Carević, Ivana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Carević, Ivana (39)
  • Царевић, Ивана (4)
  • Lazarević, Ivana (1)
  • Лазаревић, Ивана (1)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200091 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography) Development problems and trends of geospatial systems of Republic of Serbia
Geologic and ecotoxicologic research in identification of geopathogen zones of toxic elements in drinking water reservoirs- research into methods and procedures for reduction of biochemical anomalies Intenzitet hemijske i mehaničke erozije i akumulacije u Istočnoj Srbiji
Prirodni, demografski i privredni potencijali revitalizacije sela u Srbiji Development programs of villages’ revitalization in Serbia
Cultural changes and population movements in the early Prehistory of the central Balkans Studying climate change and its influence on environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation
Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Geodiversity, lithostratigraphy and geological evolution of the basins in the Central Balkan Peninsula and adjacent areas
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200092 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200126 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200169 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry) Advanced technologies for monitoring and environmental protection from chemical pollutants and radiation burden
Geosistemske osnove prostorno-funkcionalne organizacije Republike Srbije Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, No. 451-03-65/2024-03/200091

Author's Bibliography

Кречњаци у градитељској традицији и архитектури општине Књажевац

Царевић, Ивана

(Књажевац : Народна библиотека "Његош", 2024)

AU  - Царевић, Ивана
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Бројни споменици културе и објекти у општини Књажевац изграђени су у потпуности или делимично од доњокредних кречњака ургонске фације ствараних у плитком и топлом мору. У прошлом веку, ови кречњаци су широм књажевачке општине били препознати као веома квалитетан и декоративан локални грађевински камен који је био широко заступљен на тржишту. Првобитно се користио у форми каменог елемента обрађеног поступком клесања за потребе зидања и облагања стамбених и других објеката, а потом и у форми резаних плоча за поплочавање екстеријера и ентеријера. С обзиром на значајан економски потенцијал кречњака као грађевинског камена, комплексно је проучено подручје тијовачког мајдана и на основу биостратиграфских, седиментолошких и петрофизичких испитивања извршена је синтеза свих добијених резултата. У мајдану „Тијовац“ су доминантно заступљене две фације кречњака: фација кречњака са стилолитима (Ф1) и фација кречњака са органогеним детритусом (Ф2). За потребе добијања архитектонског камена експлоатисане су само партије кречњака са стилолитима због повољних петрофизичких својстава.
PB  - Књажевац : Народна библиотека "Његош"
PB  - Београд : Српско географско друштво
C3  - Зборник радова Друге научне конференције "Књажевачки крај – потенцијали, стање и перспективе развоја 2", Књажевац
T1  - Кречњаци у градитељској традицији и архитектури општине Књажевац
SP  - 64
EP  - 84
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Царевић, Ивана",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Бројни споменици културе и објекти у општини Књажевац изграђени су у потпуности или делимично од доњокредних кречњака ургонске фације ствараних у плитком и топлом мору. У прошлом веку, ови кречњаци су широм књажевачке општине били препознати као веома квалитетан и декоративан локални грађевински камен који је био широко заступљен на тржишту. Првобитно се користио у форми каменог елемента обрађеног поступком клесања за потребе зидања и облагања стамбених и других објеката, а потом и у форми резаних плоча за поплочавање екстеријера и ентеријера. С обзиром на значајан економски потенцијал кречњака као грађевинског камена, комплексно је проучено подручје тијовачког мајдана и на основу биостратиграфских, седиментолошких и петрофизичких испитивања извршена је синтеза свих добијених резултата. У мајдану „Тијовац“ су доминантно заступљене две фације кречњака: фација кречњака са стилолитима (Ф1) и фација кречњака са органогеним детритусом (Ф2). За потребе добијања архитектонског камена експлоатисане су само партије кречњака са стилолитима због повољних петрофизичких својстава.",
publisher = "Књажевац : Народна библиотека "Његош", Београд : Српско географско друштво",
journal = "Зборник радова Друге научне конференције "Књажевачки крај – потенцијали, стање и перспективе развоја 2", Књажевац",
title = "Кречњаци у градитељској традицији и архитектури општине Књажевац",
pages = "64-84",
url = ""
Царевић, И.. (2024). Кречњаци у градитељској традицији и архитектури општине Књажевац. in Зборник радова Друге научне конференције "Књажевачки крај – потенцијали, стање и перспективе развоја 2", Књажевац
Књажевац : Народна библиотека "Његош"., 64-84.
Царевић И. Кречњаци у градитељској традицији и архитектури општине Књажевац. in Зборник радова Друге научне конференције "Књажевачки крај – потенцијали, стање и перспективе развоја 2", Књажевац. 2024;:64-84. .
Царевић, Ивана, "Кречњаци у градитељској традицији и архитектури општине Књажевац" in Зборник радова Друге научне конференције "Књажевачки крај – потенцијали, стање и перспективе развоја 2", Књажевац (2024):64-84, .

Agricultural Land Use Changes as a Driving Force of Soil Erosion in the Velika Morava River Basin, Serbia

Srejić, Tanja; Manojlović, Sanja; Sibinović, Mikica; Bajat, Branislav; Novković, Ivan; Milošević, Marko; Carević, Ivana; Todosijević, Mirjana; Sedlak, Marko

(Basel : MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Srejić, Tanja
AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Sibinović, Mikica
AU  - Bajat, Branislav
AU  - Novković, Ivan
AU  - Milošević, Marko
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Todosijević, Mirjana
AU  - Sedlak, Marko
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The erosion potential model was applied to estimate the soil erosion status of rural settlements during the years 1971 and 2011. We used univariate and bivariate local Moran’s I indices to
detect and visualize the spatial clustering of settlements with respect to changes in erosion intensity
and agricultural land use, as well as their mutual spatial correlation. The study area was differentiated
into four statistically significant clusters using the calculated bivariate local Moran’s I indices. The
statistical analysis examined the two largest clusters, i.e., the high–high and low–low clusters, and
the results of the research indicate that the first four principal components explained 70.50% and
73.47% of the total variance, respectively. In the high–high cluster, the low rates of erosion reduction
(average Index Z = 98) in the most significant types of rural settlements were determined according to
demographic indicators (i.e., the higher population vitality and population density, the smaller share
of the old population and the lower average age of the population) and the large proportion of arable
land and Neogene sediments. In the low–low cluster, high erosion reduction rates were detected
(average index Z = 64). In this cluster, the more statistically significant influence of natural conditions
in combination with demographic–agrarian processes (i.e., the larger share of the old population,
the higher average age of the population, the lower vitality index and deagrarization) were decisive
factors in changing erosion intensity
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Agriculture
T1  - Agricultural Land Use Changes as a Driving Force of Soil Erosion in the Velika Morava River Basin, Serbia
VL  - 13
IS  - 4
SP  - 778
DO  - 10.3390/agriculture13040778
ER  - 
author = "Srejić, Tanja and Manojlović, Sanja and Sibinović, Mikica and Bajat, Branislav and Novković, Ivan and Milošević, Marko and Carević, Ivana and Todosijević, Mirjana and Sedlak, Marko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The erosion potential model was applied to estimate the soil erosion status of rural settlements during the years 1971 and 2011. We used univariate and bivariate local Moran’s I indices to
detect and visualize the spatial clustering of settlements with respect to changes in erosion intensity
and agricultural land use, as well as their mutual spatial correlation. The study area was differentiated
into four statistically significant clusters using the calculated bivariate local Moran’s I indices. The
statistical analysis examined the two largest clusters, i.e., the high–high and low–low clusters, and
the results of the research indicate that the first four principal components explained 70.50% and
73.47% of the total variance, respectively. In the high–high cluster, the low rates of erosion reduction
(average Index Z = 98) in the most significant types of rural settlements were determined according to
demographic indicators (i.e., the higher population vitality and population density, the smaller share
of the old population and the lower average age of the population) and the large proportion of arable
land and Neogene sediments. In the low–low cluster, high erosion reduction rates were detected
(average index Z = 64). In this cluster, the more statistically significant influence of natural conditions
in combination with demographic–agrarian processes (i.e., the larger share of the old population,
the higher average age of the population, the lower vitality index and deagrarization) were decisive
factors in changing erosion intensity",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Agriculture",
title = "Agricultural Land Use Changes as a Driving Force of Soil Erosion in the Velika Morava River Basin, Serbia",
volume = "13",
number = "4",
pages = "778",
doi = "10.3390/agriculture13040778"
Srejić, T., Manojlović, S., Sibinović, M., Bajat, B., Novković, I., Milošević, M., Carević, I., Todosijević, M.,& Sedlak, M.. (2023). Agricultural Land Use Changes as a Driving Force of Soil Erosion in the Velika Morava River Basin, Serbia. in Agriculture
Basel : MDPI., 13(4), 778.
Srejić T, Manojlović S, Sibinović M, Bajat B, Novković I, Milošević M, Carević I, Todosijević M, Sedlak M. Agricultural Land Use Changes as a Driving Force of Soil Erosion in the Velika Morava River Basin, Serbia. in Agriculture. 2023;13(4):778.
doi:10.3390/agriculture13040778 .
Srejić, Tanja, Manojlović, Sanja, Sibinović, Mikica, Bajat, Branislav, Novković, Ivan, Milošević, Marko, Carević, Ivana, Todosijević, Mirjana, Sedlak, Marko, "Agricultural Land Use Changes as a Driving Force of Soil Erosion in the Velika Morava River Basin, Serbia" in Agriculture, 13, no. 4 (2023):778, . .

Facies and Origin of Tufa Deposits from the Gostilje River Basin and the Sopotnica River Basin (SW Serbia)

Batoćanin, Natalija; Wróblewski, Wojciech; Carević, Ivana; Durlević, Uroš; Gajić, Violeta; Valjarević, Aleksandar

(Basel : MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
AU  - Wróblewski, Wojciech
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Durlević, Uroš
AU  - Gajić, Violeta
AU  - Valjarević, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Tufa accumulations from the Gostilje River Basin and the Sopotnica River Basin in SW Serbia are represented by both active and fossil tufa precipitates. The aim of this study is to distinguish and describe different tufa facies and to determine the environmental conditions, based on stable isotope data. We also compare our analysis with other tufa deposits in Europe. Four facies are distinguished: moss tufa, algal tufa, stromatolitic laminated tufa, and phytoclastic tufa. The dominant constituent of all tufa samples is low Mg-calcite, whereas the presence of sylvite is noted in two samples from the Gostilje River Basin. The δ18O values range from −9.07‰ to −10.79‰ (mean value: −9.81‰), while the δ13C values range from −6.50‰ to −10.34‰ (mean values −9.01‰). The stable isotope values (δ13C and δ18O) indicate that these tufa deposits were precipitated from cold, ambient water supported by CO2 of an atmospheric origin. We emphasize that this is the first data about stable isotope analyses of tufa deposits from Serbia.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Applied Sciences
T1  - Facies and Origin of Tufa Deposits from the Gostilje River Basin and the Sopotnica River Basin (SW Serbia)
VL  - 13
IS  - 5
SP  - 3190
DO  - 10.3390/app13053190
ER  - 
author = "Batoćanin, Natalija and Wróblewski, Wojciech and Carević, Ivana and Durlević, Uroš and Gajić, Violeta and Valjarević, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Tufa accumulations from the Gostilje River Basin and the Sopotnica River Basin in SW Serbia are represented by both active and fossil tufa precipitates. The aim of this study is to distinguish and describe different tufa facies and to determine the environmental conditions, based on stable isotope data. We also compare our analysis with other tufa deposits in Europe. Four facies are distinguished: moss tufa, algal tufa, stromatolitic laminated tufa, and phytoclastic tufa. The dominant constituent of all tufa samples is low Mg-calcite, whereas the presence of sylvite is noted in two samples from the Gostilje River Basin. The δ18O values range from −9.07‰ to −10.79‰ (mean value: −9.81‰), while the δ13C values range from −6.50‰ to −10.34‰ (mean values −9.01‰). The stable isotope values (δ13C and δ18O) indicate that these tufa deposits were precipitated from cold, ambient water supported by CO2 of an atmospheric origin. We emphasize that this is the first data about stable isotope analyses of tufa deposits from Serbia.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Applied Sciences",
title = "Facies and Origin of Tufa Deposits from the Gostilje River Basin and the Sopotnica River Basin (SW Serbia)",
volume = "13",
number = "5",
pages = "3190",
doi = "10.3390/app13053190"
Batoćanin, N., Wróblewski, W., Carević, I., Durlević, U., Gajić, V.,& Valjarević, A.. (2023). Facies and Origin of Tufa Deposits from the Gostilje River Basin and the Sopotnica River Basin (SW Serbia). in Applied Sciences
Basel : MDPI., 13(5), 3190.
Batoćanin N, Wróblewski W, Carević I, Durlević U, Gajić V, Valjarević A. Facies and Origin of Tufa Deposits from the Gostilje River Basin and the Sopotnica River Basin (SW Serbia). in Applied Sciences. 2023;13(5):3190.
doi:10.3390/app13053190 .
Batoćanin, Natalija, Wróblewski, Wojciech, Carević, Ivana, Durlević, Uroš, Gajić, Violeta, Valjarević, Aleksandar, "Facies and Origin of Tufa Deposits from the Gostilje River Basin and the Sopotnica River Basin (SW Serbia)" in Applied Sciences, 13, no. 5 (2023):3190, . .

