Anđelković, Goran

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Anđelković, Goran (25)
  • Andjelkovic, Goran (2)

Author's Bibliography

Teorijske osnove komunalne higijene

Samardžić, Ivan; Blagajac, Irena; Anđelković, Goran; Novković, Ivan

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
AU  - Blagajac, Irena
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Novković, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Predmet istraživanja rada su teorijske osnove komunalne higijene. Analizirana je literatura i
definisanje komunalne higijene kao zasebne discipline. U domaćoj i inostranoj literaturi postoje i
razlike u definisanju pojedinih termina i teorijskih osnova. Moderna komunalna higijena je grana
medicinske discipline higijene, ali je tokom godina evoluirala što je i zadatak istraživanja, odnosno
geneza komunalne higijene. Cilj istraživanja je prikazati moderne tendencije i pravce razvoja
komunalne higijene, utvrditi pojedine segmente koje su u potpunosti zamenili novi okviri shvatanja
upravljanja komunalnom higijenom. Ubrzani razvoj komunalnih sistema ili sa druge strane
nerealizacije komunalnih sadržaja pozitivno ili negativno utiču na svakodnevni život. Pojedini
segmenti upravljanja doživeli su dinamične promene u prethodnim godinama, dok su pojedine
delatnosti pridodate komunalnim delatnostima što je zahtevalo izmenu i zakonskog okvira i
podzakonskih odredbi. Komunalna higijena zauzima značajno mesto u upravljanju savremenim
gradovima (urbani razvoj i zeleni gradovi) i rezultati ovog istraživanja treba da prikažu razvoj
komunalne higijene.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar
T1  - Teorijske osnove komunalne higijene
SP  - 129
EP  - 135
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Ivan and Blagajac, Irena and Anđelković, Goran and Novković, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Predmet istraživanja rada su teorijske osnove komunalne higijene. Analizirana je literatura i
definisanje komunalne higijene kao zasebne discipline. U domaćoj i inostranoj literaturi postoje i
razlike u definisanju pojedinih termina i teorijskih osnova. Moderna komunalna higijena je grana
medicinske discipline higijene, ali je tokom godina evoluirala što je i zadatak istraživanja, odnosno
geneza komunalne higijene. Cilj istraživanja je prikazati moderne tendencije i pravce razvoja
komunalne higijene, utvrditi pojedine segmente koje su u potpunosti zamenili novi okviri shvatanja
upravljanja komunalnom higijenom. Ubrzani razvoj komunalnih sistema ili sa druge strane
nerealizacije komunalnih sadržaja pozitivno ili negativno utiču na svakodnevni život. Pojedini
segmenti upravljanja doživeli su dinamične promene u prethodnim godinama, dok su pojedine
delatnosti pridodate komunalnim delatnostima što je zahtevalo izmenu i zakonskog okvira i
podzakonskih odredbi. Komunalna higijena zauzima značajno mesto u upravljanju savremenim
gradovima (urbani razvoj i zeleni gradovi) i rezultati ovog istraživanja treba da prikažu razvoj
komunalne higijene.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar",
title = "Teorijske osnove komunalne higijene",
pages = "129-135",
url = ""
Samardžić, I., Blagajac, I., Anđelković, G.,& Novković, I.. (2023). Teorijske osnove komunalne higijene. in Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 129-135.
Samardžić I, Blagajac I, Anđelković G, Novković I. Teorijske osnove komunalne higijene. in Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar. 2023;:129-135. .
Samardžić, Ivan, Blagajac, Irena, Anđelković, Goran, Novković, Ivan, "Teorijske osnove komunalne higijene" in Zbornik radova Dvanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Novi Pazar (2023):129-135, .

Contribution to the study of climate change in Serbia using continentality, oceanity, and aridity indices

Burić, Dragan; Mihajlović, Jovan; Ducić, Vladan; Milenković, Milan; Anđelković, Goran

(Budapest : Hungarian Meteorological Service, 2023)

AU  - Burić, Dragan
AU  - Mihajlović, Jovan
AU  - Ducić, Vladan
AU  - Milenković, Milan
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the study is to present some specific climatic conditions on the territory of the Republic of Serbia based on the analysis of four climate indices, which can help in understanding contemporary climate changes. Temperature and precipitation data from 31 meteorological stations for the period 1951–2010 were used. The relative homogeneity of the data series was done using the MASH v3.02 method. The indices used are: Johansson Continentality Index, Kerner Oceanity Index, De Martonne Aridity Index, and Pinna Combinative Index. Geospatial analysis of the distribution of the values of the four mentioned indices was done using the QGIS package 2.8.1. The results of the research show that the continentality effect is present in most of Serbia, while oceanity is observed locally, mainly in the western and southwestern parts of the country. The further analysis showed that there is no dry and semi–dry Mediterranean climate in Serbia. Considering that it is dry in the warmest part of the year (July–September), when the need for water is increased, which is clearly shown by the Walter climate diagram, as well as the fact that an increase in temperature and a decrease in precipitation during the vegetation period were observed in the second 30–year period (1981–2010), it can be concluded that in Serbia there is a tendency towards arid climate. The results presented in this paper can help decision makers to plan certain climate change adaptation measures.
PB  - Budapest : Hungarian Meteorological Service
T2  - Időjárás
T1  - Contribution to the study of climate change in Serbia using continentality, oceanity, and aridity indices
VL  - 127
IS  - 3
SP  - 379
EP  - 399
DO  - 10.28974/idojaras.2023.3.6
ER  - 
author = "Burić, Dragan and Mihajlović, Jovan and Ducić, Vladan and Milenković, Milan and Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of the study is to present some specific climatic conditions on the territory of the Republic of Serbia based on the analysis of four climate indices, which can help in understanding contemporary climate changes. Temperature and precipitation data from 31 meteorological stations for the period 1951–2010 were used. The relative homogeneity of the data series was done using the MASH v3.02 method. The indices used are: Johansson Continentality Index, Kerner Oceanity Index, De Martonne Aridity Index, and Pinna Combinative Index. Geospatial analysis of the distribution of the values of the four mentioned indices was done using the QGIS package 2.8.1. The results of the research show that the continentality effect is present in most of Serbia, while oceanity is observed locally, mainly in the western and southwestern parts of the country. The further analysis showed that there is no dry and semi–dry Mediterranean climate in Serbia. Considering that it is dry in the warmest part of the year (July–September), when the need for water is increased, which is clearly shown by the Walter climate diagram, as well as the fact that an increase in temperature and a decrease in precipitation during the vegetation period were observed in the second 30–year period (1981–2010), it can be concluded that in Serbia there is a tendency towards arid climate. The results presented in this paper can help decision makers to plan certain climate change adaptation measures.",
publisher = "Budapest : Hungarian Meteorological Service",
journal = "Időjárás",
title = "Contribution to the study of climate change in Serbia using continentality, oceanity, and aridity indices",
volume = "127",
number = "3",
pages = "379-399",
doi = "10.28974/idojaras.2023.3.6"
Burić, D., Mihajlović, J., Ducić, V., Milenković, M.,& Anđelković, G.. (2023). Contribution to the study of climate change in Serbia using continentality, oceanity, and aridity indices. in Időjárás
Budapest : Hungarian Meteorological Service., 127(3), 379-399.
Burić D, Mihajlović J, Ducić V, Milenković M, Anđelković G. Contribution to the study of climate change in Serbia using continentality, oceanity, and aridity indices. in Időjárás. 2023;127(3):379-399.
doi:10.28974/idojaras.2023.3.6 .
Burić, Dragan, Mihajlović, Jovan, Ducić, Vladan, Milenković, Milan, Anđelković, Goran, "Contribution to the study of climate change in Serbia using continentality, oceanity, and aridity indices" in Időjárás, 127, no. 3 (2023):379-399, . .

