Приказ резултата 1618-1637 од 2302

      Suficit i deficit fluora u životnoj sredini uticaj na zdravlje stanovništva Srbije [1]
      Summer courses in the function of preparing teachers for work in Serbian religious schools in Romania [1]
      Summer School on Longitudinal and Life Course Research (SLLS) [1]
      Summer School on Migration Implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) [1]
      Sun above compass card on middle geographical latitude of Serbia (φ=44°) [1]
      Sunce nad ružom kompasa na srednjoj geografskoj širini Srbije (φ = 44°) [1]
      Sunčani časovnik O.Š. 'Laza Lazarević' u Šapcu [1]
      Sunčani časovnik utvrđenja Hrusija (srpski manastir Hilandar, Sveta Gora) [1]
      Sunčanici koji su sami sobom diktirali časovni sistem [1]
      Sundial at the fortification Hrusia (Serbian monastery Chilandar, Holy Mountain Athos) [1]
      Sundials which dictated hourly system by themselves [1]
      Supplement to exploration of river water regimes in Serbia [1]
      Supplement to solving the issue of determination of moraines and alluvial fans [1]
      Supplementary material for the article: Dabović T, Pjanović B, Tošković O, Djordjević D, Lukić B. Experts’ Perception of the Key Drivers of Land-Use/Land-Cover Changes in Serbia from 1990 to 2012. Sustainability. 2021; 13(14):7771. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13147771 [1]
      Supporting Tourism by Assessing the Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccination for Travel Reasons [1]
      Surface and ground water quality analysis on the territory of the city of Kraljevo: The basis for sustainable water resources management [1]
      Suspended Sediment Transport in Serbian River [1]
      Sustainability from a national spatial planning perspective: Case study of France [1]
      Sustainability of Serbian Villages in COVID-19 Pandemic Conditions [1]
      Sustainability of Underground Heritage; The Example of the Military Galleries of the Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad, Serbia [1]