Pregled i zaštita važnijih bigrenih akumulacija na teritoriji Srbije

Batoćanin, Natalija; Carević, Ivana

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
AU  - Carević, Ivana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Bigrene akumulacije su veoma zastupljene u Srbiji, i to najviše u okviru Dinarskog karsta, kao i Karpato-balkanida. Kako se bigar uglavnom taloži na vodopadima, aktivne bigrene akumulacije često imaju izuzetnu estetsku vrednost i značajan turistički potencijal. Dobar deo aktivnih, ali i fosilnih bigrenih akumulacija ima status spomenika prirode i nalaze se pod određenim režimom zaštite. Čak je i prvi zaštićeni spomenik prirode u bivšoj Jugoslaviji slap Ripaljka, sa naslagama bigra, zaštićen davne 1949. godine. Ovi režimi zaštite podrazumevaju zabranu korišćenja prirodnih resursa. Nepoštovanje ovih zakona, odnosno eksploatacija bigra uočena je na nekoliko lokaliteta u Srbiji prilikom terenskih istraživanja. U ovom radu dat je pregled važnijih zaštićenih bigrenih akumulacija na teritoriji Srbije, uz poseban osvrt na one gde je uočeno pomenuto nepoštovanje zakona. Takođe, dati su i predlozi kako poboljšati svest stanovništva o važnosti zaštite prirodnih dobara i poštovanja zakonskih regulativa.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar
T1  - Pregled i zaštita važnijih bigrenih akumulacija na teritoriji Srbije
SP  - 343
EP  - 349
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Batoćanin, Natalija and Carević, Ivana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Bigrene akumulacije su veoma zastupljene u Srbiji, i to najviše u okviru Dinarskog karsta, kao i Karpato-balkanida. Kako se bigar uglavnom taloži na vodopadima, aktivne bigrene akumulacije često imaju izuzetnu estetsku vrednost i značajan turistički potencijal. Dobar deo aktivnih, ali i fosilnih bigrenih akumulacija ima status spomenika prirode i nalaze se pod određenim režimom zaštite. Čak je i prvi zaštićeni spomenik prirode u bivšoj Jugoslaviji slap Ripaljka, sa naslagama bigra, zaštićen davne 1949. godine. Ovi režimi zaštite podrazumevaju zabranu korišćenja prirodnih resursa. Nepoštovanje ovih zakona, odnosno eksploatacija bigra uočena je na nekoliko lokaliteta u Srbiji prilikom terenskih istraživanja. U ovom radu dat je pregled važnijih zaštićenih bigrenih akumulacija na teritoriji Srbije, uz poseban osvrt na one gde je uočeno pomenuto nepoštovanje zakona. Takođe, dati su i predlozi kako poboljšati svest stanovništva o važnosti zaštite prirodnih dobara i poštovanja zakonskih regulativa.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar",
title = "Pregled i zaštita važnijih bigrenih akumulacija na teritoriji Srbije",
pages = "343-349",
url = ""
Batoćanin, N.,& Carević, I.. (2023). Pregled i zaštita važnijih bigrenih akumulacija na teritoriji Srbije. in Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 343-349.
Batoćanin N, Carević I. Pregled i zaštita važnijih bigrenih akumulacija na teritoriji Srbije. in Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar. 2023;:343-349. .
Batoćanin, Natalija, Carević, Ivana, "Pregled i zaštita važnijih bigrenih akumulacija na teritoriji Srbije" in Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar (2023):343-349, .

Sanitary landfill site selection using GIS-based on a fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation technique: a case study of the City of Kraljevo, Serbia

Durlević, Uroš; Novković, Ivan; Carević, Ivana; Valjarević, Dragana; Marjanović, Aleksa; Batoćanin, Natalija; Krstić, Filip; Stojanović, Luka; Valjarević, Aleksandar

(Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature, 2022)

AU  - Durlević, Uroš
AU  - Novković, Ivan
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Valjarević, Dragana
AU  - Marjanović, Aleksa
AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
AU  - Krstić, Filip
AU  - Stojanović, Luka
AU  - Valjarević, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Adequate disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) is one of Serbia’s most complex environmental challenges. The problem is more serious in urban areas, since large amounts of waste are disposed of in locations that do not comply with environmental, technical, and socio-economic standards. Such is the case for the city of Kraljevo, where about 116,000 inhabitants do not have a sanitary landfill facility. This research includes a multi-criteria analysis, conducted with the help of geographic information systems, to find a suitable landfill site location. After data collection, the first step was to process 15 environmental and socio-economic factors utilizing the fuzzy analytic-hierarchy process method. The second step comprised the visual analysis and selection of the ten most suitable locations from the synthetic convenience map. The third step involved the final ranking of sites by means of the fuzzy multi-objective analysis by ratio, plus the full multiplicative form method, based on four additional beneficial and non-beneficial criteria. The results show that sanitary landfill candidate site A4 is the most suitable location for constructing a sanitary landfill site due to its large area (569 ha) and relatively short distance from the urban zone (8 km). This study is the first to integrate geographic information systems and the fuzzy analytic-hierarchy process, multi-objective analysis by ratio, and the full multiplicative form algorithm for sanitary landfill selection. The results of the research can be used as a reference for safe waste disposal in the city of Kraljevo.
PB  - Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature
T2  - Environmental Science and Pollution Research
T1  - Sanitary landfill site selection using GIS-based on a fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation technique: a case study of the City of Kraljevo, Serbia
VL  - 30
IS  - 13
SP  - 37961
EP  - 37980
DO  - 10.1007/s11356-022-24884-8
ER  - 
author = "Durlević, Uroš and Novković, Ivan and Carević, Ivana and Valjarević, Dragana and Marjanović, Aleksa and Batoćanin, Natalija and Krstić, Filip and Stojanović, Luka and Valjarević, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Adequate disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) is one of Serbia’s most complex environmental challenges. The problem is more serious in urban areas, since large amounts of waste are disposed of in locations that do not comply with environmental, technical, and socio-economic standards. Such is the case for the city of Kraljevo, where about 116,000 inhabitants do not have a sanitary landfill facility. This research includes a multi-criteria analysis, conducted with the help of geographic information systems, to find a suitable landfill site location. After data collection, the first step was to process 15 environmental and socio-economic factors utilizing the fuzzy analytic-hierarchy process method. The second step comprised the visual analysis and selection of the ten most suitable locations from the synthetic convenience map. The third step involved the final ranking of sites by means of the fuzzy multi-objective analysis by ratio, plus the full multiplicative form method, based on four additional beneficial and non-beneficial criteria. The results show that sanitary landfill candidate site A4 is the most suitable location for constructing a sanitary landfill site due to its large area (569 ha) and relatively short distance from the urban zone (8 km). This study is the first to integrate geographic information systems and the fuzzy analytic-hierarchy process, multi-objective analysis by ratio, and the full multiplicative form algorithm for sanitary landfill selection. The results of the research can be used as a reference for safe waste disposal in the city of Kraljevo.",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature",
journal = "Environmental Science and Pollution Research",
title = "Sanitary landfill site selection using GIS-based on a fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation technique: a case study of the City of Kraljevo, Serbia",
volume = "30",
number = "13",
pages = "37961-37980",
doi = "10.1007/s11356-022-24884-8"
Durlević, U., Novković, I., Carević, I., Valjarević, D., Marjanović, A., Batoćanin, N., Krstić, F., Stojanović, L.,& Valjarević, A.. (2022). Sanitary landfill site selection using GIS-based on a fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation technique: a case study of the City of Kraljevo, Serbia. in Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature., 30(13), 37961-37980.
Durlević U, Novković I, Carević I, Valjarević D, Marjanović A, Batoćanin N, Krstić F, Stojanović L, Valjarević A. Sanitary landfill site selection using GIS-based on a fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation technique: a case study of the City of Kraljevo, Serbia. in Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022;30(13):37961-37980.
doi:10.1007/s11356-022-24884-8 .
Durlević, Uroš, Novković, Ivan, Carević, Ivana, Valjarević, Dragana, Marjanović, Aleksa, Batoćanin, Natalija, Krstić, Filip, Stojanović, Luka, Valjarević, Aleksandar, "Sanitary landfill site selection using GIS-based on a fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation technique: a case study of the City of Kraljevo, Serbia" in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, no. 13 (2022):37961-37980, . .

Спелеолошки објекти геодиверзитета парка природе Голија

Петровић, Александар; Трнавац Богдановић, Душица; Царевић, Ивана; Батоћанин, Наталија

(Београд : САНУ - Одбор за крас и спелеологију, 2022)

AU  - Петровић, Александар
AU  - Трнавац Богдановић, Душица
AU  - Царевић, Ивана
AU  - Батоћанин, Наталија
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Mount Golija was originally protected as a nature park in 2001, and in the same year its larger part was declared a Biosphere Reserve under the protection of UNESCO. Golija is protected due to its significant biodiversity values. However, there are a large number of protected geosites on the territory of the Nature Park. In recent years, detailed research has been carried out in order to register all geoheritage objects. Special attention was paid to the few but interesting speleological objects of geoheritage. So far, five objects have been investigated, mapped and recorded. They are smaller in size, but of very interesting genesis and geological structure.
PB  - Београд : САНУ - Одбор за крас и спелеологију
C3  - Књига апстраката Мултидисциплинарне конференције “Карст 2022: Значај, стање и перспективе коришћења и заштите ресурса у карсту”, Београд
T1  - Спелеолошки објекти геодиверзитета парка природе Голија
T1  - Speleological geodiversity of Golija nature park
SP  - 87
EP  - 91
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Петровић, Александар and Трнавац Богдановић, Душица and Царевић, Ивана and Батоћанин, Наталија",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Mount Golija was originally protected as a nature park in 2001, and in the same year its larger part was declared a Biosphere Reserve under the protection of UNESCO. Golija is protected due to its significant biodiversity values. However, there are a large number of protected geosites on the territory of the Nature Park. In recent years, detailed research has been carried out in order to register all geoheritage objects. Special attention was paid to the few but interesting speleological objects of geoheritage. So far, five objects have been investigated, mapped and recorded. They are smaller in size, but of very interesting genesis and geological structure.",
publisher = "Београд : САНУ - Одбор за крас и спелеологију",
journal = "Књига апстраката Мултидисциплинарне конференције “Карст 2022: Значај, стање и перспективе коришћења и заштите ресурса у карсту”, Београд",
title = "Спелеолошки објекти геодиверзитета парка природе Голија, Speleological geodiversity of Golija nature park",
pages = "87-91",
url = ""
Петровић, А., Трнавац Богдановић, Д., Царевић, И.,& Батоћанин, Н.. (2022). Спелеолошки објекти геодиверзитета парка природе Голија. in Књига апстраката Мултидисциплинарне конференције “Карст 2022: Значај, стање и перспективе коришћења и заштите ресурса у карсту”, Београд
Београд : САНУ - Одбор за крас и спелеологију., 87-91.
Петровић А, Трнавац Богдановић Д, Царевић И, Батоћанин Н. Спелеолошки објекти геодиверзитета парка природе Голија. in Књига апстраката Мултидисциплинарне конференције “Карст 2022: Значај, стање и перспективе коришћења и заштите ресурса у карсту”, Београд. 2022;:87-91. .
Петровић, Александар, Трнавац Богдановић, Душица, Царевић, Ивана, Батоћанин, Наталија, "Спелеолошки објекти геодиверзитета парка природе Голија" in Књига апстраката Мултидисциплинарне конференције “Карст 2022: Значај, стање и перспективе коришћења и заштите ресурса у карсту”, Београд (2022):87-91, .