Revitalizacija braunfilda kao faktor rešavanja komunalno-higijenskih problema na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija)

Samardžić, Ivan; Anđelković, Goran; Blagajac, Irena; Mihajlović, Ljiljana; Novković, Ivan; Durlević, Uroš

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Blagajac, Irena
AU  - Mihajlović, Ljiljana
AU  - Novković, Ivan
AU  - Durlević, Uroš
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Predmet istraživanja rada je revitalizacija braunfi lda (brownfi eld) kao faktor rešavanja komunalno-higijenskih problema na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd. Pod braunfi ldima se najčešće podrazumevaju napušteni industrijski kompleksi, nekadašnji vojni kompleksi, železnički koridori i stanice, napuštene javne ustanove, nehigijenska naselja. Prilikom istraživanja analizirana je planska dokumentacija i obavljena su terenska istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo recentno stanje. Dominantni komunalno-higijenski problemi koji se javljaju u zonama braunfi lda su: izostanak uređenja prostora, formiranje smetlišta, problem opasnog otpada i materija i mogućnost pojave akcidenata, formiranje nehigijenskih naselja, zagađenje zemljišta, neprijatni mirisi, narušavanje estetike predela. Osim komunalno-higijenskih problema, braunfi ldi mogu proizvesti i ekonomske i socijalne probleme. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje činjenica i potvrde hipoteze da je revitalizacijom braunfi lda u urbanoj zoni moguće umanjiti ili otkloniti komunalno-higijenske probleme, ali i da je neadekvatnom revitalizacijom braunfi lda moguće stvoriti nove komunalno-higijenske probleme.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište
T1  - Revitalizacija braunfilda kao faktor rešavanja komunalno-higijenskih problema na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija)
SP  - 455
EP  - 461
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Ivan and Anđelković, Goran and Blagajac, Irena and Mihajlović, Ljiljana and Novković, Ivan and Durlević, Uroš",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Predmet istraživanja rada je revitalizacija braunfi lda (brownfi eld) kao faktor rešavanja komunalno-higijenskih problema na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd. Pod braunfi ldima se najčešće podrazumevaju napušteni industrijski kompleksi, nekadašnji vojni kompleksi, železnički koridori i stanice, napuštene javne ustanove, nehigijenska naselja. Prilikom istraživanja analizirana je planska dokumentacija i obavljena su terenska istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo recentno stanje. Dominantni komunalno-higijenski problemi koji se javljaju u zonama braunfi lda su: izostanak uređenja prostora, formiranje smetlišta, problem opasnog otpada i materija i mogućnost pojave akcidenata, formiranje nehigijenskih naselja, zagađenje zemljišta, neprijatni mirisi, narušavanje estetike predela. Osim komunalno-higijenskih problema, braunfi ldi mogu proizvesti i ekonomske i socijalne probleme. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje činjenica i potvrde hipoteze da je revitalizacijom braunfi lda u urbanoj zoni moguće umanjiti ili otkloniti komunalno-higijenske probleme, ali i da je neadekvatnom revitalizacijom braunfi lda moguće stvoriti nove komunalno-higijenske probleme.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište",
title = "Revitalizacija braunfilda kao faktor rešavanja komunalno-higijenskih problema na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija)",
pages = "455-461",
url = ""
Samardžić, I., Anđelković, G., Blagajac, I., Mihajlović, L., Novković, I.,& Durlević, U.. (2022). Revitalizacija braunfilda kao faktor rešavanja komunalno-higijenskih problema na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija). in Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 455-461.
Samardžić I, Anđelković G, Blagajac I, Mihajlović L, Novković I, Durlević U. Revitalizacija braunfilda kao faktor rešavanja komunalno-higijenskih problema na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija). in Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište. 2022;:455-461. .
Samardžić, Ivan, Anđelković, Goran, Blagajac, Irena, Mihajlović, Ljiljana, Novković, Ivan, Durlević, Uroš, "Revitalizacija braunfilda kao faktor rešavanja komunalno-higijenskih problema na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija)" in Zbornik radova Devetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Veliko Gradište (2022):455-461, .

Izostanak planske dokumentacije kao faktor komunalno-higijenskih problema na levoj obali Dunava u gradskom naselju Beograd

Samardžić, Ivan; Anđelković, Goran; Novković, Ivan; Durlević, Uroš

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Novković, Ivan
AU  - Durlević, Uroš
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Komunalna higijena ima za cilj uspostavljanje sistema upravljanja određenim prostorom i komunalnim delatnostima u funkciji stvaranja kvalitetnijih uslova za život pojedinaca. Ipak, izostanak planiranja komunalnih sadržaja kao posledica izostanka planske dokumentacije dovodi do problema koje je naknadno teško otkloniti (izgradnja kanalizacije, toplovoda, zelenih površina i sl.). Upravo prostor leve obale Dunava u Beogradu (analiziran prostor koji pripada gradskom naselju Beograd) je primer mnogih komunalno-higijenskih problema prouzrokovanih nedostatkom odgovarajuće komunalne infrastrukture, a najveći problemi su nedostatak kanalizacije i sistema za odvođenje viška vode, zatim zagađeni kanali, zagađenje vazduha iz individualnih ložišta, nedostatak zelenih površina, ugrožavanje priobalja (posebno Reva bare, a zatim i budućeg PIO „Forland leve obale Dunava u Beogradu”), problem parkiranja, buke, zagađenja zemljišta i dr. Predmet rada su komunalno-higijenski problemi stambenih kvartova na levoj obali Dunava u gradskom naselju Beograd i analiza uzročnih posledica nedostatka planske dokumentacije. Zadatak je utvrditi mere unapređenja stanja komunalno-higijenskih uslova kroz analizu planske dokumentacije i utvrđivanje trenutnog stanja terenskim istraživanjem
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac
T1  - Izostanak planske dokumentacije kao faktor komunalno-higijenskih problema na levoj obali Dunava u gradskom naselju Beograd
SP  - 235
EP  - 241
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Ivan and Anđelković, Goran and Novković, Ivan and Durlević, Uroš",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Komunalna higijena ima za cilj uspostavljanje sistema upravljanja određenim prostorom i komunalnim delatnostima u funkciji stvaranja kvalitetnijih uslova za život pojedinaca. Ipak, izostanak planiranja komunalnih sadržaja kao posledica izostanka planske dokumentacije dovodi do problema koje je naknadno teško otkloniti (izgradnja kanalizacije, toplovoda, zelenih površina i sl.). Upravo prostor leve obale Dunava u Beogradu (analiziran prostor koji pripada gradskom naselju Beograd) je primer mnogih komunalno-higijenskih problema prouzrokovanih nedostatkom odgovarajuće komunalne infrastrukture, a najveći problemi su nedostatak kanalizacije i sistema za odvođenje viška vode, zatim zagađeni kanali, zagađenje vazduha iz individualnih ložišta, nedostatak zelenih površina, ugrožavanje priobalja (posebno Reva bare, a zatim i budućeg PIO „Forland leve obale Dunava u Beogradu”), problem parkiranja, buke, zagađenja zemljišta i dr. Predmet rada su komunalno-higijenski problemi stambenih kvartova na levoj obali Dunava u gradskom naselju Beograd i analiza uzročnih posledica nedostatka planske dokumentacije. Zadatak je utvrditi mere unapređenja stanja komunalno-higijenskih uslova kroz analizu planske dokumentacije i utvrđivanje trenutnog stanja terenskim istraživanjem",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac",
title = "Izostanak planske dokumentacije kao faktor komunalno-higijenskih problema na levoj obali Dunava u gradskom naselju Beograd",
pages = "235-241",
url = ""
Samardžić, I., Anđelković, G., Novković, I.,& Durlević, U.. (2021). Izostanak planske dokumentacije kao faktor komunalno-higijenskih problema na levoj obali Dunava u gradskom naselju Beograd. in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 235-241.
Samardžić I, Anđelković G, Novković I, Durlević U. Izostanak planske dokumentacije kao faktor komunalno-higijenskih problema na levoj obali Dunava u gradskom naselju Beograd. in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac. 2021;:235-241. .
Samardžić, Ivan, Anđelković, Goran, Novković, Ivan, Durlević, Uroš, "Izostanak planske dokumentacije kao faktor komunalno-higijenskih problema na levoj obali Dunava u gradskom naselju Beograd" in Zbornik radova Jedanaestog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Vršac (2021):235-241, .

