografskog modelovanja infrastrukturnih sistema u prostornom planiranju. Prikazan je i fizički model podataka infrastrukturnih sistema za potrebe izrade referalne karte infrastrukturnih sistema GIS tehnologijom. Rad ukazuje na neophodnost unapređivanja teorije i prakse prostornog planiranja u Srbiji, omogućavajući povezivanje i integrisanje sektora prostornog planiranja, kartografije i geografskih informacionih sistema. Rad ima karakter multidisciplinarnog istraživanja, naročito kada se u značajnijoj meri menja organizaciono-tehničko-tehnološki kontekst na globalnom nivou, kao što je to slučaj danas. Predstavljeni su rezultati istraživačkog rada zasnovanog na priznatim metodama. U skladu sa postavljenim hipotezama i prirodom postavljenog problema i njegovih karakteristika, a imajući u vidu da se radi o interdiscplinarnom (prostorno planerskom) i primenjenom istraživanju korišćeni su deduktivni metod, induktivni metod, kartografske metode, kao i principi opštih naučnih metoda, u prvom redu metoda modelovanja. Primenjene su i druge metode kao što su metod analize i sinteze. Analitičkim metodološkim postupkom posmatrani su pojedini elementi kartografskih modela, a sinteznim definisani modeli njihove kvalitetnije buduće primene: definisanje i klasifikovanje, komparativni metod, kartografski metod, modelovanje, sistemska analiza, funkcionalna analiza, vremenska i prostorna korelacija. U radu su postavljene sledeće hipoteze: Adekvatno kartografsko modelovanje infrastrukturnih sistema u procesu izrade prostornih planova značajno unapređuje proces implementacije prostornih planova i čini kvalitetnijim proces donošenja odluka. Iz osnovne hipoteze razvijene su dve sekundarne hipoteze koje se odnose na podizanje efikasnosti procesa izrade kartografskih priloga i značaj kartografskog modelovanja na ukupni kvalitet prostornog plana. Prva sekundarna hipoteza glasi: Kvalitetno kartografski modelovani infrastrukturni sistemi u prostornim planovima upotrebom GIS-a ili drugih alata, koji podržavaju digitalnu kartografiju omogućavaju efikasniju dalju razradu prostornih planova kroz izradu programa razvoja infrastrukturnih sistema. Druga sekundarna hipoteza glasi: Pogrešno kartografski modelovani infrastrukturni sistemi u prostornim planovima dovode do neadekvatnih tumačenja prostornog plana i otežavaju dalji proces planiranja i implementaciju plana. U teorijsko-metodološkom smislu rad sagledava savremene koncepte kartografskog modelovanja infrastrukturnih sistema u prostornom planiranju, razmatra problematiku kreiranja analognih i digitalnih referalnih karata infrastrukturnih sistema u prostornim planovima, mogućnosti njihovog unapređivanja i standardizacije kao i efekte koji iz toga proizilaze. Rad insistira na daljem povezivanju, oblikovanju, modeliranju i kreativnoj sintezi pristupa kartografskog modelovanja, unapređenju pristupa kreiranju referalnih karata u prostornim planovima a posebno kartografskom modelovanju infrastrukturnih sistema u prostornom planiranju. Istovremeno ukazuje na osnovne pojmove koje je potrebno definisati, politike koje treba propisati, nivoe razmene podataka koje treba uspostaviti, troškove i koristi koje treba očekivati, institucije koje treba angažovati i/ili prestruktuirati u sistemu planiranja u Srbiji i upravljanja prostorom sa ciljem unapređenja kvaliteta prostora i postojeće prakse prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja. Definisana je nova metodologije kreiranja analognih i digitalnih referalnih karata infrastrukturnih sistema u prostornim planovima, preporuke za izbor optimalnih znakova i smernice za dalje unapređivanje i istraživanje kartografskog metoda. Predložen je metamodel, odnosno prototip standardizovanog modela baze podataka i standardizovanog ključa kartografskih znakova primenjivih u referalnim kartama u prostornim planovima.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/176017/RS//
dc.subjectspatial planningen
dc.subjectinfrastructure systemsen
dc.subjectprostorno planiranjesr
dc.subjectinfrastrukturni sistemisr
dc.titleKartografsko modelovanje infrastrukturnih sistema u prostornom planiranjusr
dc.titleCartographic modeling of infrastructure systems in spatial planningen
dcterms.abstractИконовић, Весна; Лукић, Богдан; Несторов, Иван; Ђорђевић, Aлександар; Картографско моделовање инфраструктурних система у просторном планирању; Картографско моделовање инфраструктурних система у просторном планирању;



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