Ruralna deagrarizacija kao faktor promene intenziteta erozije zemljišta

Manojlović, Sanja; Srejić, Tanja; Sibinović, Mikica; Carević, Ivana; Batoćanin, Natalija

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Srejić, Tanja
AU  - Sibinović, Mikica
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Intenzitet erozije zemljišta rezultat je kombinovanog delovanja različitih prirodnih i antropogenih faktora. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da utvrdi agrarne indikatore kao determinante promene intenziteta erozije zemljišta u slivovima Crnice i Rasničke reke. Model potencijala erozije primenjen je za procenu stanja erozije zemljišta za dva perioda 1971. godine i 2010. godine. Koeficijent erozije u slivu Crnice iznosio je Z1=0,390 i Z2=0,360, a specifična produkcija nanosa Ws1=529 m3/km2/god i Ws2=463 m3/km2/god. Koeficijent erozije u slivu Rasničke reke iznosio je Z1=0,437 i Z2=0,374, a specifična produkcija nanosa Ws1=861 m3/km2/god i Ws2=622 m3/km2/god. Ekstremno smanjenje agrarnog pritiska na zemljište, veliki udeo naselja regresivnog tipa od 80 %, kao i intenzivan proces depopulacije rezultiralo je većoj redukciji erozije zemljišta u slivu Rasničke reke. Rezulati ove studije mogu omogućiti donosiocima odluka nove pristupe za adekvatno upravljanje zemljišnim resursima u ruralnim sredinama.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište
T1  - Ruralna deagrarizacija kao faktor promene intenziteta erozije zemljišta
SP  - 263
EP  - 270
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Manojlović, Sanja and Srejić, Tanja and Sibinović, Mikica and Carević, Ivana and Batoćanin, Natalija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Intenzitet erozije zemljišta rezultat je kombinovanog delovanja različitih prirodnih i antropogenih faktora. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da utvrdi agrarne indikatore kao determinante promene intenziteta erozije zemljišta u slivovima Crnice i Rasničke reke. Model potencijala erozije primenjen je za procenu stanja erozije zemljišta za dva perioda 1971. godine i 2010. godine. Koeficijent erozije u slivu Crnice iznosio je Z1=0,390 i Z2=0,360, a specifična produkcija nanosa Ws1=529 m3/km2/god i Ws2=463 m3/km2/god. Koeficijent erozije u slivu Rasničke reke iznosio je Z1=0,437 i Z2=0,374, a specifična produkcija nanosa Ws1=861 m3/km2/god i Ws2=622 m3/km2/god. Ekstremno smanjenje agrarnog pritiska na zemljište, veliki udeo naselja regresivnog tipa od 80 %, kao i intenzivan proces depopulacije rezultiralo je većoj redukciji erozije zemljišta u slivu Rasničke reke. Rezulati ove studije mogu omogućiti donosiocima odluka nove pristupe za adekvatno upravljanje zemljišnim resursima u ruralnim sredinama.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište",
title = "Ruralna deagrarizacija kao faktor promene intenziteta erozije zemljišta",
pages = "263-270",
url = ""
Manojlović, S., Srejić, T., Sibinović, M., Carević, I.,& Batoćanin, N.. (2022). Ruralna deagrarizacija kao faktor promene intenziteta erozije zemljišta. in Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 263-270.
Manojlović S, Srejić T, Sibinović M, Carević I, Batoćanin N. Ruralna deagrarizacija kao faktor promene intenziteta erozije zemljišta. in Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište. 2022;:263-270. .
Manojlović, Sanja, Srejić, Tanja, Sibinović, Mikica, Carević, Ivana, Batoćanin, Natalija, "Ruralna deagrarizacija kao faktor promene intenziteta erozije zemljišta" in Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište (2022):263-270, .

Factors Controlling the Change of Soil Erosion Intensity in Mountain Watersheds in Serbia

Manojlović, Sanja; Sibinović, Mikica; Srejić, Tanja; Novković, Ivan; Milošević, Marko; Gatarić, Dragica; Carević, Ivana; Batoćanin, Natalija

(Frontiers Media SA, 2022)

AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Sibinović, Mikica
AU  - Srejić, Tanja
AU  - Novković, Ivan
AU  - Milošević, Marko
AU  - Gatarić, Dragica
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The intensity of soil erosion is the result of a combined action of natural factors and different
human activities. This work aims to determine the factors controlling the change of soil
erosion. Eleven watersheds from different parts of Serbia were used as the study area. An
Erosion Potential Model was applied to estimate the soil erosion status of the watersheds
in two periods, 1971 and 2010. The model indicated that the reduction of soil erosion
intensity in the watersheds ranges from 12.4% to 82.7%. The statistical analysis examines
quantitative relationships and combined effects between soil erosion and socio-economic
and main physical-geographical determinants in watersheds. Watershed characteristics
were divided into 5 classes, and within each class 22 variables were calculated: two
variables relate to erosion, one to topography, two to land cover, seven to demographic
and ten to agrarian variables. Correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
have been applied to understand the main variables that contribute to change soil erosion
intensity. The PCA identified four components that can explain at least up to 79.06% of the
variation of all variables. This study explores new indicators for correlations with changing
soil erosion and provides decision makers with access to quantification for environmental
impact assessment and decision-making for adequate soil conservation and management
PB  - Frontiers Media SA
T2  - Frontiers in Environmental Science
T1  - Factors Controlling the Change of Soil Erosion Intensity in Mountain Watersheds in Serbia
VL  - 10
SP  - 888901
DO  - 10.3389/fenvs.2022.888901
ER  - 
author = "Manojlović, Sanja and Sibinović, Mikica and Srejić, Tanja and Novković, Ivan and Milošević, Marko and Gatarić, Dragica and Carević, Ivana and Batoćanin, Natalija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The intensity of soil erosion is the result of a combined action of natural factors and different
human activities. This work aims to determine the factors controlling the change of soil
erosion. Eleven watersheds from different parts of Serbia were used as the study area. An
Erosion Potential Model was applied to estimate the soil erosion status of the watersheds
in two periods, 1971 and 2010. The model indicated that the reduction of soil erosion
intensity in the watersheds ranges from 12.4% to 82.7%. The statistical analysis examines
quantitative relationships and combined effects between soil erosion and socio-economic
and main physical-geographical determinants in watersheds. Watershed characteristics
were divided into 5 classes, and within each class 22 variables were calculated: two
variables relate to erosion, one to topography, two to land cover, seven to demographic
and ten to agrarian variables. Correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
have been applied to understand the main variables that contribute to change soil erosion
intensity. The PCA identified four components that can explain at least up to 79.06% of the
variation of all variables. This study explores new indicators for correlations with changing
soil erosion and provides decision makers with access to quantification for environmental
impact assessment and decision-making for adequate soil conservation and management
publisher = "Frontiers Media SA",
journal = "Frontiers in Environmental Science",
title = "Factors Controlling the Change of Soil Erosion Intensity in Mountain Watersheds in Serbia",
volume = "10",
pages = "888901",
doi = "10.3389/fenvs.2022.888901"
Manojlović, S., Sibinović, M., Srejić, T., Novković, I., Milošević, M., Gatarić, D., Carević, I.,& Batoćanin, N.. (2022). Factors Controlling the Change of Soil Erosion Intensity in Mountain Watersheds in Serbia. in Frontiers in Environmental Science
Frontiers Media SA., 10, 888901.
Manojlović S, Sibinović M, Srejić T, Novković I, Milošević M, Gatarić D, Carević I, Batoćanin N. Factors Controlling the Change of Soil Erosion Intensity in Mountain Watersheds in Serbia. in Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022;10:888901.
doi:10.3389/fenvs.2022.888901 .
Manojlović, Sanja, Sibinović, Mikica, Srejić, Tanja, Novković, Ivan, Milošević, Marko, Gatarić, Dragica, Carević, Ivana, Batoćanin, Natalija, "Factors Controlling the Change of Soil Erosion Intensity in Mountain Watersheds in Serbia" in Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10 (2022):888901, . .

O kontinentalnim karbonatima: bigar vs. travertin

Batoćanin, Natalija; Carević, Ivana; Manojlović, Sanja

(Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo, 2022)

AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Kontinentalni karbonati, koji se talože iz slatkih voda bogatih kalcijum bikarbonatom obuhvataju sledeće sedimentne stene: bigar, travertin i pećinski nakit. Fokus ovog rada je na razlikama između prva dva, kako je u domaćoj literaturi razlika uglavnom bazirana na teksturnim karakteristikama i temperaturi vode iz koje se kalcijum karbonat taloži. Bigar je jako porozna, šupljikava stena, dok je travertin kompaktniji i veoma često laminiran. Takođe, opšte je poznato da se bigar taloži iz hladne, uglavnom rečne vode, a travertin iz tople. Temperatura vode ima direktan uticaj na diverzitet flore i faune, pa će ona uz bigar biti bujna, dok je kod toplih voda organski svet ograničen na određene vrste bakterija. Cirkulacija toplih voda iz kojih se taloži travertin omogućena je preko pukotina ili raseda, pa su pojave travertina kontrolisane lokalnom tektonikom, dok su pojave bigra vezane za klimatske uslove. Osim ovih, parametri koji definišu sedimentnu stenu kao bigar ili travertin su brzina taloženja i odnosi stabilnih izotopa kiseonika i ugljenika. Bigar karakteriše srednja brzina taloženja (nekoliko milimetara godišnje), dok travertin karakteriše velika brzina taloženja (preko nekoliko decimetara godišnje). Stabilni izotopi ugljenika definišu kontinentalne karbonate na taj način što će δ13C vrednosti biti nnegativne za bigar, a pozitivne za travertin. Razlog tome leži u činjenici da je bigar obogaćem lakšim izotopom ugljenika, a travertin težim. Kako odnosi stabilnih izotopa kiseonika direktno zavise od temperature vode, njihov značaj je nedvosmislen. Teksturne karakteristike jesu posledica svih ovih parametara, ali nije redak slučaj da porozna stena prema istim odgovara travertinu, a kompaktna laminirana stena bigru. Takvih primera ima i na području Srbije (bigar reke Sopotnice, kompaktna laminirana stena, ali izotopski odnosi odgovaraju bigru). Kada su u pitanju recentni sedimenti ovaj disbalans ne predstavlja problem, ali kod fosilnih akumulacija trebalo bi izbeći nazive “bigar” i “travertin”, pogotovu ako su isti dati samo na osnovu teksturnih karakteristika.
AB  - Terrestrial carbonates, which are excreted from fresh calcium bicarbonate-rich waters, include the following sedimentary rocks: calcareous tufa, travertine, and speleothems. Focus of this paper is the differences between calcareous tufa and travertine. In domestic literature, difference between tufa and travertine is usually based on structure and water temperature. Tufa is very porous rock, while travertine is more compact and laminated. Furthermore, it is known that tufa precipitates from cold streams, whereas travertine precipitates from warm waters. Temperature of water has strong influence on diversity of living organisms. Tufa deposits are followed with luxuriant vegetation and diversity of fauna, whereas in hot waters the assemblage of living beings is limited to some bacterial species. Circulation of hot, “travertine bearing” fluids is enabled throughout fissures and faults, thus, travertine deposits are controlled by local tectonics and tufa deposits are driven by climatic conditions. Next to these parameters which define sedimentary rock as tufa or travertine are the deposition rate and ratio of stable oxygen and carbon isotopes. Tufa is characterized by medium deposition rate (up to few millimeters per year), while travertine is characterized by high deposition rate (up to few decimeters per year). Values of δ13C will be negative for tufa and positive for travertine. The reason is that tufa is enriched in light 12C isotope and travertine is enriched in heavy, 13C isotope. Due to fact that the ratio of stable oxygen isotope is directly influenced by water temperature, their importance is unambiguous. Structure is a consequence of those parameters, but it is not uncommon that porous rock considers travertine and that compact laminated rock considers tufa. Those cases are well-known, also on the territory of Serbia (tufa of the Sopotnica River, compact laminated rock, despite it, isotope imprint points to travertine). In recently forming sediments, such discrepancy is not a problem, but in the case of fossil accumulations, we should avoid assigning rock as “tufa” or “travertine”, especially if names are based only on their structural characteristics.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu – Rudarsko-geološki fakultet
C3  - Zbornik apstrakata 18. Kongresa geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare
T1  - O kontinentalnim karbonatima: bigar vs. travertin
T1  - About terrestrial carbonates: calcareous tufa vs. travertine
SP  - 46
EP  - 47
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Batoćanin, Natalija and Carević, Ivana and Manojlović, Sanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Kontinentalni karbonati, koji se talože iz slatkih voda bogatih kalcijum bikarbonatom obuhvataju sledeće sedimentne stene: bigar, travertin i pećinski nakit. Fokus ovog rada je na razlikama između prva dva, kako je u domaćoj literaturi razlika uglavnom bazirana na teksturnim karakteristikama i temperaturi vode iz koje se kalcijum karbonat taloži. Bigar je jako porozna, šupljikava stena, dok je travertin kompaktniji i veoma često laminiran. Takođe, opšte je poznato da se bigar taloži iz hladne, uglavnom rečne vode, a travertin iz tople. Temperatura vode ima direktan uticaj na diverzitet flore i faune, pa će ona uz bigar biti bujna, dok je kod toplih voda organski svet ograničen na određene vrste bakterija. Cirkulacija toplih voda iz kojih se taloži travertin omogućena je preko pukotina ili raseda, pa su pojave travertina kontrolisane lokalnom tektonikom, dok su pojave bigra vezane za klimatske uslove. Osim ovih, parametri koji definišu sedimentnu stenu kao bigar ili travertin su brzina taloženja i odnosi stabilnih izotopa kiseonika i ugljenika. Bigar karakteriše srednja brzina taloženja (nekoliko milimetara godišnje), dok travertin karakteriše velika brzina taloženja (preko nekoliko decimetara godišnje). Stabilni izotopi ugljenika definišu kontinentalne karbonate na taj način što će δ13C vrednosti biti nnegativne za bigar, a pozitivne za travertin. Razlog tome leži u činjenici da je bigar obogaćem lakšim izotopom ugljenika, a travertin težim. Kako odnosi stabilnih izotopa kiseonika direktno zavise od temperature vode, njihov značaj je nedvosmislen. Teksturne karakteristike jesu posledica svih ovih parametara, ali nije redak slučaj da porozna stena prema istim odgovara travertinu, a kompaktna laminirana stena bigru. Takvih primera ima i na području Srbije (bigar reke Sopotnice, kompaktna laminirana stena, ali izotopski odnosi odgovaraju bigru). Kada su u pitanju recentni sedimenti ovaj disbalans ne predstavlja problem, ali kod fosilnih akumulacija trebalo bi izbeći nazive “bigar” i “travertin”, pogotovu ako su isti dati samo na osnovu teksturnih karakteristika., Terrestrial carbonates, which are excreted from fresh calcium bicarbonate-rich waters, include the following sedimentary rocks: calcareous tufa, travertine, and speleothems. Focus of this paper is the differences between calcareous tufa and travertine. In domestic literature, difference between tufa and travertine is usually based on structure and water temperature. Tufa is very porous rock, while travertine is more compact and laminated. Furthermore, it is known that tufa precipitates from cold streams, whereas travertine precipitates from warm waters. Temperature of water has strong influence on diversity of living organisms. Tufa deposits are followed with luxuriant vegetation and diversity of fauna, whereas in hot waters the assemblage of living beings is limited to some bacterial species. Circulation of hot, “travertine bearing” fluids is enabled throughout fissures and faults, thus, travertine deposits are controlled by local tectonics and tufa deposits are driven by climatic conditions. Next to these parameters which define sedimentary rock as tufa or travertine are the deposition rate and ratio of stable oxygen and carbon isotopes. Tufa is characterized by medium deposition rate (up to few millimeters per year), while travertine is characterized by high deposition rate (up to few decimeters per year). Values of δ13C will be negative for tufa and positive for travertine. The reason is that tufa is enriched in light 12C isotope and travertine is enriched in heavy, 13C isotope. Due to fact that the ratio of stable oxygen isotope is directly influenced by water temperature, their importance is unambiguous. Structure is a consequence of those parameters, but it is not uncommon that porous rock considers travertine and that compact laminated rock considers tufa. Those cases are well-known, also on the territory of Serbia (tufa of the Sopotnica River, compact laminated rock, despite it, isotope imprint points to travertine). In recently forming sediments, such discrepancy is not a problem, but in the case of fossil accumulations, we should avoid assigning rock as “tufa” or “travertine”, especially if names are based only on their structural characteristics.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu – Rudarsko-geološki fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik apstrakata 18. Kongresa geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare",
title = "O kontinentalnim karbonatima: bigar vs. travertin, About terrestrial carbonates: calcareous tufa vs. travertine",
pages = "46-47",
url = ""
Batoćanin, N., Carević, I.,& Manojlović, S.. (2022). O kontinentalnim karbonatima: bigar vs. travertin. in Zbornik apstrakata 18. Kongresa geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare
Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo., 46-47.
Batoćanin N, Carević I, Manojlović S. O kontinentalnim karbonatima: bigar vs. travertin. in Zbornik apstrakata 18. Kongresa geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare. 2022;:46-47. .
Batoćanin, Natalija, Carević, Ivana, Manojlović, Sanja, "O kontinentalnim karbonatima: bigar vs. travertin" in Zbornik apstrakata 18. Kongresa geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare (2022):46-47, .

