The use value of preschool institution space as a element of socio-demographic development
Upotrebna vrednost prostora predškolskih ustanova kao element socio-demografskog razvoja
The aim of the paper is a critical sociological analysis of the space of preschool institutions and the design the capacity of the space of preschool institutions, in accordance with the norms proposed within the European social model and the Master Plan of Belgrade. In accordance with the model assumptions, the practice of recommended norms is expected to produce transformational potential by initiating a chain of positive changes, starting with the elimination of systemic risks through decommodification of care for preschool children and production of politically correct space of higher use value, through increasing the coverage of the preschool contingent by state primary schools, to a favorable impact on stimulating birth. Paper Subject -use value of preschool institutions in Serbia, and the Belgrade municipalities Zvezdara and Savski Venac. Statistical analysis, preschool institutions spatial capacity analysis, comparative method, critical analysis were the analysis used in this p...aper. The following indicators were used to measure the use value of preschool institutions space: percentage of children attending preschools in Serbia, percentage of children attending preschools according to the type of preschool ownership, percentage of children attending public preschools, compliance of the available space in public preschools in the municipalities of Zvezdara and Savski Venac with the valid norms. The final section contains a proposal of spatial capacities which are believed to have sufficient transformational potential, for the purposes of initiating the positive chain of changes in the direction of sustainable social and demographic development.
Cilj rada je kritička sociološka analiza i osmišljavanje kapaciteta prostora predškolskih ustanova u saglasnosti sa normama predloženim u okviru evropskog socijalnog modela i Generalnog urbanističkog plana Beograda. U skladu sa pretpostavkama modela, očekuje se da praktikovanje preporučenih normi produkuje transformacioni potencijal i inicira lanac pozitivnih promena, počevši od eliminacije sistemskih rizika kroz dekomodifikaciju brige o predškolskoj deci i proizvodnju politički korektnog prostora predškolskih ustanova više upotrebne vrednosti, preko povećanja obuhvata predškolskog kontingenta državnim predškolskim ustanovama, do povoljanog uticaja na podsticanje rađanja. Predmet rada je upotrebna vrednost predškolskih ustanova u Srbiji i beogradskim opštinama Zvezdara i Savski venac. U radu se primenjuju sledeće metode istraživanja: statistička analiza, analiza prostornih kapaciteta predškolskih ustanova, komparativni metod, kritička analiza. Za merenje upotrebne vrednosti prostora pr...edškolskih ustanova korišćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: obuhvat dece predškolskim sistemom u Srbiji, obuhvat dece predškolskim ustanovama prema tipu svojine, obuhvat dece državnim predškolskim ustanovama i usklađenost raspoloživog prostora u državnim predškolskim ustanovama opština Zvezdara i Savski venac sa važećim normama. U završnom delu, dat je predlog prostornih kapaciteta za koje se smatra da bi mogao imati dovoljan transformacioni potencijal za iniciranje lanca pozitivnih promena u smeru održivog socijalnog i demografskog razvoja.
sustainable socio-demographic development / public preschool institutions / use value of space / municipality of Zvezdara / municipality of Savski Venac / Serbia / održivi socio-demografski razvoj / državne predškolske ustanove / upotrebna vrednost prostora / opština Zvezdara / opština Savski venac / SrbijaSource:
Demografija, 2020, 17, 75-94Publisher:
- Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
Funding / projects:
- Challenges of New Social Integration in Serbia: Concepts and Actors (RS-MESTD-Basic Research (BR or ON)-179035)
Geografski fakultetTY - JOUR AU - Miletić-Stepanović, Vesna PY - 2020 UR - AB - The aim of the paper is a critical sociological analysis of the space of preschool institutions and the design the capacity of the space of preschool institutions, in accordance with the norms proposed within the European social model and the Master Plan of Belgrade. In accordance with the model assumptions, the practice of recommended norms is expected to produce transformational potential by initiating a chain of positive changes, starting with the elimination of systemic risks through decommodification of care for preschool children and production of politically correct space of higher use value, through increasing the coverage of the preschool contingent by state primary schools, to a favorable impact on stimulating birth. Paper Subject -use value of preschool institutions in Serbia, and the Belgrade municipalities Zvezdara and Savski Venac. Statistical analysis, preschool institutions spatial capacity analysis, comparative method, critical analysis were the analysis used in this paper. The following indicators were used to measure the use value of preschool institutions space: percentage of children attending preschools in Serbia, percentage of children attending preschools according to the type of preschool ownership, percentage of children attending public preschools, compliance of the available space in public preschools in the municipalities of Zvezdara and Savski Venac with the valid norms. The final section contains a proposal of spatial capacities which are believed to have sufficient transformational potential, for the purposes of initiating the positive chain of changes in the direction of sustainable social and demographic development. AB - Cilj rada je kritička sociološka analiza i osmišljavanje kapaciteta prostora predškolskih ustanova u saglasnosti sa normama predloženim u okviru evropskog socijalnog modela i Generalnog