Rooftop and vertical greenery – the improvement concept of community hygiene conditions in the cities of Serbia

Samardžić, Ivan; Filipović, Dejan; Anđelković, Goran; Novković, Ivan

(Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, 2021)

AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
AU  - Filipović, Dejan
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Novković, Ivan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - In conditions of overpopulated urban centers, one of the main issues is to ensure new green spaces. Vertical and rooftop greenery in urban centers is often the only possibility to increase the green areas, as well as the factor of creating better living conditions, which is the subject of this paper analysis. The greening concept of vertical surfaces and rooftops has also been proved as the factor for creating better community hygiene conditions (landscaping of neglected buildings’ rooftops and solving communal problems, as well as landscaping of slopes, repairing of bridge structures, retaining walls, concrete riverbanks and canals). In addition, it has been the significant environmental protection factor (increase of green areas, decrease of climate extremes and mitigation of city “heat island”, energy efficiency of buildings, increase of biodiversity, etc.). This research includes the analysis of relevant literature, scientific papers, monographs and planning documents, as well as the specific examples of various cities around the world. The aim of this paper is to determine the possibilities for implementation of the rooftop and vertical greenery concept, as the improvement factor of community hygiene conditions in the cities of Serbia.
PB  - Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management
C3  - Collection of Papers of the 5th Serbian congress of geographers ''Innovative approach and perspectives of the applied geography'', Novi Sad
T1  - Rooftop and vertical greenery – the improvement concept of community hygiene conditions in the cities of Serbia
SP  - 96
EP  - 102
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Ivan and Filipović, Dejan and Anđelković, Goran and Novković, Ivan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In conditions of overpopulated urban centers, one of the main issues is to ensure new green spaces. Vertical and rooftop greenery in urban centers is often the only possibility to increase the green areas, as well as the factor of creating better living conditions, which is the subject of this paper analysis. The greening concept of vertical surfaces and rooftops has also been proved as the factor for creating better community hygiene conditions (landscaping of neglected buildings’ rooftops and solving communal problems, as well as landscaping of slopes, repairing of bridge structures, retaining walls, concrete riverbanks and canals). In addition, it has been the significant environmental protection factor (increase of green areas, decrease of climate extremes and mitigation of city “heat island”, energy efficiency of buildings, increase of biodiversity, etc.). This research includes the analysis of relevant literature, scientific papers, monographs and planning documents, as well as the specific examples of various cities around the world. The aim of this paper is to determine the possibilities for implementation of the rooftop and vertical greenery concept, as the improvement factor of community hygiene conditions in the cities of Serbia.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management",
journal = "Collection of Papers of the 5th Serbian congress of geographers ''Innovative approach and perspectives of the applied geography'', Novi Sad",
title = "Rooftop and vertical greenery – the improvement concept of community hygiene conditions in the cities of Serbia",
pages = "96-102",
url = ""
Samardžić, I., Filipović, D., Anđelković, G.,& Novković, I.. (2021). Rooftop and vertical greenery – the improvement concept of community hygiene conditions in the cities of Serbia. in Collection of Papers of the 5th Serbian congress of geographers ''Innovative approach and perspectives of the applied geography'', Novi Sad
Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management., 96-102.
Samardžić I, Filipović D, Anđelković G, Novković I. Rooftop and vertical greenery – the improvement concept of community hygiene conditions in the cities of Serbia. in Collection of Papers of the 5th Serbian congress of geographers ''Innovative approach and perspectives of the applied geography'', Novi Sad. 2021;:96-102. .
Samardžić, Ivan, Filipović, Dejan, Anđelković, Goran, Novković, Ivan, "Rooftop and vertical greenery – the improvement concept of community hygiene conditions in the cities of Serbia" in Collection of Papers of the 5th Serbian congress of geographers ''Innovative approach and perspectives of the applied geography'', Novi Sad (2021):96-102, .

Komunalno-higijenski problemi priobalja reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija)

Samardžić, Ivan; Filipović, Dejan; Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2020)

AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
AU  - Filipović, Dejan
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Predmet istraživanja rada je identifikacija komunalno-higijenskih problema priobalja reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd. Prilikom istraživanja analizirani su planska i zakonska regulativa i delatnost rada nadležnih preduzeća (državnih i gradskih), korišćen je odgovarajući softverski paket za izradu tematske karte, a sprovedena su i terenska istraživanja. Dominantni komunalno-higijenski problemi koji su identifikovani u priobalju reke Save su: ispuštanje komunalnih otpadnih voda bez prethodnog prečišćavanja, nelegalna izgradnja, neadekvatan rad inspekcijskih organa, izostanak koordinacije nadležnih državnih javnih preduzeća i gradskih javnih komunalnih i vodoprivrednih preduzeća, nerešavanje komunalnih problema (evakuacija otpada, posebno nakon povlačenja visokih voda i oko splavova), izostanak uređenja prostora, specifični problemi na ušću Topčiderske reke i nizak nivo ekološke svesti građana. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje predloga postupaka i mera pomoću kojih bi se unapredilo upravljanje priobaljem reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd, sa mogućnošću šire implementacije, pre svega u priobalju Dunava na istom istraživanom prostoru.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Osmog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Beograd
T1  - Komunalno-higijenski problemi priobalja reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija)
SP  - 419
EP  - 426
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Ivan and Filipović, Dejan and Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Predmet istraživanja rada je identifikacija komunalno-higijenskih problema priobalja reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd. Prilikom istraživanja analizirani su planska i zakonska regulativa i delatnost rada nadležnih preduzeća (državnih i gradskih), korišćen je odgovarajući softverski paket za izradu tematske karte, a sprovedena su i terenska istraživanja. Dominantni komunalno-higijenski problemi koji su identifikovani u priobalju reke Save su: ispuštanje komunalnih otpadnih voda bez prethodnog prečišćavanja, nelegalna izgradnja, neadekvatan rad inspekcijskih organa, izostanak koordinacije nadležnih državnih javnih preduzeća i gradskih javnih komunalnih i vodoprivrednih preduzeća, nerešavanje komunalnih problema (evakuacija otpada, posebno nakon povlačenja visokih voda i oko splavova), izostanak uređenja prostora, specifični problemi na ušću Topčiderske reke i nizak nivo ekološke svesti građana. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje predloga postupaka i mera pomoću kojih bi se unapredilo upravljanje priobaljem reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd, sa mogućnošću šire implementacije, pre svega u priobalju Dunava na istom istraživanom prostoru.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Osmog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Beograd",
title = "Komunalno-higijenski problemi priobalja reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija)",
pages = "419-426",
url = ""
Samardžić, I., Filipović, D.,& Anđelković, G.. (2020). Komunalno-higijenski problemi priobalja reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija). in Zbornik radova Osmog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Beograd
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 419-426.
Samardžić I, Filipović D, Anđelković G. Komunalno-higijenski problemi priobalja reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija). in Zbornik radova Osmog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Beograd. 2020;:419-426. .
Samardžić, Ivan, Filipović, Dejan, Anđelković, Goran, "Komunalno-higijenski problemi priobalja reke Save na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd (Srbija)" in Zbornik radova Osmog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja", Beograd (2020):419-426, .

Research possibilities of extreme hydrological phenomena in Serbia in the function of climate change adaptation