Prilog proučavanju dinamike transporta suspendovanog nanosa kao posledica promena u životnoj sredini

Manojlović, Sanja; Srejić, Tanja; Sibinović, Mikica; Carević, Ivana; Batoćanin, Natalija

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Srejić, Tanja
AU  - Sibinović, Mikica
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Prostorno-vremenska dinamika suspendovnog nanosa u rekama širom sveta u fokusu je istraživanja naučnika od sredine 20. veka. Posebna pažnja vidno izražena u protekla dve decenije 21. veka usmerena je na procenu uticaja klimatskih promena i antropogenog faktora na režim nanosa. Razumevanje režima suspendovanog nanosa je ključni preduslov adekvatnog upravljanja vodnim resursima. Pored istraživanja na globalnom novou, pojedine zemlje razvile su adekvatne nacionalne programe upravljanja rečnim geosistemima u kojima su inkorporirale monitoring suspendovanog nanosa kao jedan od primarnih faktora praćenja promena u životnoj sredini. Značaj proučavanja sedimenata u rekama je višestruk. Promene u režimu nanosa imaju direktne reprekusije na stanje i kvalitet vodnih ekosistema, posledice pojave poplavnih talasa, sa posebnim uticajem na povećanje troškova prečišćavanja voda, postojeća energetska postrojenja i vodne akumulacije. U ovom radu dat je novi pristup vremenskoj determinaciji transporta suspendovanog nanosa, kao i uticaj antropogenog faktora sa aspekta promene načina korišćenja zemljišta na režim nanosa za dugoročne vremenske serije.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac
T1  - Prilog proučavanju dinamike transporta suspendovanog nanosa kao posledica promena u životnoj sredini
SP  - 387
EP  - 393
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Manojlović, Sanja and Srejić, Tanja and Sibinović, Mikica and Carević, Ivana and Batoćanin, Natalija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Prostorno-vremenska dinamika suspendovnog nanosa u rekama širom sveta u fokusu je istraživanja naučnika od sredine 20. veka. Posebna pažnja vidno izražena u protekla dve decenije 21. veka usmerena je na procenu uticaja klimatskih promena i antropogenog faktora na režim nanosa. Razumevanje režima suspendovanog nanosa je ključni preduslov adekvatnog upravljanja vodnim resursima. Pored istraživanja na globalnom novou, pojedine zemlje razvile su adekvatne nacionalne programe upravljanja rečnim geosistemima u kojima su inkorporirale monitoring suspendovanog nanosa kao jedan od primarnih faktora praćenja promena u životnoj sredini. Značaj proučavanja sedimenata u rekama je višestruk. Promene u režimu nanosa imaju direktne reprekusije na stanje i kvalitet vodnih ekosistema, posledice pojave poplavnih talasa, sa posebnim uticajem na povećanje troškova prečišćavanja voda, postojeća energetska postrojenja i vodne akumulacije. U ovom radu dat je novi pristup vremenskoj determinaciji transporta suspendovanog nanosa, kao i uticaj antropogenog faktora sa aspekta promene načina korišćenja zemljišta na režim nanosa za dugoročne vremenske serije.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac",
title = "Prilog proučavanju dinamike transporta suspendovanog nanosa kao posledica promena u životnoj sredini",
pages = "387-393",
url = ""
Manojlović, S., Srejić, T., Sibinović, M., Carević, I.,& Batoćanin, N.. (2021). Prilog proučavanju dinamike transporta suspendovanog nanosa kao posledica promena u životnoj sredini. in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 387-393.
Manojlović S, Srejić T, Sibinović M, Carević I, Batoćanin N. Prilog proučavanju dinamike transporta suspendovanog nanosa kao posledica promena u životnoj sredini. in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac. 2021;:387-393. .
Manojlović, Sanja, Srejić, Tanja, Sibinović, Mikica, Carević, Ivana, Batoćanin, Natalija, "Prilog proučavanju dinamike transporta suspendovanog nanosa kao posledica promena u životnoj sredini" in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac (2021):387-393, .

Značaj geoloških resursa i uticaj njihove eksploatacije na životnu sredinu

Carević, Ivana; Batoćanin, Natalija; Manojlović, Sanja; Sibinović, Mikica; Srejić, Tanja

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Sibinović, Mikica
AU  - Srejić, Tanja
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Eksploatacija geoloških resursa je oduvek imala značajnu ulogu u razvoju društva.
Širom sveta, pa i na teritoriji Srbije, rudarstvo ima dugu tradiciju i predstavlja važnu privrednu delatnost. Savremenom društvu su neophodni resursi mineralnih sirovina, a samim tim i
rudarska industrija, jer proizvodi dobijeni ovom delatnošću poboljšavaju kvalitet života i omogućavaju društveni rast. Podizanjem ekološke svesti i usvajanjem novih zakonskih regulativa,
gotovo sve rudarske kompanije usvajaju rigoroznu politiku i procedure zbog potrebe održivosti.
U razvijenim zemljama rudarska aktivnost je sada usko regulisana, a uticaji na životnu sredinu
se sve više kontrolišu. Obavezan deo plana zatvaranja rudnika predstavlja svakako rekultivacija
zemljišta, odnosno vraćanje zemljišta na kom se odvijala eksploatacija mineralnih sirovina u
prirodno ili ekonomski upotrebljivo stanje sa ciljem ublažavanja posledica rudarske aktivnosti
na životnu sredinu. Sastavni je deo zakonskih regulativa i procene uticaja na životnu sredinu u
mnogim zemljama.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac
T1  - Značaj geoloških resursa i uticaj njihove eksploatacije na životnu sredinu
SP  - 219
EP  - 224
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Ivana and Batoćanin, Natalija and Manojlović, Sanja and Sibinović, Mikica and Srejić, Tanja",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Eksploatacija geoloških resursa je oduvek imala značajnu ulogu u razvoju društva.
Širom sveta, pa i na teritoriji Srbije, rudarstvo ima dugu tradiciju i predstavlja važnu privrednu delatnost. Savremenom društvu su neophodni resursi mineralnih sirovina, a samim tim i
rudarska industrija, jer proizvodi dobijeni ovom delatnošću poboljšavaju kvalitet života i omogućavaju društveni rast. Podizanjem ekološke svesti i usvajanjem novih zakonskih regulativa,
gotovo sve rudarske kompanije usvajaju rigoroznu politiku i procedure zbog potrebe održivosti.
U razvijenim zemljama rudarska aktivnost je sada usko regulisana, a uticaji na životnu sredinu
se sve više kontrolišu. Obavezan deo plana zatvaranja rudnika predstavlja svakako rekultivacija
zemljišta, odnosno vraćanje zemljišta na kom se odvijala eksploatacija mineralnih sirovina u
prirodno ili ekonomski upotrebljivo stanje sa ciljem ublažavanja posledica rudarske aktivnosti
na životnu sredinu. Sastavni je deo zakonskih regulativa i procene uticaja na životnu sredinu u
mnogim zemljama.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac",
title = "Značaj geoloških resursa i uticaj njihove eksploatacije na životnu sredinu",
pages = "219-224",
url = ""
Carević, I., Batoćanin, N., Manojlović, S., Sibinović, M.,& Srejić, T.. (2021). Značaj geoloških resursa i uticaj njihove eksploatacije na životnu sredinu. in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 219-224.
Carević I, Batoćanin N, Manojlović S, Sibinović M, Srejić T. Značaj geoloških resursa i uticaj njihove eksploatacije na životnu sredinu. in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac. 2021;:219-224. .
Carević, Ivana, Batoćanin, Natalija, Manojlović, Sanja, Sibinović, Mikica, Srejić, Tanja, "Značaj geoloških resursa i uticaj njihove eksploatacije na životnu sredinu" in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac (2021):219-224, .

Geological Approach for Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Vršac Municipality, Serbia

Carević, Ivana; Sibinović, Mikica; Manojlović, Sanja; Batoćanin, Natalija; Petrović, Aleksandar S.; Srejić, Tanja

(Basel : MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Sibinović, Mikica
AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
AU  - Petrović, Aleksandar S.
AU  - Srejić, Tanja
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - One of the biggest problems of environmental protection in Serbia is landfills. It is often a case that the economic interests are predominant in the landfill sitting; thus, most landfills are not located according to standards. This study shows that detailed geological data assets combined with geographical modeling represents a reliable way to define and locate the landfill site. Geological evaluation is discussed in detail with regard to bedrock lithology, quaternary geology, geological structure, hydrogeology, surface runoff patterns, and topography. An approach combining geographical modeling and geology is presented for determining the sites suitable for landfill selection with respect to their geologic favorability. As opposed to numerous research papers on this topic, in the methodological procedure, special importance is devoted to the analysis of the geological criteria. In this way, it is significantly easier to determine the landfill area with the best characteristics due to geological structure and lithology which unequivocally and precisely indicates inadequate territories for candidate sites. The multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) is based on geological criteria upgraded with road (primary, residential, secondary, and tertiary), settlements network, railway, airport, infrastructure, land use, hypsometry aquifer, wetland, and surface water. The score values are divided into four classes, i.e., restricted areas, suitable but avoid, suitable, and most suitable. Combining geographical modeling with geology led to the recognition of two locations to be most favorable for landfill site located in the most suitable area, which represents 25.3% of the study area.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Geological Approach for Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Vršac Municipality, Serbia
VL  - 13
IS  - 14
SP  - 7810
DO  - 10.3390/su13147810
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Ivana and Sibinović, Mikica and Manojlović, Sanja and Batoćanin, Natalija and Petrović, Aleksandar S. and Srejić, Tanja",
year = "2021",
abstract = "One of the biggest problems of environmental protection in Serbia is landfills. It is often a case that the economic interests are predominant in the landfill sitting; thus, most landfills are not located according to standards. This study shows that detailed geological data assets combined with geographical modeling represents a reliable way to define and locate the landfill site. Geological evaluation is discussed in detail with regard to bedrock lithology, quaternary geology, geological structure, hydrogeology, surface runoff patterns, and topography. An approach combining geographical modeling and geology is presented for determining the sites suitable for landfill selection with respect to their geologic favorability. As opposed to numerous research papers on this topic, in the methodological procedure, special importance is devoted to the analysis of the geological criteria. In this way, it is significantly easier to determine the landfill area with the best characteristics due to geological structure and lithology which unequivocally and precisely indicates inadequate territories for candidate sites. The multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) is based on geological criteria upgraded with road (primary, residential, secondary, and tertiary), settlements network, railway, airport, infrastructure, land use, hypsometry aquifer, wetland, and surface water. The score values are divided into four classes, i.e., restricted areas, suitable but avoid, suitable, and most suitable. Combining geographical modeling with geology led to the recognition of two locations to be most favorable for landfill site located in the most suitable area, which represents 25.3% of the study area.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Geological Approach for Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Vršac Municipality, Serbia",
volume = "13",
number = "14",
pages = "7810",
doi = "10.3390/su13147810",
url = ""
Carević, I., Sibinović, M., Manojlović, S., Batoćanin, N., Petrović, A. S.,& Srejić, T.. (2021). Geological Approach for Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Vršac Municipality, Serbia. in Sustainability
Basel : MDPI., 13(14), 7810.
Carević I, Sibinović M, Manojlović S, Batoćanin N, Petrović AS, Srejić T. Geological Approach for Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Vršac Municipality, Serbia. in Sustainability. 2021;13(14):7810.
doi:10.3390/su13147810 .
Carević, Ivana, Sibinović, Mikica, Manojlović, Sanja, Batoćanin, Natalija, Petrović, Aleksandar S., Srejić, Tanja, "Geological Approach for Landfill Site Selection: A Case Study of Vršac Municipality, Serbia" in Sustainability, 13, no. 14 (2021):7810, ., .