urbanističkog plana Beograda. U skladu sa pretpostavkama modela, očekuje se da praktikovanje preporučenih normi produkuje transformacioni potencijal i inicira lanac pozitivnih promena, počevši od eliminacije sistemskih rizika kroz dekomodifikaciju brige o predškolskoj deci i proizvodnju politički korektnog prostora predškolskih ustanova više upotrebne vrednosti, preko povećanja obuhvata predškolskog kontingenta državnim predškolskim ustanovama, do povoljanog uticaja na podsticanje rađanja. Predmet rada je upotrebna vrednost predškolskih ustanova u Srbiji i beogradskim opštinama Zvezdara i Savski venac. U radu se primenjuju sledeće metode istraživanja: statistička analiza, analiza prostornih kapaciteta predškolskih ustanova, komparativni metod, kritička analiza. Za merenje upotrebne vrednosti prostora predškolskih ustanova korišćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: obuhvat dece predškolskim sistemom u Srbiji, obuhvat dece predškolskim ustanovama prema tipu svojine, obuhvat dece državnim predškolskim ustanovama i usklađenost raspoloživog prostora u državnim predškolskim ustanovama opština Zvezdara i Savski venac sa važećim normama. U završnom delu, dat je predlog prostornih kapaciteta za koje se smatra da bi mogao imati dovoljan transformacioni potencijal za iniciranje lanca pozitivnih promena u smeru održivog socijalnog i demografskog razvoja. PB - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet T2 - Demografija T1 - The use value of preschool institution space as a element of socio-demographic development T1 - Upotrebna vrednost prostora predškolskih ustanova kao element socio-demografskog razvoja IS - 17 SP - 75 EP - 94 DO - 10.5937/demografija2017075M UR - ER -
@article{ author = "Miletić-Stepanović, Vesna", year = "2020", abstract = "The aim of the paper is a critical sociological analysis of the space of preschool institutions and the design the capacity of the space of preschool institutions, in accordance with the norms proposed within the European social model and the Master Plan of Belgrade. In accordance with the model assumptions, the practice of recommended norms is expected to produce transformational potential by initiating a chain of positive changes, starting with the elimination of systemic risks through decommodification of care for preschool children and production of politically correct space of higher use value, through increasing the coverage of the preschool contingent by state primary schools, to a favorable impact on stimulating birth. Paper Subject -use value of preschool institutions in Serbia, and the Belgrade municipalities Zvezdara and Savski Venac. Statistical analysis, preschool institutions spatial capacity analysis, comparative method, critical analysis were the analysis used in this paper. The following indicators were used to measure the use value of preschool institutions space: percentage of children attending preschools in Serbia, percentage of children attending preschools according to the type of preschool ownership, percentage of children attending public preschools, compliance of the available space in public preschools in the municipalities of Zvezdara and Savski Venac with the valid norms. The final section contains a proposal of spatial capacities which are believed to have sufficient transformational potential, for the purposes of initiating the positive chain of changes in the direction of sustainable social and demographic development., Cilj rada je kritička sociološka analiza i osmišljavanje kapaciteta prostora predškolskih ustanova u saglasnosti sa normama predloženim u okviru evropskog socijalnog modela i Generalnog urbanističkog plana Beograda. U skladu sa pretpostavkama modela, očekuje se da praktikovanje preporučenih normi produkuje transformacioni potencijal i inicira lanac pozitivnih promena, počevši od eliminacije sistemskih rizika kroz dekomodifikaciju brige o predškolskoj deci i proizvodnju politički korektnog prostora predškolskih ustanova više upotrebne vrednosti, preko povećanja obuhvata predškolskog kontingenta državnim predškolskim ustanovama, do povoljanog uticaja na podsticanje rađanja. Predmet rada je upotrebna vrednost predškolskih ustanova u Srbiji i beogradskim opštinama Zvezdara i Savski venac. U radu se primenjuju sledeće metode istraživanja: statistička analiza, analiza prostornih kapaciteta predškolskih ustanova, komparativni metod, kritička analiza. Za merenje upotrebne vrednosti prostora predškolskih ustanova korišćeni su sledeći pokazatelji: obuhvat dece predškolskim sistemom u Srbiji, obuhvat dece predškolskim ustanovama prema tipu svojine, obuhvat dece državnim predškolskim ustanovama i usklađenost raspoloživog prostora u državnim predškolskim ustanovama opština Zvezdara i Savski venac sa važećim normama. U završnom delu, dat je predlog prostornih kapaciteta za koje se smatra da bi mogao imati dovoljan transformacioni potencijal za iniciranje lanca pozitivnih promena u smeru održivog socijalnog i demografskog razvoja.", publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet", journal = "Demografija", title = "The use value of preschool institution space as a element of socio-demographic development, Upotrebna vrednost prostora predškolskih ustanova kao element socio-demografskog razvoja", number = "17", pages = "75-94", doi = "10.5937/demografija2017075M", url = "" }
Miletić-Stepanović, V.. (2020). The use value of preschool institution space as a element of socio-demographic development. in Demografija Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet.(17), 75-94.
Miletić-Stepanović V. The use value of preschool institution space as a element of socio-demographic development. in Demografija. 2020;(17):75-94. doi:10.5937/demografija2017075M .
Miletić-Stepanović, Vesna, "The use value of preschool institution space as a element of socio-demographic development" in Demografija, no. 17 (2020):75-94, ., .