Anđelković, Goran; Samardžić, Ivan; Đukić, Duško

(Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet, 2020)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
AU  - Đukić, Duško
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Many natural disasters are nowadays interpreted as consequences of climate changes. They represent a form of extreme occurrences, i.e. deviation of normal conditions. They are recognized as deviation in the intensity, frequency or spatial distribution of a phenomenon from normal conditions. Thus, they represent a threat to ecosystems, economic stability and can lead to social and political problems. So far, there is no generally accepted classification of the disasters. This paper starts from the fact that a special grouping represents disasters that are happening as result of interaction of atmosphere and hydrosphere, due to the mutual interconnections. It is considered that the genetic grouping of climatehydrological extremes represents the majority of natural disasters. In the near past, the Southeast Europe countries were exposed to hydrological extremes whose causes were atmospheric occurrences. Due to the region's compactness and similar geographical conditions, these countries were sensitive to similar phenomena. The paper discusses about the hydrological extremes in Serbia that represents the result of extreme climatic conditions in relation to the consequences they have in the geographical surrounding. A total of 19 extreme hydrological phenomena have been outlined in this paper. Based on the level of destructiveness, they are classified into five categories: exceptional, significant, dangerous, strong and catastrophic. Each of them can be identified using statistical thresholds as physical parameters. The type of distribution basically determines the way in which thresholds are calculated. Four methods for their detection are outlined: the normal distribution method, the peaks method, the deciles method and the recurrence interval method. Defining each unfavorable phenomenon, their classification and determination of methods for detection are conditions for recognition and announcement. This allows an adequate reaction from the social community and the risks of disasters are reduced.
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
T2  - Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T1  - Research possibilities of extreme hydrological phenomena in Serbia in the function of climate change adaptation
IS  - 68
SP  - 5
EP  - 21
DO  - 10.5937/zrgfub2068005A
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran and Samardžić, Ivan and Đukić, Duško",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Many natural disasters are nowadays interpreted as consequences of climate changes. They represent a form of extreme occurrences, i.e. deviation of normal conditions. They are recognized as deviation in the intensity, frequency or spatial distribution of a phenomenon from normal conditions. Thus, they represent a threat to ecosystems, economic stability and can lead to social and political problems. So far, there is no generally accepted classification of the disasters. This paper starts from the fact that a special grouping represents disasters that are happening as result of interaction of atmosphere and hydrosphere, due to the mutual interconnections. It is considered that the genetic grouping of climatehydrological extremes represents the majority of natural disasters. In the near past, the Southeast Europe countries were exposed to hydrological extremes whose causes were atmospheric occurrences. Due to the region's compactness and similar geographical conditions, these countries were sensitive to similar phenomena. The paper discusses about the hydrological extremes in Serbia that represents the result of extreme climatic conditions in relation to the consequences they have in the geographical surrounding. A total of 19 extreme hydrological phenomena have been outlined in this paper. Based on the level of destructiveness, they are classified into five categories: exceptional, significant, dangerous, strong and catastrophic. Each of them can be identified using statistical thresholds as physical parameters. The type of distribution basically determines the way in which thresholds are calculated. Four methods for their detection are outlined: the normal distribution method, the peaks method, the deciles method and the recurrence interval method. Defining each unfavorable phenomenon, their classification and determination of methods for detection are conditions for recognition and announcement. This allows an adequate reaction from the social community and the risks of disasters are reduced.",
publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
title = "Research possibilities of extreme hydrological phenomena in Serbia in the function of climate change adaptation",
number = "68",
pages = "5-21",
doi = "10.5937/zrgfub2068005A",
url = ""
Anđelković, G., Samardžić, I.,& Đukić, D.. (2020). Research possibilities of extreme hydrological phenomena in Serbia in the function of climate change adaptation. in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet.(68), 5-21.
Anđelković G, Samardžić I, Đukić D. Research possibilities of extreme hydrological phenomena in Serbia in the function of climate change adaptation. in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. 2020;(68):5-21.
doi:10.5937/zrgfub2068005A .
Anđelković, Goran, Samardžić, Ivan, Đukić, Duško, "Research possibilities of extreme hydrological phenomena in Serbia in the function of climate change adaptation" in Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, no. 68 (2020):5-21, ., .

Problemi upravljanja zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd

Samardžić, Ivan; Filipović, Dejan; Anđelković, Goran; Novković, Ivan; Milanović, Miško; Nekić, Nevena

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2019)

AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
AU  - Filipović, Dejan
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Novković, Ivan
AU  - Milanović, Miško
AU  - Nekić, Nevena
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Zaštićena prirodna dobra na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd zauzimaju  približno 10.58km2, odnosno 2,72% ukupne površine (Samardžić I., 2017). Postoje  mogućnosti proširenja zaštite i proglašenja novih zaštićenih prirodnih dobara (Forland  leve obale Dunava, Stepin lug i dr.). Ipak, u postojećim zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima  postoje problemi upravljanja što je i predmet istraživanja ovog rada. Ti problemi su:  administrativno-organizacioni (politika zaštite životne sredine i proglašenje zaštite  prirodnih dobara, neprofesionalni menadžment i kadrovska politika, nesprovođenje planskih  dokumenata, neadekvatan rad inspekcijskih organa, izostanak koordinacije komunalnih  preduzeća, nerešavanje komunalnih i drugih problema poput nelegalne gradnje, seče  šuma, pošumljavanja, uklanjanja smetlišta i dr.), neefikasna kaznena politika (niske kazne  ili izostanak kazni, obuka sudija), kapaciteti upravljača (ljudski resursi, mehanizacija),  nedovoljna materijalna ulaganja, nizak nivo ekološke svesti stanovništva i specifični problemi  zaštite pojedinačnih stabala. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje predloga mera unapređenja  upravljanja zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd na osnovu  analize planskih dokumenata i terenskih istraživanja.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica
T1  - Problemi upravljanja zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd
SP  - 203
EP  - 210
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Samardžić, Ivan and Filipović, Dejan and Anđelković, Goran and Novković, Ivan and Milanović, Miško and Nekić, Nevena",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Zaštićena prirodna dobra na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd zauzimaju  približno 10.58km2, odnosno 2,72% ukupne površine (Samardžić I., 2017). Postoje  mogućnosti proširenja zaštite i proglašenja novih zaštićenih prirodnih dobara (Forland  leve obale Dunava, Stepin lug i dr.). Ipak, u postojećim zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima  postoje problemi upravljanja što je i predmet istraživanja ovog rada. Ti problemi su:  administrativno-organizacioni (politika zaštite životne sredine i proglašenje zaštite  prirodnih dobara, neprofesionalni menadžment i kadrovska politika, nesprovođenje planskih  dokumenata, neadekvatan rad inspekcijskih organa, izostanak koordinacije komunalnih  preduzeća, nerešavanje komunalnih i drugih problema poput nelegalne gradnje, seče  šuma, pošumljavanja, uklanjanja smetlišta i dr.), neefikasna kaznena politika (niske kazne  ili izostanak kazni, obuka sudija), kapaciteti upravljača (ljudski resursi, mehanizacija),  nedovoljna materijalna ulaganja, nizak nivo ekološke svesti stanovništva i specifični problemi  zaštite pojedinačnih stabala. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje predloga mera unapređenja  upravljanja zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd na osnovu  analize planskih dokumenata i terenskih istraživanja.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica",
title = "Problemi upravljanja zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd",
pages = "203-210",
url = ""
Samardžić, I., Filipović, D., Anđelković, G., Novković, I., Milanović, M.,& Nekić, N.. (2019). Problemi upravljanja zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd. in Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 203-210.
Samardžić I, Filipović D, Anđelković G, Novković I, Milanović M, Nekić N. Problemi upravljanja zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd. in Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica. 2019;:203-210. .
Samardžić, Ivan, Filipović, Dejan, Anđelković, Goran, Novković, Ivan, Milanović, Miško, Nekić, Nevena, "Problemi upravljanja zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima na teritoriji gradskog naselja Beograd" in Zbornik radova Desetog naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine", Palić-Subotica (2019):203-210, .

Extreme Precipitation Events in Serbia: Defining the Threshold Criteria for Emergency Preparedness

Anđelković, Goran; Jovanović, Slavoljub; Manojlović, Sanja; Samardžić, Ivan; Živković, Ljiljana; Šabić, Dejan; Gatarić, Dragica; Džinović, Milanka

(Basel : MDPI, 2018)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Jovanović, Slavoljub
AU  - Manojlović, Sanja
AU  - Samardžić, Ivan
AU  - Živković, Ljiljana
AU  - Šabić, Dejan
AU  - Gatarić, Dragica
AU  - Džinović, Milanka
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Considering recent weather events in Serbia (especially the floods in 2014), a need has arisen for research that would help in identifying extreme weather phenomena. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine the thresholds above which intense precipitation can be considered as extreme precipitation events in Serbia. In this study, we determined the frequency of precipitation occurring at an intensity above the threshold of an extreme phenomenon (1961-2015), as well as the frequency of precipitation occurring at or above the absolute daily maximum in the reference period (1961-1990). The study sample included daily rainfall observations from 28 stations from the national meteorological network in Serbia. Applying a decile method, all the stations recording precipitation above the threshold of dangerous phenomena on the same day are classified into the corresponding decile. The threshold value was determined as the average value of the extreme annual precipitation in the analyzed period. The cases that are due to the high prevalence listed in the last decile are considered extreme. The results showed that the critical number of observation points above which an event is considered extreme precipitation event is 6.21, and a warning of the danger could be ensured only in the case of neighboring stations in the network. The threshold of extreme precipitation events for the individual stations ranges up to 130 mm. The obtained results might be used to mitigate the effects of extreme precipitation events in Serbia in the future.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Atmosphere
T1  - Extreme Precipitation Events in Serbia: Defining the Threshold Criteria for Emergency Preparedness
VL  - 9
IS  - 5
DO  - 10.3390/atmos9050188
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran and Jovanović, Slavoljub and Manojlović, Sanja and Samardžić, Ivan and Živković, Ljiljana and Šabić, Dejan and Gatarić, Dragica and Džinović, Milanka",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Considering recent weather events in Serbia (especially the floods in 2014), a need has arisen for research that would help in identifying extreme weather phenomena. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine the thresholds above which intense precipitation can be considered as extreme precipitation events in Serbia. In this study, we determined the frequency of precipitation occurring at an intensity above the threshold of an extreme phenomenon (1961-2015), as well as the frequency of precipitation occurring at or above the absolute daily maximum in the reference period (1961-1990). The study sample included daily rainfall observations from 28 stations from the national meteorological network in Serbia. Applying a decile method, all the stations recording precipitation above the threshold of dangerous phenomena on the same day are classified into the corresponding decile. The threshold value was determined as the average value of the extreme annual precipitation in the analyzed period. The cases that are due to the high prevalence listed in the last decile are considered extreme. The results showed that the critical number of observation points above which an event is considered extreme precipitation event is 6.21, and a warning of the danger could be ensured only in the case of neighboring stations in the network. The threshold of extreme precipitation events for the individual stations ranges up to 130 mm. The obtained results might be used to mitigate the effects of extreme precipitation events in Serbia in the future.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Atmosphere",
title = "Extreme Precipitation Events in Serbia: Defining the Threshold Criteria for Emergency Preparedness",
volume = "9",
number = "5",
doi = "10.3390/atmos9050188",
url = ""
Anđelković, G., Jovanović, S., Manojlović, S., Samardžić, I., Živković, L., Šabić, D., Gatarić, D.,& Džinović, M.. (2018). Extreme Precipitation Events in Serbia: Defining the Threshold Criteria for Emergency Preparedness. in Atmosphere
Basel : MDPI., 9(5).
Anđelković G, Jovanović S, Manojlović S, Samardžić I, Živković L, Šabić D, Gatarić D, Džinović M. Extreme Precipitation Events in Serbia: Defining the Threshold Criteria for Emergency Preparedness. in Atmosphere. 2018;9(5).
doi:10.3390/atmos9050188 .
Anđelković, Goran, Jovanović, Slavoljub, Manojlović, Sanja, Samardžić, Ivan, Živković, Ljiljana, Šabić, Dejan, Gatarić, Dragica, Džinović, Milanka, "Extreme Precipitation Events in Serbia: Defining the Threshold Criteria for Emergency Preparedness" in Atmosphere, 9, no. 5 (2018), ., .

