Приказ резултата 23-42 од 48

      Spatial and temporal dynamics of riverbank erosion of the South Morava river [1]
      Spatial distribution of population in Serbia considering optimum population theories [1]
      Spatial pattern of climate change in Serbia in the instrumental period [1]
      Srpska Crna Gora - contemporary geographical changes in the function of regional development [1]
      Srpska Crna Gora - savremene geografske promene u funkciji regionalnog razvoja [1]
      Starost kao demografska odrednica potrošnje domaćinstava u Srbiji [1]
      Structural changes and spatial diferentiation of agriculture in rural settlements of Belgrade region [1]
      Strukturne promene i prostorna diferencijacija poljoprivrede u seoskim naseljima regiona Beograda [1]
      Sustainable urban development and determinants of urban transport energy consumption: a theoretical and empirical analysis [1]
      Sustainаble development of protected rural area of Serbia [1]
      The influence of modifiers on the polimorphy of valley in karst of the serbian carpatho-balkanides. [1]
      The role and importance of infrastructure planning in mountain tourism development in Serbia [1]
      The role of urban centers in the processes of regional differentiation and integration of Serbia [1]
      Tourism and environment in the context of sustainable development [1]
      Transformacija banja Srbije u savremene centre spa i wellness turizma [1]
      Transformation of spas in Serbia into modern centers of spa and wellness tourism [1]
      Turizam i životna sredina u kontekstu održivog razvoja [1]
      Uloga i značaj planiranja infrastrukture u razvoju planinskog turizma u Srbiji [1]
      Uticaj modifikatora na polimorfiju dolina u krasu Karpato-balkanida Srbije [1]
      Uvođenje prostorne dimenzije u proučavanju kolebanja klime u Srbiji u instrumentalnom periodu [1]