Приказ резултата 1669-1688 од 2312

      Technology-Enhanced Assessment at universities and in schools: An initiative. [1]
      Teledetekciona analiza ugroženih elemenata životne sredine opštine Ub - prilog za najugroženije delove opštine [1]
      Temperature altitude amplification as a footprint of a possible anthropogenic impact on the climate of Australia [1]
      Temperature and precipitation changes in Serbia in the second half of the 20th century in the context of global climate change [1]
      Temperature changes in Serbia and worldwide according to satellite data [1]
      Temperature changes on the Earth and in Serbia and North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) [1]
      Temperature conditions on July 2007 as extreme climatic phenomenon in Serbia [1]
      Temperature monitoring of school building. Validation of simulation model by comparison with wireless flexible measurement data [1]
      Temperature variability in Serbia in the second half of the 20th century [1]
      Temperature variability on the area of Stara planlna in the instrumental period [1]
      Temperaturne prilike u julu 2007. godine kao ekstremna klimatska pojava u Srbiji [1]
      Temporal variation of suspended sediment load in the Velika Morava River at the mouth of the Danube River for the period 1967-2007 [1]
      Tendencies in the population concentration in the Pomoravlje area [1]
      Tendencies in the respect of development pro-ecological behaviour of students [1]
      Tendencije u koncentraciji stanovništva Pomoravske oblasti [1]
      Tendencije u pogledu razvoja proekološkog ponašanja učenika [1]
      Teorija planiranja - kritički osvrt na dominantne modele planiranja u 21. veku i predlog rekonstrukcije [1]
      Teorija populacionog optimuma [1]
      Teorijska ishodišta za integrisano planiranje održivog ruralnog razvoja [1]
      Teorijske osnove komunalne higijene [1]