Exploring proenvironmental behavior of Serbian youth through environmental values, satisfaction, and responsibility

Jovanović, Slavoljub; Gatarić, Dragica; Prnjat, Zorica; Anđelković, Goran; Jovanović, Jasmina M.; Lukić, Bogdan; Lutovac, Miloš

(Soc Personality Res Inc, Palmerston North, 2016)

AU  - Jovanović, Slavoljub
AU  - Gatarić, Dragica
AU  - Prnjat, Zorica
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Jovanović, Jasmina M.
AU  - Lukić, Bogdan
AU  - Lutovac, Miloš
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - We assessed the influence of environmental values on the proenvironmental behavior of youth in Serbia by assessing the level of their satisfaction with environmental conditions and their sense of personal environmental responsibility. Participants were 168 15-year-old boys and girls who were pupils in their final year at primary schools in Belgrade. We found that 9.5% of the variability in the students' proenvironmental behavior could be explained by individual differences regarding their environmental values, environmental satisfaction, and environmental responsibility. The results obtained from this study should provide curriculum developers, educators, and teachers with a deeper understanding of methods and strategies to use in order to raise environmental awareness and to encourage environmentally responsible behavior among young people in Serbia.
PB  - Soc Personality Res Inc, Palmerston North
T2  - Social Behavior and Personality
T1  - Exploring proenvironmental behavior of Serbian youth through environmental values, satisfaction, and responsibility
VL  - 44
IS  - 7
SP  - 1057
EP  - 1068
DO  - 10.2224/sbp.2016.44.7.1057
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Slavoljub and Gatarić, Dragica and Prnjat, Zorica and Anđelković, Goran and Jovanović, Jasmina M. and Lukić, Bogdan and Lutovac, Miloš",
year = "2016",
abstract = "We assessed the influence of environmental values on the proenvironmental behavior of youth in Serbia by assessing the level of their satisfaction with environmental conditions and their sense of personal environmental responsibility. Participants were 168 15-year-old boys and girls who were pupils in their final year at primary schools in Belgrade. We found that 9.5% of the variability in the students' proenvironmental behavior could be explained by individual differences regarding their environmental values, environmental satisfaction, and environmental responsibility. The results obtained from this study should provide curriculum developers, educators, and teachers with a deeper understanding of methods and strategies to use in order to raise environmental awareness and to encourage environmentally responsible behavior among young people in Serbia.",
publisher = "Soc Personality Res Inc, Palmerston North",
journal = "Social Behavior and Personality",
title = "Exploring proenvironmental behavior of Serbian youth through environmental values, satisfaction, and responsibility",
volume = "44",
number = "7",
pages = "1057-1068",
doi = "10.2224/sbp.2016.44.7.1057",
url = ""
Jovanović, S., Gatarić, D., Prnjat, Z., Anđelković, G., Jovanović, J. M., Lukić, B.,& Lutovac, M.. (2016). Exploring proenvironmental behavior of Serbian youth through environmental values, satisfaction, and responsibility. in Social Behavior and Personality
Soc Personality Res Inc, Palmerston North., 44(7), 1057-1068.
Jovanović S, Gatarić D, Prnjat Z, Anđelković G, Jovanović JM, Lukić B, Lutovac M. Exploring proenvironmental behavior of Serbian youth through environmental values, satisfaction, and responsibility. in Social Behavior and Personality. 2016;44(7):1057-1068.
doi:10.2224/sbp.2016.44.7.1057 .
Jovanović, Slavoljub, Gatarić, Dragica, Prnjat, Zorica, Anđelković, Goran, Jovanović, Jasmina M., Lukić, Bogdan, Lutovac, Miloš, "Exploring proenvironmental behavior of Serbian youth through environmental values, satisfaction, and responsibility" in Social Behavior and Personality, 44, no. 7 (2016):1057-1068, ., .

Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) - an attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia

Andjelkovic, Goran; Pavlovic, Sanja; Djurdjic, Snezana; Belij, Marija; Stojkovic, Sanja

(Global NEST, 2016)

AU  - Andjelkovic, Goran
AU  - Pavlovic, Sanja
AU  - Djurdjic, Snezana
AU  - Belij, Marija
AU  - Stojkovic, Sanja
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This paper proposes one new attempt to formulate a mathematical approach to climate parameters in the context of their complex implications for tourist activities through the tourism climate comfort index (TCCI). This paper also aims to formulate an original and optimal mathematical correlation between readily obtainable climate parameters (mean monthly air temperature, monthly amplitude of air temperatures, monthly insolation, average monthly relative air humidity and the number of rainy days), which results in values of the TCCI. Simultaneously, this index will provide the values correspondent to the values of air temperatures (degrees C), which represents a comparative baseline understandable equally for tourists, tourism planners and managers. The example of Serbia as a mainland country in the south-east of Europe was used to apply the proposed methodology. The spatial-temporal variability of TCCI is formulated on basis of data for the period 1961-2000 while for testing model was used selected period 2001-2010 on the sample of 26 meteorological stations distributed all around Serbia. For this purpose a standard statistical techniques were applied and ArcGIS software was used for analyze of the variability of the TCCI in relation to the altitude, which is of particular importance for the development of tourism in the mountains. Checking variability of the index was carried out in relation to statistical data about number of tourists on the three most visited tourist destinations which are of importance for the development of urban, mountain and spa tourism, the leading forms of tourism activities on the territory of Serbia. The obtained results correspond with the fact of the pronounced seasonality of tourism market and thus may represent a good basis for future tourism planning and management.
PB  - Global NEST
T2  - Global Nest Journal
T1  - Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) - an attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia
VL  - 18
IS  - 3
SP  - 482
EP  - 493
DO  - 10.30955/gnj.001798
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Andjelkovic, Goran and Pavlovic, Sanja and Djurdjic, Snezana and Belij, Marija and Stojkovic, Sanja",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This paper proposes one new attempt to formulate a mathematical approach to climate parameters in the context of their complex implications for tourist activities through the tourism climate comfort index (TCCI). This paper also aims to formulate an original and optimal mathematical correlation between readily obtainable climate parameters (mean monthly air temperature, monthly amplitude of air temperatures, monthly insolation, average monthly relative air humidity and the number of rainy days), which results in values of the TCCI. Simultaneously, this index will provide the values correspondent to the values of air temperatures (degrees C), which represents a comparative baseline understandable equally for tourists, tourism planners and managers. The example of Serbia as a mainland country in the south-east of Europe was used to apply the proposed methodology. The spatial-temporal variability of TCCI is formulated on basis of data for the period 1961-2000 while for testing model was used selected period 2001-2010 on the sample of 26 meteorological stations distributed all around Serbia. For this purpose a standard statistical techniques were applied and ArcGIS software was used for analyze of the variability of the TCCI in relation to the altitude, which is of particular importance for the development of tourism in the mountains. Checking variability of the index was carried out in relation to statistical data about number of tourists on the three most visited tourist destinations which are of importance for the development of urban, mountain and spa tourism, the leading forms of tourism activities on the territory of Serbia. The obtained results correspond with the fact of the pronounced seasonality of tourism market and thus may represent a good basis for future tourism planning and management.",
publisher = "Global NEST",
journal = "Global Nest Journal",
title = "Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) - an attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia",
volume = "18",
number = "3",
pages = "482-493",
doi = "10.30955/gnj.001798",
url = ""
Andjelkovic, G., Pavlovic, S., Djurdjic, S., Belij, M.,& Stojkovic, S.. (2016). Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) - an attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia. in Global Nest Journal
Global NEST., 18(3), 482-493.
Andjelkovic G, Pavlovic S, Djurdjic S, Belij M, Stojkovic S. Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) - an attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia. in Global Nest Journal. 2016;18(3):482-493.
doi:10.30955/gnj.001798 .
Andjelkovic, Goran, Pavlovic, Sanja, Djurdjic, Snezana, Belij, Marija, Stojkovic, Sanja, "Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) - an attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia" in Global Nest Journal, 18, no. 3 (2016):482-493, ., .

