Now showing items 338-357 of 2301

      Daily commuting - similarities and differences between Serbia and Slovenia [1]
      Daily interaction (labor, schoolchildren and youth) of Belgrade and settlements of Vojvodina [1]
      Daily urban systems in function of the spatial organisation in Serbia [1]
      Danube space in Serbia through history up to date: Short overview [1]
      Deca migranti u školama u Srbiji - barijera ili izazov za novi početak [1]
      Decomposition of the recent increase in the labour force participation rate in Serbia [1]
      Defectoscopy of Direct Laser Sintered Metals by Low Transmission Ultrasonic Frequencies [1]
      Defining the centers of labor in urban area: Example of Belgrade [1]
      Defining urban regions in Serbia [1]
      Definisanje centara rada u urbanom prostoru - primer Beograda [1]
      Definisanje plavnih područja korišćenjem LiDAR tehnologije [1]
      Deforestation as a Cause of IncreasedSurface Runoff in the Catchment:Remote Sensing and SWAT Approach—A Case Study of Southern Serbia [1]
      Degradacija životne sredine - uticaj na ekološku bezbednost [1]
      Degradation of soil and hydrological conditions in the Peštan River Basin [1]
      Degradation of Topciderska river water quality (Belgrade) [1]
      Demografska analiza u prostornim planovima nacionalnog nivoa - Iskustva i preporuke [1]
      Demografske karakteristike starog stanovništva Beograda [1]
      Demografske perspektive grada Banja Luke kao činilac prostornog razvoja [1]
      Demografske promene i procesi u mreži naselja opštine Negotin [1]
      Demografski potencijali i ograničenja kao činilac u prostornom planiranju - primer planskog regiona Šumadijskog, Pomoravskog, Raškog i Rasinskog okruga [1]