Assessment of karst geomorphosites on Kucaj and Beljanica mountains as a resource for the development of karst-based geopark

Petrović, Aleksandar S.; Nikolić, Dragana; Trnavac-Bogdanović, Dušica; Carević, Ivana

(Karst Research Inst Zrc Sazu, Postojna, 2020)

AU  - Petrović, Aleksandar S.
AU  - Nikolić, Dragana
AU  - Trnavac-Bogdanović, Dušica
AU  - Carević, Ivana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Protection and promotion of geoheritage has been changing and improving in recent decades, in line with the growing research in this field. Some research papers specifically study geomorphological geoheritage and introduce a special term - geomorphosite. Karst geomorphosites present specific objects of geomorphological heritage. On Kucaj and Beljanica mountains there is the largest karst area in Serbia. The purpose of this paper is to select and evaluate the scientific value of karst geomorphosites of Kucaj and Beljanica. More than one hundred karst geomorphosites were analyzed. In order to achieve more adequate coverage and representation, they were grouped into 25 geomorphotypes in three major geomorphological components of the investigated area. The results of this analysis highlighted the most important natural potentials of this area for establishing a karst-based geopark. More than 20 geomorphotypes have a positive recommendation index, which provides a good basis for further geotourism analysis.
PB  - Karst Research Inst Zrc Sazu, Postojna
T2  - Acta Carsologica
T1  - Assessment of karst geomorphosites on Kucaj and Beljanica mountains as a resource for the development of karst-based geopark
VL  - 49
IS  - 2-3
SP  - 179
EP  - 190
DO  - 10.3986/ac.v49i2-3.8748
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Aleksandar S. and Nikolić, Dragana and Trnavac-Bogdanović, Dušica and Carević, Ivana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Protection and promotion of geoheritage has been changing and improving in recent decades, in line with the growing research in this field. Some research papers specifically study geomorphological geoheritage and introduce a special term - geomorphosite. Karst geomorphosites present specific objects of geomorphological heritage. On Kucaj and Beljanica mountains there is the largest karst area in Serbia. The purpose of this paper is to select and evaluate the scientific value of karst geomorphosites of Kucaj and Beljanica. More than one hundred karst geomorphosites were analyzed. In order to achieve more adequate coverage and representation, they were grouped into 25 geomorphotypes in three major geomorphological components of the investigated area. The results of this analysis highlighted the most important natural potentials of this area for establishing a karst-based geopark. More than 20 geomorphotypes have a positive recommendation index, which provides a good basis for further geotourism analysis.",
publisher = "Karst Research Inst Zrc Sazu, Postojna",
journal = "Acta Carsologica",
title = "Assessment of karst geomorphosites on Kucaj and Beljanica mountains as a resource for the development of karst-based geopark",
volume = "49",
number = "2-3",
pages = "179-190",
doi = "10.3986/ac.v49i2-3.8748",
url = ""
Petrović, A. S., Nikolić, D., Trnavac-Bogdanović, D.,& Carević, I.. (2020). Assessment of karst geomorphosites on Kucaj and Beljanica mountains as a resource for the development of karst-based geopark. in Acta Carsologica
Karst Research Inst Zrc Sazu, Postojna., 49(2-3), 179-190.
Petrović AS, Nikolić D, Trnavac-Bogdanović D, Carević I. Assessment of karst geomorphosites on Kucaj and Beljanica mountains as a resource for the development of karst-based geopark. in Acta Carsologica. 2020;49(2-3):179-190.
doi:10.3986/ac.v49i2-3.8748 .
Petrović, Aleksandar S., Nikolić, Dragana, Trnavac-Bogdanović, Dušica, Carević, Ivana, "Assessment of karst geomorphosites on Kucaj and Beljanica mountains as a resource for the development of karst-based geopark" in Acta Carsologica, 49, no. 2-3 (2020):179-190, ., .

Spomenik prirode "Tupižnička ledenica": status i značaj u prostornom planiranju opštine Knjaževac

Carević, Ivana; Sibinović, Mikica; Manojlović, Sanja; Batoćanin, Natalija

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2019)

AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Sibinović, Mikica
AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Batoćanin, Natalija
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - "Tupižnička ledenica" predstavlja krašku jamu sa interesantnim mikroklimatskim obeležjima i zadržavanjem snega i leda u većem delu godine. Jama je formirana u prekristalisalim neritskim bankovitim i masivnim donjokrednim krečnjacima (fosiloferni biomikriti) koji pripadaju mudstone mikrofaciji. Kao takva, “Tupižnička ledenica” predstavlja važan relikt koji oslikava značajne momente u razvoju Zemljine kore na teritoriji opštine Knjaževac. Početkom 2019. godine je dobila status Spomenik prirode i svrstana je u I kategoriju zaštićenog područja nacionalnog, odnosno izuzetnog značaja. Mogućnost ostvarivanja turističke ponude opštine Knjaževac na bazi prezentacije jedinstvenih prirodnih vrednosti “Tupižničke ledenice” predstavlja jedan od potencijala ove opštine. Osnovna ograničenja za efikasniju zaštitu “Tupižničke ledenice” mogu da se jave usled nepoštovanja režima zaštite zaštićenog prirodnog dobra, nedovoljne dostupnosti zbog nekvalitetne mreže puteva kao i nedovoljne integracije geonasleđa u turističku prezentaciju.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica
T1  - Spomenik prirode "Tupižnička ledenica": status i značaj u prostornom planiranju opštine Knjaževac
SP  - 297
EP  - 302
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Ivana and Sibinović, Mikica and Manojlović, Sanja and Batoćanin, Natalija",
year = "2019",
abstract = ""Tupižnička ledenica" predstavlja krašku jamu sa interesantnim mikroklimatskim obeležjima i zadržavanjem snega i leda u većem delu godine. Jama je formirana u prekristalisalim neritskim bankovitim i masivnim donjokrednim krečnjacima (fosiloferni biomikriti) koji pripadaju mudstone mikrofaciji. Kao takva, “Tupižnička ledenica” predstavlja važan relikt koji oslikava značajne momente u razvoju Zemljine kore na teritoriji opštine Knjaževac. Početkom 2019. godine je dobila status Spomenik prirode i svrstana je u I kategoriju zaštićenog područja nacionalnog, odnosno izuzetnog značaja. Mogućnost ostvarivanja turističke ponude opštine Knjaževac na bazi prezentacije jedinstvenih prirodnih vrednosti “Tupižničke ledenice” predstavlja jedan od potencijala ove opštine. Osnovna ograničenja za efikasniju zaštitu “Tupižničke ledenice” mogu da se jave usled nepoštovanja režima zaštite zaštićenog prirodnog dobra, nedovoljne dostupnosti zbog nekvalitetne mreže puteva kao i nedovoljne integracije geonasleđa u turističku prezentaciju.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica",
title = "Spomenik prirode "Tupižnička ledenica": status i značaj u prostornom planiranju opštine Knjaževac",
pages = "297-302",
url = ""
Carević, I., Sibinović, M., Manojlović, S.,& Batoćanin, N.. (2019). Spomenik prirode "Tupižnička ledenica": status i značaj u prostornom planiranju opštine Knjaževac. in Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 297-302.
Carević I, Sibinović M, Manojlović S, Batoćanin N. Spomenik prirode "Tupižnička ledenica": status i značaj u prostornom planiranju opštine Knjaževac. in Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica. 2019;:297-302. .
Carević, Ivana, Sibinović, Mikica, Manojlović, Sanja, Batoćanin, Natalija, "Spomenik prirode "Tupižnička ledenica": status i značaj u prostornom planiranju opštine Knjaževac" in Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica (2019):297-302, .

The First Record of Microcodium from Maastrichtian Kalat Formation, Kopet-Dagh Sedimentary Basin, NE Iran: Biostratigraphy and Microfacies

Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza; Carević, Ivana; Bahremand, Maryam; Mojtahedin, Elham

(Geoscience Museum of Mashhad, 2019)

AU  - Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Bahremand, Maryam
AU  - Mojtahedin, Elham
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This paper is to present the biostratigraphy of the Maastrichtian Kalat Formation in Karnaveh area of the northeastern Iranian Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin. Micropaleontological studies have led to the determination of micro-calcite structures, having Microcodium deposited in the stratigraphic section due to transgression and regression of the sea. On the basis of determined benthic foraminiferal taxa Laffitteina mengaudi (Astre), Lepidorbitoides socialis (Leymerie), Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), Orbitoides apiculata Schlumberger, Orbitoides media (d’Archiac), Rotalia
skourensis Pfender, Siderolites calcitrapoides Lamarck, Sirtina orbitoidiformis Brönnimann & Wirz, Sulcoperculina cosdeni Applin & Jordan, Sulcoperculina globosa Cizancourt and Sulcoperculina vermunti (Thiadens), Kalat Formation in the studied stratigraphic section is assigned to the Maastrichtian. The current study represents the first record of Microcodium occurrence in Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin in northeast Iran, expanding the current knowledge on its palaeogeographical distribution in Tethyan Realm.
PB  - Geoscience Museum of Mashhad
T2  - Iranian Journal of Geoscience Museum
T1  - The First Record of Microcodium from Maastrichtian Kalat Formation, Kopet-Dagh Sedimentary Basin, NE Iran: Biostratigraphy and Microfacies
VL  - 1
IS  - 1
SP  - 5
EP  - 11
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza and Carević, Ivana and Bahremand, Maryam and Mojtahedin, Elham",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This paper is to present the biostratigraphy of the Maastrichtian Kalat Formation in Karnaveh area of the northeastern Iranian Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin. Micropaleontological studies have led to the determination of micro-calcite structures, having Microcodium deposited in the stratigraphic section due to transgression and regression of the sea. On the basis of determined benthic foraminiferal taxa Laffitteina mengaudi (Astre), Lepidorbitoides socialis (Leymerie), Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), Orbitoides apiculata Schlumberger, Orbitoides media (d’Archiac), Rotalia
skourensis Pfender, Siderolites calcitrapoides Lamarck, Sirtina orbitoidiformis Brönnimann & Wirz, Sulcoperculina cosdeni Applin & Jordan, Sulcoperculina globosa Cizancourt and Sulcoperculina vermunti (Thiadens), Kalat Formation in the studied stratigraphic section is assigned to the Maastrichtian. The current study represents the first record of Microcodium occurrence in Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin in northeast Iran, expanding the current knowledge on its palaeogeographical distribution in Tethyan Realm.",
publisher = "Geoscience Museum of Mashhad",
journal = "Iranian Journal of Geoscience Museum",
title = "The First Record of Microcodium from Maastrichtian Kalat Formation, Kopet-Dagh Sedimentary Basin, NE Iran: Biostratigraphy and Microfacies",
volume = "1",
number = "1",
pages = "5-11",
url = ""
Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, M., Carević, I., Bahremand, M.,& Mojtahedin, E.. (2019). The First Record of Microcodium from Maastrichtian Kalat Formation, Kopet-Dagh Sedimentary Basin, NE Iran: Biostratigraphy and Microfacies. in Iranian Journal of Geoscience Museum
Geoscience Museum of Mashhad., 1(1), 5-11.
Taherpour-Khalil-Abad M, Carević I, Bahremand M, Mojtahedin E. The First Record of Microcodium from Maastrichtian Kalat Formation, Kopet-Dagh Sedimentary Basin, NE Iran: Biostratigraphy and Microfacies. in Iranian Journal of Geoscience Museum. 2019;1(1):5-11. .
Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza, Carević, Ivana, Bahremand, Maryam, Mojtahedin, Elham, "The First Record of Microcodium from Maastrichtian Kalat Formation, Kopet-Dagh Sedimentary Basin, NE Iran: Biostratigraphy and Microfacies" in Iranian Journal of Geoscience Museum, 1, no. 1 (2019):5-11, .

Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescent benthic foraminifer) and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot, 1979 from the Late Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran) and their palaeobiogeographic revisions

Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza; Taheri, Jafar; Majidifard, Mahmoud Reza; Hassanzadeh, Zinat; Carević, Ivana

(Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza
AU  - Taheri, Jafar
AU  - Majidifard, Mahmoud Reza
AU  - Hassanzadeh, Zinat
AU  - Carević, Ivana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - During micropaleontological investigations on the Lower Cretaceous successions of the Tirgan Formation in Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin, some new achievements are yielded. In this regards, the first occurrence of Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar in close association with Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot is reported for the first time from the Upper Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran). The biostratigraphic investigations were carried out on a 197.5 m thick Gelian stratigraphic succession cropping out along the Tirgan Formation located 35 km southwest of Shirvan town. This study reviews the palaeogeographical distribution and age of Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur& Sudar and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot along the northern Tethyan margins and extends its palaeobiogeographical existence.
AB  - Mikropaleontološka istraživanja donjokredne sukcesije formacije Tirgan u Kopet-Dag sedimentacionom basenu (SI Iran) su pružila nove podatke. S tim u vezi, prvi put je u sedimentima Gornjeg Barema dokumentovan Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur& Sudar u asocijaciji sa Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot. Biostratigrafska istraživanja su obavljena na stratigrafskom profilu Gelian (Formacija Tirgan) ukupne debljine 197,5 m koji je otkriven 35 km jugozapadno od grada Shirvan. U radu je data revizija paleogeografskog rasprostranjenja i starosti foraminifera Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar i Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot duž severnogo boda Tetisa.
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet
T2  - Geološki Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva
T1  - Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescent benthic foraminifer) and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot, 1979 from the Late Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran) and their palaeobiogeographic revisions
T1  - Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescentni Bentoski foraminifer) i Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot,1979 iz gornjobaremskog sedimentnog basena Kopet-Dag (SI Iran) i njihove paleobiogeografske revizije
VL  - 80
IS  - 2
SP  - 39
EP  - 51
DO  - 10.2298/GABP1902039T
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza and Taheri, Jafar and Majidifard, Mahmoud Reza and Hassanzadeh, Zinat and Carević, Ivana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "During micropaleontological investigations on the Lower Cretaceous successions of the Tirgan Formation in Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin, some new achievements are yielded. In this regards, the first occurrence of Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar in close association with Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot is reported for the first time from the Upper Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran). The biostratigraphic investigations were carried out on a 197.5 m thick Gelian stratigraphic succession cropping out along the Tirgan Formation located 35 km southwest of Shirvan town. This study reviews the palaeogeographical distribution and age of Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur& Sudar and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot along the northern Tethyan margins and extends its palaeobiogeographical existence., Mikropaleontološka istraživanja donjokredne sukcesije formacije Tirgan u Kopet-Dag sedimentacionom basenu (SI Iran) su pružila nove podatke. S tim u vezi, prvi put je u sedimentima Gornjeg Barema dokumentovan Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur& Sudar u asocijaciji sa Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot. Biostratigrafska istraživanja su obavljena na stratigrafskom profilu Gelian (Formacija Tirgan) ukupne debljine 197,5 m koji je otkriven 35 km jugozapadno od grada Shirvan. U radu je data revizija paleogeografskog rasprostranjenja i starosti foraminifera Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar i Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot duž severnogo boda Tetisa.",
publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet",
journal = "Geološki Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva",
title = "Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescent benthic foraminifer) and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot, 1979 from the Late Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran) and their palaeobiogeographic revisions, Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescentni Bentoski foraminifer) i Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot,1979 iz gornjobaremskog sedimentnog basena Kopet-Dag (SI Iran) i njihove paleobiogeografske revizije",
volume = "80",
number = "2",
pages = "39-51",
doi = "10.2298/GABP1902039T",
url = ""
Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, M., Taheri, J., Majidifard, M. R., Hassanzadeh, Z.,& Carević, I.. (2019). Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescent benthic foraminifer) and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot, 1979 from the Late Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran) and their palaeobiogeographic revisions. in Geološki Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet., 80(2), 39-51.
Taherpour-Khalil-Abad M, Taheri J, Majidifard MR, Hassanzadeh Z, Carević I. Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescent benthic foraminifer) and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot, 1979 from the Late Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran) and their palaeobiogeographic revisions. in Geološki Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva. 2019;80(2):39-51.
doi:10.2298/GABP1902039T .
Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza, Taheri, Jafar, Majidifard, Mahmoud Reza, Hassanzadeh, Zinat, Carević, Ivana, "Bispiraloconulus serbicus Schlagintweit, Bucur & Sudar, 2019 (arborescent benthic foraminifer) and Torremiroella hispanica Brun & Canérot, 1979 from the Late Barremian of Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin (NE Iran) and their palaeobiogeographic revisions" in Geološki Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva, 80, no. 2 (2019):39-51, ., .

Neocomian Fahliyan formation carbonates in the oil well X2 (Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf): Biostratigraphic data from benthic foraminifera and algae

Rostami, Leila; Vaziri, Seyed Hamid; Jahani, Davood; Solgi, Ali; Abad, Morteza Taherpour Khalil; Carević, Ivana; Yahyaei, Ahmad

(Islamic Azad University, 2019)

AU  - Rostami, Leila
AU  - Vaziri, Seyed Hamid
AU  - Jahani, Davood
AU  - Solgi, Ali
AU  - Abad, Morteza Taherpour Khalil
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Yahyaei, Ahmad
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The Fahliyan Formation of the Khami Group is the most important oil and gas reservoir in southwestern Iran. The formation attains a thickness of 435.5 m in the oil well X2 in Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf It is represented mainly by thin-bedded limestones. This formation unconformably overlies the evaporate late Jurassic Hith Formation and conformably underlies the Gadvan Formation. Integrated palaeontological and sedimentological studies supported by an analysis of 150 thin-sections led to the identification of 21 benthic foraminiferal genera dominated by agglutinated forms with an additional 8 algal genera. Two foraminiferal biozones of Berriasian through Hauterivian age include the Pseudochrysalidina (Dokhania) arabica acme zone and Pseudocyclammina lituus-Coscinoconus assemblage zone, and an algal zone includes the Salpingoporella annulata range zone have been recognized. The correlation of the lower Cretaceous petroleum source rock in the Persian Gulf with regions from Tethyan Realm is limited by the lack of the analog formation that can be used for comparison. In this way, the foraminiferal zones are correlated with coeval zones in south and southwest of Iran.
PB  - Islamic Azad University
T2  - Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences
T1  - Neocomian Fahliyan formation carbonates in the oil well X2 (Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf): Biostratigraphic data from benthic foraminifera and algae
VL  - 11
IS  - 3
SP  - 173
EP  - 182
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rostami, Leila and Vaziri, Seyed Hamid and Jahani, Davood and Solgi, Ali and Abad, Morteza Taherpour Khalil and Carević, Ivana and Yahyaei, Ahmad",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The Fahliyan Formation of the Khami Group is the most important oil and gas reservoir in southwestern Iran. The formation attains a thickness of 435.5 m in the oil well X2 in Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf It is represented mainly by thin-bedded limestones. This formation unconformably overlies the evaporate late Jurassic Hith Formation and conformably underlies the Gadvan Formation. Integrated palaeontological and sedimentological studies supported by an analysis of 150 thin-sections led to the identification of 21 benthic foraminiferal genera dominated by agglutinated forms with an additional 8 algal genera. Two foraminiferal biozones of Berriasian through Hauterivian age include the Pseudochrysalidina (Dokhania) arabica acme zone and Pseudocyclammina lituus-Coscinoconus assemblage zone, and an algal zone includes the Salpingoporella annulata range zone have been recognized. The correlation of the lower Cretaceous petroleum source rock in the Persian Gulf with regions from Tethyan Realm is limited by the lack of the analog formation that can be used for comparison. In this way, the foraminiferal zones are correlated with coeval zones in south and southwest of Iran.",
publisher = "Islamic Azad University",
journal = "Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences",
title = "Neocomian Fahliyan formation carbonates in the oil well X2 (Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf): Biostratigraphic data from benthic foraminifera and algae",
volume = "11",
number = "3",
pages = "173-182",
url = ""
Rostami, L., Vaziri, S. H., Jahani, D., Solgi, A., Abad, M. T. K., Carević, I.,& Yahyaei, A.. (2019). Neocomian Fahliyan formation carbonates in the oil well X2 (Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf): Biostratigraphic data from benthic foraminifera and algae. in Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences
Islamic Azad University., 11(3), 173-182.
Rostami L, Vaziri SH, Jahani D, Solgi A, Abad MTK, Carević I, Yahyaei A. Neocomian Fahliyan formation carbonates in the oil well X2 (Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf): Biostratigraphic data from benthic foraminifera and algae. in Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2019;11(3):173-182. .
Rostami, Leila, Vaziri, Seyed Hamid, Jahani, Davood, Solgi, Ali, Abad, Morteza Taherpour Khalil, Carević, Ivana, Yahyaei, Ahmad, "Neocomian Fahliyan formation carbonates in the oil well X2 (Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf): Biostratigraphic data from benthic foraminifera and algae" in Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, 11, no. 3 (2019):173-182, .

Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Intensity: Case Study of Rural Areas of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities, Serbia

Manojlović, Sanja; Antić, Marija; Šantić, Danica; Sibinović, Mikica; Carević, Ivana; Srejić, Tanja

(Basel : MDPI, 2018)

AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Antić, Marija
AU  - Šantić, Danica
AU  - Sibinović, Mikica
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Srejić, Tanja
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - In many Eastern European countries, the standard of living increased as a result of the process of industrialization in the second half of the 20th Century. Consequently, the population in rural areas with small-scale farming decreased due to the availability of employment elsewhere. This directly impacted soil erosion (and thereby sustainability of the land), but the degree and direction are not well known. This study investigates two municipalities within Serbia, their change in population and its impact on land use changes and soil erosion. The standard of living increased after the industrialization process in the 1960s within these municipalities. The erosion potential model is used to calculate gross annual erosion. The changes related to population and arable land in rural settlements are analyzed according to proportional spatial changes. The results show an overall decrease of erosion intensity in the study area. In addition, two basic findings are derived: first, the highest level of human impact on soil is in rural settlements at the lowest elevation zones, where erosion intensity shows the least amount of decrease; and, second, the most intensive depopulation process, recorded in higher elevation zones, indicates a rapid decrease of erosion intensity.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Intensity: Case Study of Rural Areas of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities, Serbia
VL  - 10
IS  - 3
DO  - 10.3390/su10030826
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Manojlović, Sanja and Antić, Marija and Šantić, Danica and Sibinović, Mikica and Carević, Ivana and Srejić, Tanja",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In many Eastern European countries, the standard of living increased as a result of the process of industrialization in the second half of the 20th Century. Consequently, the population in rural areas with small-scale farming decreased due to the availability of employment elsewhere. This directly impacted soil erosion (and thereby sustainability of the land), but the degree and direction are not well known. This study investigates two municipalities within Serbia, their change in population and its impact on land use changes and soil erosion. The standard of living increased after the industrialization process in the 1960s within these municipalities. The erosion potential model is used to calculate gross annual erosion. The changes related to population and arable land in rural settlements are analyzed according to proportional spatial changes. The results show an overall decrease of erosion intensity in the study area. In addition, two basic findings are derived: first, the highest level of human impact on soil is in rural settlements at the lowest elevation zones, where erosion intensity shows the least amount of decrease; and, second, the most intensive depopulation process, recorded in higher elevation zones, indicates a rapid decrease of erosion intensity.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Intensity: Case Study of Rural Areas of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities, Serbia",
volume = "10",
number = "3",
doi = "10.3390/su10030826",
url = ""
Manojlović, S., Antić, M., Šantić, D., Sibinović, M., Carević, I.,& Srejić, T.. (2018). Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Intensity: Case Study of Rural Areas of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities, Serbia. in Sustainability
Basel : MDPI., 10(3).
Manojlović S, Antić M, Šantić D, Sibinović M, Carević I, Srejić T. Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Intensity: Case Study of Rural Areas of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities, Serbia. in Sustainability. 2018;10(3).
doi:10.3390/su10030826 .
Manojlović, Sanja, Antić, Marija, Šantić, Danica, Sibinović, Mikica, Carević, Ivana, Srejić, Tanja, "Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Intensity: Case Study of Rural Areas of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities, Serbia" in Sustainability, 10, no. 3 (2018), ., .