Hiatus in global warming - the example of water temperature of the Danube river at Bogojevo gauge (Serbia)

Ducić, Vladan; Milenković, Milan; Milijašević, Dragana; Vujačić, Duško M.; Bjeljac, Željko; Lović, Suzana L.; Gajić, Mirjana; Anđelković, Goran; Đorđević, Aleksandar

(Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, 2015)

AU  - Ducić, Vladan
AU  - Milenković, Milan
AU  - Milijašević, Dragana
AU  - Vujačić, Duško M.
AU  - Bjeljac, Željko
AU  - Lović, Suzana L.
AU  - Gajić, Mirjana
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Đorđević, Aleksandar
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The research included trends in water temperature of the Danube River at Bogojevo gauge and surface air temperature at the nearby meteorological station Sombor, as well as an analysis of the results obtained in relation to the claims of the existence of the hiatus in global air temperature increase in the period 1998-2012. In the period 1961-2013, there was a statistically significant increase in the mean annual water temperature (0.039 degrees C per year), as well as all the average monthly values. However, with annual values for the period 1998-2013, there was a decrease. The longest periods of negative trend (27 years) were recorded for January and February. A high correlation was found between the surface air temperature and water temperature for all monthly and seasonal values. In the mean annual air temperature the presence of the hiatus is not observed, but a negative trend is recorded in March (32 years), December (43 years), and February (49 years). The highest correlations between water temperature and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Arctic Oscillation (AO), and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) were obtained for the NAO in January (0.60), the AMO in autumn (0.52), and the NAO in winter (0.51). For surface air temperature, the highest correlations were registered for the AMO in summer (0.49) and the NAO in winter (0.42). The results indicate the dominant role of natural factors in the decrease of winter air temperature and water temperature of the Danube.
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča
T2  - Thermal Science
T1  - Hiatus in global warming - the example of water temperature of the Danube river at Bogojevo gauge (Serbia)
VL  - 19
SP  - S467
EP  - S476
DO  - 10.2298/TSCI150430133D
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ducić, Vladan and Milenković, Milan and Milijašević, Dragana and Vujačić, Duško M. and Bjeljac, Željko and Lović, Suzana L. and Gajić, Mirjana and Anđelković, Goran and Đorđević, Aleksandar",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The research included trends in water temperature of the Danube River at Bogojevo gauge and surface air temperature at the nearby meteorological station Sombor, as well as an analysis of the results obtained in relation to the claims of the existence of the hiatus in global air temperature increase in the period 1998-2012. In the period 1961-2013, there was a statistically significant increase in the mean annual water temperature (0.039 degrees C per year), as well as all the average monthly values. However, with annual values for the period 1998-2013, there was a decrease. The longest periods of negative trend (27 years) were recorded for January and February. A high correlation was found between the surface air temperature and water temperature for all monthly and seasonal values. In the mean annual air temperature the presence of the hiatus is not observed, but a negative trend is recorded in March (32 years), December (43 years), and February (49 years). The highest correlations between water temperature and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Arctic Oscillation (AO), and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) were obtained for the NAO in January (0.60), the AMO in autumn (0.52), and the NAO in winter (0.51). For surface air temperature, the highest correlations were registered for the AMO in summer (0.49) and the NAO in winter (0.42). The results indicate the dominant role of natural factors in the decrease of winter air temperature and water temperature of the Danube.",
publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča",
journal = "Thermal Science",
title = "Hiatus in global warming - the example of water temperature of the Danube river at Bogojevo gauge (Serbia)",
volume = "19",
pages = "S467-S476",
doi = "10.2298/TSCI150430133D",
url = ""
Ducić, V., Milenković, M., Milijašević, D., Vujačić, D. M., Bjeljac, Ž., Lović, S. L., Gajić, M., Anđelković, G.,& Đorđević, A.. (2015). Hiatus in global warming - the example of water temperature of the Danube river at Bogojevo gauge (Serbia). in Thermal Science
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča., 19, S467-S476.
Ducić V, Milenković M, Milijašević D, Vujačić DM, Bjeljac Ž, Lović SL, Gajić M, Anđelković G, Đorđević A. Hiatus in global warming - the example of water temperature of the Danube river at Bogojevo gauge (Serbia). in Thermal Science. 2015;19:S467-S476.
doi:10.2298/TSCI150430133D .
Ducić, Vladan, Milenković, Milan, Milijašević, Dragana, Vujačić, Duško M., Bjeljac, Željko, Lović, Suzana L., Gajić, Mirjana, Anđelković, Goran, Đorđević, Aleksandar, "Hiatus in global warming - the example of water temperature of the Danube river at Bogojevo gauge (Serbia)" in Thermal Science, 19 (2015):S467-S476, ., .

Application of multi-criteria analysis and GIS in ecotourism development (Case study: Serbian Danube region)

Stojković, Sanja; Đurđić, Snežana; Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2015)

AU  - Stojković, Sanja
AU  - Đurđić, Snežana
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Ecotourism can be defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and cultural heritage and improves the well-being of local people. Sustainable planning and management of ecotourism development are important and necessary for increasing positive and decreasing negative effects on the complex environment. This paper analyses the suitability of selected protected natural areas in the Serbian Danube region for the purposes of ecotourism development. The multi-criteria analysis includes several natural and socio-economic factors and criteria which influence ecotourism development. The integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) greatly facilitates the decision-making process in the ecotourism destination planning. A suitability map of the analysed protected natural areas for ecotourism development as one of the sustainable tourism types is highlighted as a result of this paper. Such analysis assists in the objective promotion of ecotourism destinations and thus contributes to the improvement of Serbian tourism development.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Application of multi-criteria analysis and GIS in ecotourism development (Case study: Serbian Danube region)
VL  - 95
IS  - 1
SP  - 51
EP  - 66
DO  - 10.2298/GSGD1501051S
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stojković, Sanja and Đurđić, Snežana and Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Ecotourism can be defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and cultural heritage and improves the well-being of local people. Sustainable planning and management of ecotourism development are important and necessary for increasing positive and decreasing negative effects on the complex environment. This paper analyses the suitability of selected protected natural areas in the Serbian Danube region for the purposes of ecotourism development. The multi-criteria analysis includes several natural and socio-economic factors and criteria which influence ecotourism development. The integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) greatly facilitates the decision-making process in the ecotourism destination planning. A suitability map of the analysed protected natural areas for ecotourism development as one of the sustainable tourism types is highlighted as a result of this paper. Such analysis assists in the objective promotion of ecotourism destinations and thus contributes to the improvement of Serbian tourism development.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Application of multi-criteria analysis and GIS in ecotourism development (Case study: Serbian Danube region)",
volume = "95",
number = "1",
pages = "51-66",
doi = "10.2298/GSGD1501051S",
url = ""
Stojković, S., Đurđić, S.,& Anđelković, G.. (2015). Application of multi-criteria analysis and GIS in ecotourism development (Case study: Serbian Danube region). in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 95(1), 51-66.
Stojković S, Đurđić S, Anđelković G. Application of multi-criteria analysis and GIS in ecotourism development (Case study: Serbian Danube region). in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2015;95(1):51-66.
doi:10.2298/GSGD1501051S .
Stojković, Sanja, Đurđić, Snežana, Anđelković, Goran, "Application of multi-criteria analysis and GIS in ecotourism development (Case study: Serbian Danube region)" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 95, no. 1 (2015):51-66, ., .

Current state of studying precipitation acidification in Serbia

Talijan, Radomir; Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2015)

AU  - Talijan, Radomir
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2015
UR  -
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Current state of studying precipitation acidification in Serbia
VL  - 95
IS  - 4
SP  - 31
EP  - 52
DO  - 10.2298/GSGD1504031T
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Talijan, Radomir and Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2015",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Current state of studying precipitation acidification in Serbia",
volume = "95",
number = "4",
pages = "31-52",
doi = "10.2298/GSGD1504031T",
url = ""
Talijan, R.,& Anđelković, G.. (2015). Current state of studying precipitation acidification in Serbia. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 95(4), 31-52.
Talijan R, Anđelković G. Current state of studying precipitation acidification in Serbia. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2015;95(4):31-52.
doi:10.2298/GSGD1504031T .
Talijan, Radomir, Anđelković, Goran, "Current state of studying precipitation acidification in Serbia" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 95, no. 4 (2015):31-52, ., .

Extreme precipitation in Republika Srpska: 2010 and 2011 analyses

Trbić, Goran; Ducić, Vladan; Rudan, Nada; Anđelković, Goran; Marković, Sretenka

(Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske, 2012)

AU  - Trbić, Goran
AU  - Ducić, Vladan
AU  - Rudan, Nada
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Marković, Sretenka
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - One of the consequences of global and regional climate changes is the alterations in the intensity and frequency of precipitation in certain areas and on local levels. This paper presents monthly precipitation in 2010 and 2011, with deviations that are measured in millimeters and given in percentage and in accordance to percentiles, based on which we estimated the category of rainfall/aridity that is further connected with probability, i.e. reassurance period. Based on the analysis of precipitation, it was estimated that 2010 was extremely rainy regarding the period of past 60 years and that 2011 was most arid over the period of interest. The results implied the necessity to include data on risks of extreme climate phenomena, in this case, precipitation, when it comes to creating plans and strategic documents of Republika Srpska. Besides, frequent shifts of extremely rainy and arid years and their influence on floods and drains affect the complexity of technical and technological solutions for irrigation and drainage systems. In other words, extreme precipitation should be a crucial parameter of the integral management of the water resources in Republika Srpska.
AB  - Jedna od posljedica globalnih i regionalnih klimatskih promjena su i promjene intenziteta i frekvencija padavina u pojedinim oblastima ili lokalno. U radu su prikazane mjesečne količine padavina tokom 2010. i 2011. sa odstupanjima u milimetrima i procentualno kao i prema pripadajućem percentilu, na osnovu čega se i utvrđuje kategorija kišnosti/sušnosti a koji je u vezi s vjerovatnoćom tj povratnim periodom. Na bazi analiza količine padavina utvrđeno je da je 2010. godina bila ekstremno kišna u posljednjih 60 godina a da je 2011. godina bila najsušnija u instrumentalnom periodu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost uključivanja podataka o rizicima ekstremnih klimatskih pojava, u ovom slučaju padavina, kod izrade planskih i strateških dokumenata Republike Srpske. Sem toga, česte smjene ekstremno kišnih i sušnih godina i njihov uticaj na pojavu poplava i suša utiču i na kompleksnost kod tehničkih i tehnoloških rješenja za izgradnju sistema za navodnjavanje ali i odvodnjavanja voda. Drugim riječima, ekstremne padavine treba da budu veoma bitan parametar integralnog upravljanja vodnim resursima Republike Srpske.
PB  - Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske
T2  - Glasnik - Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske
T1  - Extreme precipitation in Republika Srpska: 2010 and 2011 analyses
T1  - Ekstremne padavine u Republici Srpskoj - analiza 2010. i 2011. godine
IS  - 15
SP  - 81
EP  - 94
DO  - 10.7251/HER1115081T
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Trbić, Goran and Ducić, Vladan and Rudan, Nada and Anđelković, Goran and Marković, Sretenka",
year = "2012",
abstract = "One of the consequences of global and regional climate changes is the alterations in the intensity and frequency of precipitation in certain areas and on local levels. This paper presents monthly precipitation in 2010 and 2011, with deviations that are measured in millimeters and given in percentage and in accordance to percentiles, based on which we estimated the category of rainfall/aridity that is further connected with probability, i.e. reassurance period. Based on the analysis of precipitation, it was estimated that 2010 was extremely rainy regarding the period of past 60 years and that 2011 was most arid over the period of interest. The results implied the necessity to include data on risks of extreme climate phenomena, in this case, precipitation, when it comes to creating plans and strategic documents of Republika Srpska. Besides, frequent shifts of extremely rainy and arid years and their influence on floods and drains affect the complexity of technical and technological solutions for irrigation and drainage systems. In other words, extreme precipitation should be a crucial parameter of the integral management of the water resources in Republika Srpska., Jedna od posljedica globalnih i regionalnih klimatskih promjena su i promjene intenziteta i frekvencija padavina u pojedinim oblastima ili lokalno. U radu su prikazane mjesečne količine padavina tokom 2010. i 2011. sa odstupanjima u milimetrima i procentualno kao i prema pripadajućem percentilu, na osnovu čega se i utvrđuje kategorija kišnosti/sušnosti a koji je u vezi s vjerovatnoćom tj povratnim periodom. Na bazi analiza količine padavina utvrđeno je da je 2010. godina bila ekstremno kišna u posljednjih 60 godina a da je 2011. godina bila najsušnija u instrumentalnom periodu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost uključivanja podataka o rizicima ekstremnih klimatskih pojava, u ovom slučaju padavina, kod izrade planskih i strateških dokumenata Republike Srpske. Sem toga, česte smjene ekstremno kišnih i sušnih godina i njihov uticaj na pojavu poplava i suša utiču i na kompleksnost kod tehničkih i tehnoloških rješenja za izgradnju sistema za navodnjavanje ali i odvodnjavanja voda. Drugim riječima, ekstremne padavine treba da budu veoma bitan parametar integralnog upravljanja vodnim resursima Republike Srpske.",
publisher = "Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske",
journal = "Glasnik - Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske",
title = "Extreme precipitation in Republika Srpska: 2010 and 2011 analyses, Ekstremne padavine u Republici Srpskoj - analiza 2010. i 2011. godine",
number = "15",
pages = "81-94",
doi = "10.7251/HER1115081T",
url = ""
Trbić, G., Ducić, V., Rudan, N., Anđelković, G.,& Marković, S.. (2012). Extreme precipitation in Republika Srpska: 2010 and 2011 analyses. in Glasnik - Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske
Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske.(15), 81-94.
Trbić G, Ducić V, Rudan N, Anđelković G, Marković S. Extreme precipitation in Republika Srpska: 2010 and 2011 analyses. in Glasnik - Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske. 2012;(15):81-94.
doi:10.7251/HER1115081T .
Trbić, Goran, Ducić, Vladan, Rudan, Nada, Anđelković, Goran, Marković, Sretenka, "Extreme precipitation in Republika Srpska: 2010 and 2011 analyses" in Glasnik - Geografsko društvo Republike Srpske, no. 15 (2012):81-94, ., .