Calpionellid biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Upper Tithonian pelagic carbonates in northeastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides)

Carević, Ivana; Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza; Mirković, Monika; Jovanović, Velimir; Mojtahedin, Elham; Vušković, Dragana; Vušković, Dragana

(Slovak Acad Sciences Geological Inst, Bratislava, 2018)

AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza
AU  - Mirković, Monika
AU  - Jovanović, Velimir
AU  - Mojtahedin, Elham
AU  - Vušković, Dragana
AU  - Vušković, Dragana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The occurrence of microfossil assemblage represented by calpionellids in close association with benthic foraminifera and encrusting Crescentiella morronensis is reported for the first time from the Upper Tithonian of NE Serbia. The biostratigraphic and sedimentological investigations were carried out on a 250 m thick carbonate succession in Jelenska Stena quarry cropping out along the Danube River Gorge in the border area of Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides and Romanian Southern Carphatians. On the basis of determined benthic foraminiferal taxa Textularia sp. cf. T bettenstaedti and Everticyclammina praekelleri in the lower part of the succession and calpionellid association dominated by the representatives of calpionellid genera Tintinnopsella, Crassicollaria and Calpionella the carbonate succession is assigned to the Upper Tithonian. The scarcity of calpionellid zonal species prevents the nominal zones being recognized. Petrographic analysis of thin-sections led to the recognition of three basin microfacies types: bioclastic wackestone, bioclastic peloidal wackestone/packstone and mudstone. These microfacies characterize the SMF 3 and SMF 4 which indicate deposition in slope and toe-of-slope environments. This study extends the palaeogeographical distribution of Upper Tithonian calpionellids along the northern Tethyan margins. The investigated carbonate succession is compared with coeval strata from other northern Tethyan regions.
PB  - Slovak Acad Sciences Geological  Inst, Bratislava
T2  - Geologica Carpathica
T1  - Calpionellid biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Upper Tithonian pelagic carbonates in northeastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides)
VL  - 69
IS  - 3
SP  - 301
EP  - 311
DO  - 10.1515/geoca-2018-0018
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Ivana and Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza and Mirković, Monika and Jovanović, Velimir and Mojtahedin, Elham and Vušković, Dragana and Vušković, Dragana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The occurrence of microfossil assemblage represented by calpionellids in close association with benthic foraminifera and encrusting Crescentiella morronensis is reported for the first time from the Upper Tithonian of NE Serbia. The biostratigraphic and sedimentological investigations were carried out on a 250 m thick carbonate succession in Jelenska Stena quarry cropping out along the Danube River Gorge in the border area of Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides and Romanian Southern Carphatians. On the basis of determined benthic foraminiferal taxa Textularia sp. cf. T bettenstaedti and Everticyclammina praekelleri in the lower part of the succession and calpionellid association dominated by the representatives of calpionellid genera Tintinnopsella, Crassicollaria and Calpionella the carbonate succession is assigned to the Upper Tithonian. The scarcity of calpionellid zonal species prevents the nominal zones being recognized. Petrographic analysis of thin-sections led to the recognition of three basin microfacies types: bioclastic wackestone, bioclastic peloidal wackestone/packstone and mudstone. These microfacies characterize the SMF 3 and SMF 4 which indicate deposition in slope and toe-of-slope environments. This study extends the palaeogeographical distribution of Upper Tithonian calpionellids along the northern Tethyan margins. The investigated carbonate succession is compared with coeval strata from other northern Tethyan regions.",
publisher = "Slovak Acad Sciences Geological  Inst, Bratislava",
journal = "Geologica Carpathica",
title = "Calpionellid biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Upper Tithonian pelagic carbonates in northeastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides)",
volume = "69",
number = "3",
pages = "301-311",
doi = "10.1515/geoca-2018-0018",
url = ""
Carević, I., Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, M., Mirković, M., Jovanović, V., Mojtahedin, E., Vušković, D.,& Vušković, D.. (2018). Calpionellid biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Upper Tithonian pelagic carbonates in northeastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides). in Geologica Carpathica
Slovak Acad Sciences Geological  Inst, Bratislava., 69(3), 301-311.
Carević I, Taherpour-Khalil-Abad M, Mirković M, Jovanović V, Mojtahedin E, Vušković D, Vušković D. Calpionellid biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Upper Tithonian pelagic carbonates in northeastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides). in Geologica Carpathica. 2018;69(3):301-311.
doi:10.1515/geoca-2018-0018 .
Carević, Ivana, Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza, Mirković, Monika, Jovanović, Velimir, Mojtahedin, Elham, Vušković, Dragana, Vušković, Dragana, "Calpionellid biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Upper Tithonian pelagic carbonates in northeastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides)" in Geologica Carpathica, 69, no. 3 (2018):301-311, ., .

Hydrogeochemical Investigation of South-eastern Banat, a Part of Republic of Serbia

Rogan, Saša; Sentić, Milica; Vidović, Milka; Tanasijević, Gordana; Carević, Ivana

(Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Rogan, Saša
AU  - Sentić, Milica
AU  - Vidović, Milka
AU  - Tanasijević, Gordana
AU  - Carević, Ivana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - In the research phase of the geological status of the area of southeastern Banat, samples were collected from surface waters, wells, and lakes. The content of U, Ra, Rn is determined in water. The sampling network was adjusted to the hydrographic characteristics of the terrain, and a hydrogeochemical map has been made at a scale of 1:50 000. In addition to hydrogeochemical prospecting, samples of the soil river sediments were taken to determine the profile of the coast of the following lakes: Vračarevo, Šaransko, Bagersko and Veliko lake. The regional hydrogeochemical prospecting included the area of the Bela Crkva, which drained the sediments of Negotin and Kvartara. In this area and wider, in accordance with the results of regional investigation, semi-geological and semi-geochemical research was carried out to identify resources of mineral deposits as well as the sources for water supply of rural settlements. During research, samples of water from surface streams, sources, wells, lakes, water reservoirs, creek sediments and wall samples were collected and examined.
AB  - U fazi istraživanja geološkog statusa područja jugoistočnog Banata, prikupljeni su uzorci sa površinskih akvatorija, bunara i jezera. U vodi je determinisan sadržaj U, Ra, Rn. Mreža uzorkovanja je prilagođena hidrografskim karakteristikama terena, i napravljena je hidrogeohemijska mapa 1:50 000. Pored hidrogeohemijske prospekcije, uzeti su uzorci rečnih sedimenata zemljišta kako bi se odredio profil obale sledećih jezera: Vračarevo, Šaransko, Bagersko i Veliko jezero. Regionalna hidrogeohemijska prospekcija obuhvatila je područje Bele Crkve, koje dreniraju sedimente Neogena i Kvartara. U ovom području i šire, u skladu sa rezultatima regionalnih ispitivanja, obavljena su i poludetaljna geološka-geohemijska istraživanja u cilju identifikacije ležišta mineralnih sirovina, kao i izvorišta za vodosnabdevanje ruralnih naselja. U toku prospekcije, prikupljeni i ispitani su uzorci voda iz površinskih tokova, izvora, bunara, jezera, vodenih akumulacija, potočnih sedimenata i uzorci stena.
PB  - Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo, Beograd
T2  - Voda i sanitarna tehnika
T1  - Hydrogeochemical Investigation of South-eastern Banat, a Part of Republic of Serbia
T1  - Hidrogeohemijska istraživanja u jugoistočnom Banatu na teritoriji Republike Srbije
VL  - 48
IS  - 1
SP  - 47
EP  - 53
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rogan, Saša and Sentić, Milica and Vidović, Milka and Tanasijević, Gordana and Carević, Ivana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In the research phase of the geological status of the area of southeastern Banat, samples were collected from surface waters, wells, and lakes. The content of U, Ra, Rn is determined in water. The sampling network was adjusted to the hydrographic characteristics of the terrain, and a hydrogeochemical map has been made at a scale of 1:50 000. In addition to hydrogeochemical prospecting, samples of the soil river sediments were taken to determine the profile of the coast of the following lakes: Vračarevo, Šaransko, Bagersko and Veliko lake. The regional hydrogeochemical prospecting included the area of the Bela Crkva, which drained the sediments of Negotin and Kvartara. In this area and wider, in accordance with the results of regional investigation, semi-geological and semi-geochemical research was carried out to identify resources of mineral deposits as well as the sources for water supply of rural settlements. During research, samples of water from surface streams, sources, wells, lakes, water reservoirs, creek sediments and wall samples were collected and examined., U fazi istraživanja geološkog statusa područja jugoistočnog Banata, prikupljeni su uzorci sa površinskih akvatorija, bunara i jezera. U vodi je determinisan sadržaj U, Ra, Rn. Mreža uzorkovanja je prilagođena hidrografskim karakteristikama terena, i napravljena je hidrogeohemijska mapa 1:50 000. Pored hidrogeohemijske prospekcije, uzeti su uzorci rečnih sedimenata zemljišta kako bi se odredio profil obale sledećih jezera: Vračarevo, Šaransko, Bagersko i Veliko jezero. Regionalna hidrogeohemijska prospekcija obuhvatila je područje Bele Crkve, koje dreniraju sedimente Neogena i Kvartara. U ovom području i šire, u skladu sa rezultatima regionalnih ispitivanja, obavljena su i poludetaljna geološka-geohemijska istraživanja u cilju identifikacije ležišta mineralnih sirovina, kao i izvorišta za vodosnabdevanje ruralnih naselja. U toku prospekcije, prikupljeni i ispitani su uzorci voda iz površinskih tokova, izvora, bunara, jezera, vodenih akumulacija, potočnih sedimenata i uzorci stena.",
publisher = "Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo, Beograd",
journal = "Voda i sanitarna tehnika",
title = "Hydrogeochemical Investigation of South-eastern Banat, a Part of Republic of Serbia, Hidrogeohemijska istraživanja u jugoistočnom Banatu na teritoriji Republike Srbije",
volume = "48",
number = "1",
pages = "47-53",
url = ""
Rogan, S., Sentić, M., Vidović, M., Tanasijević, G.,& Carević, I.. (2018). Hydrogeochemical Investigation of South-eastern Banat, a Part of Republic of Serbia. in Voda i sanitarna tehnika
Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo, Beograd., 48(1), 47-53.
Rogan S, Sentić M, Vidović M, Tanasijević G, Carević I. Hydrogeochemical Investigation of South-eastern Banat, a Part of Republic of Serbia. in Voda i sanitarna tehnika. 2018;48(1):47-53. .
Rogan, Saša, Sentić, Milica, Vidović, Milka, Tanasijević, Gordana, Carević, Ivana, "Hydrogeochemical Investigation of South-eastern Banat, a Part of Republic of Serbia" in Voda i sanitarna tehnika, 48, no. 1 (2018):47-53, .

Geochemical map 1:1.000.000 of western and southern part of Serbia with the ecological status

Rogan, Saša; Gordanić, V.B.; Carević, Ivana; Sentić, Milica

(International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, 2018)

AU  - Rogan, Saša
AU  - Gordanić, V.B.
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Sentić, Milica
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Geochemical map of western and souther part of Serbia covers an area of about 30 000 km2 and also basins of rivers Ibar, Western Morava, Kolubara, Drina and Grand Morava. Representative samples from relevant profiles were collected according to WEGS (Western European Geochemical association). Samples were collected at the A-horizon at a depth of 15-20 cm from the ground surface; OB-overbank sediments at the depth of 80-100 cm and S-modern stream sediment. Geochemical mapping of lithological members was performed at 66 locations. The contents of natural radionuclides238 U,232 Th and40 K were analyzed. The results are shown on maps at a scale of 1: 1000000. Preserved geochemical record in the coastal profile of river flows will contribute to the assessment of anthropogenic impacts in the environment of rural settlements, particularly in the identification of geopathogenic zones of influence of natural radionuclides on human health. Research results have been shown on geochemical maps, diagrams and tables.
PB  - International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference
C3  - International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage
T1  - Geochemical map 1:1.000.000 of western and southern part of Serbia with the ecological status
VL  - 18
IS  - 5.1
SP  - 431
EP  - 438
DO  - 10.5593/sgem2018/5.1/S20.056
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rogan, Saša and Gordanić, V.B. and Carević, Ivana and Sentić, Milica",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Geochemical map of western and souther part of Serbia covers an area of about 30 000 km2 and also basins of rivers Ibar, Western Morava, Kolubara, Drina and Grand Morava. Representative samples from relevant profiles were collected according to WEGS (Western European Geochemical association). Samples were collected at the A-horizon at a depth of 15-20 cm from the ground surface; OB-overbank sediments at the depth of 80-100 cm and S-modern stream sediment. Geochemical mapping of lithological members was performed at 66 locations. The contents of natural radionuclides238 U,232 Th and40 K were analyzed. The results are shown on maps at a scale of 1: 1000000. Preserved geochemical record in the coastal profile of river flows will contribute to the assessment of anthropogenic impacts in the environment of rural settlements, particularly in the identification of geopathogenic zones of influence of natural radionuclides on human health. Research results have been shown on geochemical maps, diagrams and tables.",
publisher = "International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference",
journal = "International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage",
title = "Geochemical map 1:1.000.000 of western and southern part of Serbia with the ecological status",
volume = "18",
number = "5.1",
pages = "431-438",
doi = "10.5593/sgem2018/5.1/S20.056",
url = ""
Rogan, S., Gordanić, V.B., Carević, I.,& Sentić, M.. (2018). Geochemical map 1:1.000.000 of western and southern part of Serbia with the ecological status. in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage
International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference., 18(5.1), 431-438.
Rogan S, Gordanić V, Carević I, Sentić M. Geochemical map 1:1.000.000 of western and southern part of Serbia with the ecological status. in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage. 2018;18(5.1):431-438.
doi:10.5593/sgem2018/5.1/S20.056 .
Rogan, Saša, Gordanić, V.B., Carević, Ivana, Sentić, Milica, "Geochemical map 1:1.000.000 of western and southern part of Serbia with the ecological status" in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage, 18, no. 5.1 (2018):431-438, ., .

Ekological aspect of the geothermal potentials of ne Serbia

Rogan, Saša; Petrović, Vladimir; Carević, Ivana; Sentić, Milica

(International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, 2018)

AU  - Rogan, Saša
AU  - Petrović, Vladimir
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Sentić, Milica
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The explored area of Banat, located in NE Serbia, with its geological and geothermal characteristics, represents an area with extraordinary ecological potential. The geological structure of Banat is represented by various complexes of Neogene and Quaternary deposits. The Neogene sediments are mostly composed of sandstone, shale, marlstone, sand and gravel. Mesozoic igneous complex is represented by dacites, andesites and basalts. During Quaternary a relatively thick succession of genetically different types of sediments was deposited. Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian sand and loess and fluvial sandy-clayey alevrites, clays, sands and gravel cover the large area. Thickness and lithological composition of crust and lithosphere, as well as character, types and age of tectonic movements and magmatism decisively influence the content of radioactive elements (uranium, thorium and potassium) in the rocks. Nevertheless, the geothermal characteristics of a particular area are influenced in a significant extent by seismicity and hydrogeological properties. The small thickness of the crust and lithosphere, as a result of various geodynamic movements, during the lower and middle Miocene, classify the Pannonian Basin, and therefore the Banat area, among the most promising geothermal areas in Europe. The favorable geothermal characteristics of Banat also show high average values of geothermal gradient and terrestrial heat flux.
PB  - International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference
C3  - International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage
T1  - Ekological aspect of the geothermal potentials of ne Serbia
VL  - 18
IS  - 5.1
SP  - 297
EP  - 304
DO  - 10.5593/sgem2018/5.1/S20.039
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rogan, Saša and Petrović, Vladimir and Carević, Ivana and Sentić, Milica",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The explored area of Banat, located in NE Serbia, with its geological and geothermal characteristics, represents an area with extraordinary ecological potential. The geological structure of Banat is represented by various complexes of Neogene and Quaternary deposits. The Neogene sediments are mostly composed of sandstone, shale, marlstone, sand and gravel. Mesozoic igneous complex is represented by dacites, andesites and basalts. During Quaternary a relatively thick succession of genetically different types of sediments was deposited. Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian sand and loess and fluvial sandy-clayey alevrites, clays, sands and gravel cover the large area. Thickness and lithological composition of crust and lithosphere, as well as character, types and age of tectonic movements and magmatism decisively influence the content of radioactive elements (uranium, thorium and potassium) in the rocks. Nevertheless, the geothermal characteristics of a particular area are influenced in a significant extent by seismicity and hydrogeological properties. The small thickness of the crust and lithosphere, as a result of various geodynamic movements, during the lower and middle Miocene, classify the Pannonian Basin, and therefore the Banat area, among the most promising geothermal areas in Europe. The favorable geothermal characteristics of Banat also show high average values of geothermal gradient and terrestrial heat flux.",
publisher = "International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference",
journal = "International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage",
title = "Ekological aspect of the geothermal potentials of ne Serbia",
volume = "18",
number = "5.1",
pages = "297-304",
doi = "10.5593/sgem2018/5.1/S20.039",
url = ""
Rogan, S., Petrović, V., Carević, I.,& Sentić, M.. (2018). Ekological aspect of the geothermal potentials of ne Serbia. in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage
International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference., 18(5.1), 297-304.
Rogan S, Petrović V, Carević I, Sentić M. Ekological aspect of the geothermal potentials of ne Serbia. in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage. 2018;18(5.1):297-304.
doi:10.5593/sgem2018/5.1/S20.039 .
Rogan, Saša, Petrović, Vladimir, Carević, Ivana, Sentić, Milica, "Ekological aspect of the geothermal potentials of ne Serbia" in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Manage, 18, no. 5.1 (2018):297-304, ., .

Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous algal biostratigraphy of the Fahliyan Formation in oil well X1, Dorood Oilfield, Persian Gulf

Rostami, Leila; Vaziri, Seyed Hamid; Jahani, Davood; Solgi, Ali; Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza; Carević, Ivana; Yahyaei, Ahmad

(Univ Tehran, Tehran, 2018)

AU  - Rostami, Leila
AU  - Vaziri, Seyed Hamid
AU  - Jahani, Davood
AU  - Solgi, Ali
AU  - Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza
AU  - Carević, Ivana
AU  - Yahyaei, Ahmad
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The Dorood oilfield is located offshore in the northern part of the Persian Gulf. It partly underlies the Kharg Island. The Neocomian Fahliyan Formation represents the high-quality reservoir in the oilfield. It includes five carbonate members: The Manifa, Middle and Upper Yamama, Khami and Lower Ratawi. The Fahliyan Formation in the studied well attains a thickness of 378.1 m and mainly consists of thin-bedded limestones. It unconformably overlies the evaporate Hith Formation and conformably underlies the Gadvan Formation. An integrated biostratigraphic (benthic foraminifera and algae) and lithostratigraphic study is presented. Paleontological studies led to the identification of 19 genera and 29 species of benthic foraminifera and 10 genera and 9 species of calcareous algae. Two biozones of Berriasian through Valanginian age have been recognized. These are Lithocodium aggregatum-Salpingoporella muehlbergii assemblage zone (Valanginian) and Pseudocyclammina lituus- Coscinoconus assemblage zone (Berriasian-Valanginian).
PB  - Univ Tehran, Tehran
T2  - Geopersia
T1  - Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous algal biostratigraphy of the Fahliyan Formation in oil well X1, Dorood Oilfield, Persian Gulf
VL  - 8
IS  - 2
SP  - 319
EP  - 329
DO  - 10.22059/GEOPE.2018.256557.648385
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rostami, Leila and Vaziri, Seyed Hamid and Jahani, Davood and Solgi, Ali and Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza and Carević, Ivana and Yahyaei, Ahmad",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The Dorood oilfield is located offshore in the northern part of the Persian Gulf. It partly underlies the Kharg Island. The Neocomian Fahliyan Formation represents the high-quality reservoir in the oilfield. It includes five carbonate members: The Manifa, Middle and Upper Yamama, Khami and Lower Ratawi. The Fahliyan Formation in the studied well attains a thickness of 378.1 m and mainly consists of thin-bedded limestones. It unconformably overlies the evaporate Hith Formation and conformably underlies the Gadvan Formation. An integrated biostratigraphic (benthic foraminifera and algae) and lithostratigraphic study is presented. Paleontological studies led to the identification of 19 genera and 29 species of benthic foraminifera and 10 genera and 9 species of calcareous algae. Two biozones of Berriasian through Valanginian age have been recognized. These are Lithocodium aggregatum-Salpingoporella muehlbergii assemblage zone (Valanginian) and Pseudocyclammina lituus- Coscinoconus assemblage zone (Berriasian-Valanginian).",
publisher = "Univ Tehran, Tehran",
journal = "Geopersia",
title = "Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous algal biostratigraphy of the Fahliyan Formation in oil well X1, Dorood Oilfield, Persian Gulf",
volume = "8",
number = "2",
pages = "319-329",
doi = "10.22059/GEOPE.2018.256557.648385",
url = ""
Rostami, L., Vaziri, S. H., Jahani, D., Solgi, A., Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, M., Carević, I.,& Yahyaei, A.. (2018). Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous algal biostratigraphy of the Fahliyan Formation in oil well X1, Dorood Oilfield, Persian Gulf. in Geopersia
Univ Tehran, Tehran., 8(2), 319-329.
Rostami L, Vaziri SH, Jahani D, Solgi A, Taherpour-Khalil-Abad M, Carević I, Yahyaei A. Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous algal biostratigraphy of the Fahliyan Formation in oil well X1, Dorood Oilfield, Persian Gulf. in Geopersia. 2018;8(2):319-329.
doi:10.22059/GEOPE.2018.256557.648385 .
Rostami, Leila, Vaziri, Seyed Hamid, Jahani, Davood, Solgi, Ali, Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Morteza, Carević, Ivana, Yahyaei, Ahmad, "Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous algal biostratigraphy of the Fahliyan Formation in oil well X1, Dorood Oilfield, Persian Gulf" in Geopersia, 8, no. 2 (2018):319-329, ., .

Geological building materials as a factor with potential for development of the Šumadija District

Jovanović, Velimir; Carević, Ivana

(Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet, 2016)

AU  - Jovanović, Velimir
AU  - Carević, Ivana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Geological building materials that include building stones (structural and dimension stone), stones used to produce construction materials (binders, thermal insulation) and industrial stones are among the more important natural or, more specifically, geological resources. Their use is mostly related to construction, but also to certain other industries. When an area abounds in these resources, this can significantly boost its development, provided that the resources are used in a sus­tainable manner. This article discusses the possibilities of the Šumadija District.
AB  - Geološki građevinski materijali kao što su građevinski kamen (tehnički i arhitektonski), kamen za proizvodnju građevinskih materijala (ve­ziva, termoizolacioni materijali) i kamen u industriji, predstavlјaju jedan od važnih prirodnih, odnosno geoloških resursa. Nјihova eksploatacija, ve­zana je, pre svega za građevinsku delatnost, ali i za neke druge privredne grane. Bogatstvo u ovim resursima može značajno da doprinese lokalnom privrednom razvoju, uz uslov da se poštuju principi njihovog održivog korišćenja. Pri­mer koji je ovde prikazan odnosi se na teritoriju šumadijskog upravnog okruga.
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
T2  - Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T1  - Geological building materials as a factor with potential for development of the Šumadija District
T1  - Geološki građevinski materijali kao mogući faktor razvoja Šumadijskog okruga
IS  - 64
SP  - 517
EP  - 542
DO  - 10.5937/zrgfub1664517J
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Velimir and Carević, Ivana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Geological building materials that include building stones (structural and dimension stone), stones used to produce construction materials (binders, thermal insulation) and industrial stones are among the more important natural or, more specifically, geological resources. Their use is mostly related to construction, but also to certain other industries. When an area abounds in these resources, this can significantly boost its development, provided that the resources are used in a sus­tainable manner. This article discusses the possibilities of the Šumadija District., Geološki građevinski materijali kao što su građevinski kamen (tehnički i arhitektonski), kamen za proizvodnju građevinskih materijala (ve­ziva, termoizolacioni materijali) i kamen u industriji, predstavlјaju jedan od važnih prirodnih, odnosno geoloških resursa. Nјihova eksploatacija, ve­zana je, pre svega za građevinsku delatnost, ali i za neke druge privredne grane. Bogatstvo u ovim resursima može značajno da doprinese lokalnom privrednom razvoju, uz uslov da se poštuju principi njihovog održivog korišćenja. Pri­mer koji je ovde prikazan odnosi se na teritoriju šumadijskog upravnog okruga.",
publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
title = "Geological building materials as a factor with potential for development of the Šumadija District, Geološki građevinski materijali kao mogući faktor razvoja Šumadijskog okruga",
number = "64",
pages = "517-542",
doi = "10.5937/zrgfub1664517J",
url = ""
Jovanović, V.,& Carević, I.. (2016). Geological building materials as a factor with potential for development of the Šumadija District. in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet.(64), 517-542.
Jovanović V, Carević I. Geological building materials as a factor with potential for development of the Šumadija District. in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. 2016;(64):517-542.
doi:10.5937/zrgfub1664517J .
Jovanović, Velimir, Carević, Ivana, "Geological building materials as a factor with potential for development of the Šumadija District" in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, no. 64 (2016):517-542, ., .

Geological influence on the formation of samar natural bridge and collapse valley of ravna river from the ne kucaj mountains (carpatho-balkanides, eastern Serbia)

Petrović, Aleksandar S.; Carević, Ivana

(Zalozba Z R C, 2015)

AU  - Petrović, Aleksandar S.
AU  - Carević, Ivana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The paper deals with the description of Samar natural bridge and collapse valley of Ravna River in eastern Serbia aiming to suggest an interpretation of their origin and development, in relationship with lithological and tectonic conditions, karst processes, and petrological analyses. In this study we present the geological setting, detailed morphology and hypothesis on the genesis of these karst landforms. The relationship between surface karst development and the geology is considerably acknowledged. The major contribution of the paper is to propose a framework for considering how recrystallization of limestone can affect the weathering potential of karst landforms and to introduce a term collapse valley. Finally, this study shows that the weathering potencial of the Samar natural bridge is decreased concerning the diagenetic changes these limestones underwent.
PB  - Zalozba Z R C
T2  - Acta Carsologica
T1  - Geological influence on the formation of samar natural bridge and collapse valley of ravna river from the ne kucaj mountains (carpatho-balkanides, eastern Serbia)
VL  - 44
IS  - 1
SP  - 37
EP  - 46
DO  - 10.3986/ac.v44i1.898
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Aleksandar S. and Carević, Ivana",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The paper deals with the description of Samar natural bridge and collapse valley of Ravna River in eastern Serbia aiming to suggest an interpretation of their origin and development, in relationship with lithological and tectonic conditions, karst processes, and petrological analyses. In this study we present the geological setting, detailed morphology and hypothesis on the genesis of these karst landforms. The relationship between surface karst development and the geology is considerably acknowledged. The major contribution of the paper is to propose a framework for considering how recrystallization of limestone can affect the weathering potential of karst landforms and to introduce a term collapse valley. Finally, this study shows that the weathering potencial of the Samar natural bridge is decreased concerning the diagenetic changes these limestones underwent.",
publisher = "Zalozba Z R C",
journal = "Acta Carsologica",
title = "Geological influence on the formation of samar natural bridge and collapse valley of ravna river from the ne kucaj mountains (carpatho-balkanides, eastern Serbia)",
volume = "44",
number = "1",
pages = "37-46",
doi = "10.3986/ac.v44i1.898",
url = ""
Petrović, A. S.,& Carević, I.. (2015). Geological influence on the formation of samar natural bridge and collapse valley of ravna river from the ne kucaj mountains (carpatho-balkanides, eastern Serbia). in Acta Carsologica
Zalozba Z R C., 44(1), 37-46.
Petrović AS, Carević I. Geological influence on the formation of samar natural bridge and collapse valley of ravna river from the ne kucaj mountains (carpatho-balkanides, eastern Serbia). in Acta Carsologica. 2015;44(1):37-46.
doi:10.3986/ac.v44i1.898 .
Petrović, Aleksandar S., Carević, Ivana, "Geological influence on the formation of samar natural bridge and collapse valley of ravna river from the ne kucaj mountains (carpatho-balkanides, eastern Serbia)" in Acta Carsologica, 44, no. 1 (2015):37-46, ., .