Determining the extreme air temperature thresholds in Republic of Srpska

Anđelković, Goran; Ducić, Vladan; Trbić, Goran; Rudan, Nada

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2012)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Ducić, Vladan
AU  - Trbić, Goran
AU  - Rudan, Nada
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The goal of this paper is to determine the state of extreme air temperature in Republic of Srpska and to establish their thresholds as the limits of unsuitability of the climate. The air temperature much above and much below was investigated. The spatial distribution of minimal air temperatures in Republic of Srpska during the studied period 2006-2010 shows the meridian, parallel and altitude regularity. The average annual maximums increase slowly from the north towards the south and insignificantly from the west towards the east of Republic of Srpska.
AB  - Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi stanje ekstremnih vrednosti temperature vazduha u Republici Srpskoj i odrede njihovi pragovi kao granice nepovoljnosti klime. Proučavane su temperatura vazduha mnogo ispod normalne i temperatura vazduha mnogo iznad normalne. Prostorni raspored minimalnih temperatura vazduha u Republici Srpskoj tokom proučavanog perioda 2006-2010. godina pokazuje meridijansku, uporedničku i visinsku zakonomernost. Srednji godišnji maksimumi sporo rastu od severa ka jugu i neznatno od zapada ka istoku Republike Srpske.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Determining the extreme air temperature thresholds in Republic of Srpska
T1  - Određivanje pragova ekstremnih vrednosti temperature vazduha u Republici Srpskoj
VL  - 92
IS  - 1
SP  - 105
EP  - 122
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran and Ducić, Vladan and Trbić, Goran and Rudan, Nada",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The goal of this paper is to determine the state of extreme air temperature in Republic of Srpska and to establish their thresholds as the limits of unsuitability of the climate. The air temperature much above and much below was investigated. The spatial distribution of minimal air temperatures in Republic of Srpska during the studied period 2006-2010 shows the meridian, parallel and altitude regularity. The average annual maximums increase slowly from the north towards the south and insignificantly from the west towards the east of Republic of Srpska., Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi stanje ekstremnih vrednosti temperature vazduha u Republici Srpskoj i odrede njihovi pragovi kao granice nepovoljnosti klime. Proučavane su temperatura vazduha mnogo ispod normalne i temperatura vazduha mnogo iznad normalne. Prostorni raspored minimalnih temperatura vazduha u Republici Srpskoj tokom proučavanog perioda 2006-2010. godina pokazuje meridijansku, uporedničku i visinsku zakonomernost. Srednji godišnji maksimumi sporo rastu od severa ka jugu i neznatno od zapada ka istoku Republike Srpske.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Determining the extreme air temperature thresholds in Republic of Srpska, Određivanje pragova ekstremnih vrednosti temperature vazduha u Republici Srpskoj",
volume = "92",
number = "1",
pages = "105-122",
url = ""
Anđelković, G., Ducić, V., Trbić, G.,& Rudan, N.. (2012). Determining the extreme air temperature thresholds in Republic of Srpska. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 92(1), 105-122.
Anđelković G, Ducić V, Trbić G, Rudan N. Determining the extreme air temperature thresholds in Republic of Srpska. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2012;92(1):105-122. .
Anđelković, Goran, Ducić, Vladan, Trbić, Goran, Rudan, Nada, "Determining the extreme air temperature thresholds in Republic of Srpska" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 92, no. 1 (2012):105-122, .

Natural Hazard Assessment for Land-use Planning in Serbia

Dragicevic, Slavoljub; Filipovic, Dejan; Kostadinov, Stanimir; Ristic, Ratko; Novkovic, Ivan; Zivkovic, Nenad; Andjelkovic, Goran; Abolmasov, Biljana; Secerov Velimir; Djurdjic Snezana

(Univ Tehran, 2011)

AU  - Dragicevic, Slavoljub
AU  - Filipovic, Dejan
AU  - Kostadinov, Stanimir
AU  - Ristic, Ratko
AU  - Novkovic, Ivan
AU  - Zivkovic, Nenad
AU  - Andjelkovic, Goran
AU  - Abolmasov, Biljana
AU  - Secerov Velimir
AU  - Djurdjic Snezana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - The territory of Serbia is vulnerable to various types of natural hazards and the risk is not equal across the entire territory, it varies depending on the type of hazard and the expected potential for damage. The first aim of this research was to determine the geographical distributions of the major types of natural hazards. Seismic hazards, landslides, rock falls, floods, torrential floods, excessive erosion, droughts and forest fires are the most significant natural hazards within the territory of Serbia. Areas vulnerable to some of these natural hazards were singled out using analytical maps; their area relative to the total area of Serbia was defined, along with the total surface area that is vulnerable to each type of natural hazard. Upper intensity values for single natural hazards were measured; these values represent the limiting factor for land-use planning at the given level. Based on these analyses, an integral map of the natural hazards of the territory was created using multi-hazard assessment. Hence, a recent state of the natural hazard vulnerabilities of the territory of Serbia was created and then an integral map was made. The integral map showed spatial distribution of the different types of hazards that are considered to be limiting factors for the highest level of land-use planning. The results presented in this article are the first mufti-hazard assessment and the fast version of the integral map of natural hazards distribution in Serbia for land-use planning, which is important both nationally and regionally.
PB  - Univ Tehran
T2  - International Journal of Environmental Research
T1  - Natural Hazard Assessment for Land-use Planning in Serbia
VL  - 5
IS  - 2
SP  - 371
EP  - 380
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dragicevic, Slavoljub and Filipovic, Dejan and Kostadinov, Stanimir and Ristic, Ratko and Novkovic, Ivan and Zivkovic, Nenad and Andjelkovic, Goran and Abolmasov, Biljana and Secerov Velimir and Djurdjic Snezana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The territory of Serbia is vulnerable to various types of natural hazards and the risk is not equal across the entire territory, it varies depending on the type of hazard and the expected potential for damage. The first aim of this research was to determine the geographical distributions of the major types of natural hazards. Seismic hazards, landslides, rock falls, floods, torrential floods, excessive erosion, droughts and forest fires are the most significant natural hazards within the territory of Serbia. Areas vulnerable to some of these natural hazards were singled out using analytical maps; their area relative to the total area of Serbia was defined, along with the total surface area that is vulnerable to each type of natural hazard. Upper intensity values for single natural hazards were measured; these values represent the limiting factor for land-use planning at the given level. Based on these analyses, an integral map of the natural hazards of the territory was created using multi-hazard assessment. Hence, a recent state of the natural hazard vulnerabilities of the territory of Serbia was created and then an integral map was made. The integral map showed spatial distribution of the different types of hazards that are considered to be limiting factors for the highest level of land-use planning. The results presented in this article are the first mufti-hazard assessment and the fast version of the integral map of natural hazards distribution in Serbia for land-use planning, which is important both nationally and regionally.",
publisher = "Univ Tehran",
journal = "International Journal of Environmental Research",
title = "Natural Hazard Assessment for Land-use Planning in Serbia",
volume = "5",
number = "2",
pages = "371-380",
url = ""
Dragicevic, S., Filipovic, D., Kostadinov, S., Ristic, R., Novkovic, I., Zivkovic, N., Andjelkovic, G., Abolmasov, B., Secerov Velimir,& Djurdjic Snezana. (2011). Natural Hazard Assessment for Land-use Planning in Serbia. in International Journal of Environmental Research
Univ Tehran., 5(2), 371-380.
Dragicevic S, Filipovic D, Kostadinov S, Ristic R, Novkovic I, Zivkovic N, Andjelkovic G, Abolmasov B, Secerov Velimir, Djurdjic Snezana. Natural Hazard Assessment for Land-use Planning in Serbia. in International Journal of Environmental Research. 2011;5(2):371-380. .
Dragicevic, Slavoljub, Filipovic, Dejan, Kostadinov, Stanimir, Ristic, Ratko, Novkovic, Ivan, Zivkovic, Nenad, Andjelkovic, Goran, Abolmasov, Biljana, Secerov Velimir, Djurdjic Snezana, "Natural Hazard Assessment for Land-use Planning in Serbia" in International Journal of Environmental Research, 5, no. 2 (2011):371-380, .

Climatic extremes in Serbia: Definitions, types and classification

Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2010)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Climatic extremes as negative events are named to be one of the major problems of humankind today. Still, their complex and systematic study is missing - they are studied only as an 'attachment' to the problem of contemporary climate changes. Number of terms is used arbitrarily, such as climatic extremes and extreme climate events. From the geographical perspective, there is a need to define extremes and classify them at first, and only then to establish criteria for their identification, to link the problem to the geographical base, etc. There should be a specific approach for every area on Earth. In this work 31 extreme climate events have been isolated and defined, and all of them, according to their specific characteristics and their harmfulness, have been classified into 5 categories. Systematic geographical studies of these events could intensify the fight against atmospheric hazards in Serbia and help the system of insurance of people and material goods. There should be regulations that would include precise definitions of all hazards with precise borders of the harmfulness of the event, then the assessment of the possible endangerment and the possibility of protection in certain regions, etc.
AB  - Klimatski ekstremi kao nepovoljne pojave danas se svrstavaju među najveće probleme čovečanstva. Ipak, nedostaje njihovo kompleksno i sistematsko proučavanje, a ne kao 'privezak' problemu savremenih promena klime. Mnogi termini se koriste proizvoljno, kao klimatski ekstremi i ekstremne klimatske pojave. Sa aspekta geografije postoji potreba prvo za definisanjem ekstrema i njihovom klasifikacijom, a tek onda za uspostavljanjem kriterijuma za njihovo identifikovanje, za povezivanje problema sa geografskom osnovom itd. Za svaki prostor na Zemlji neophodan je specifičan pristup. U radu je izdvojena i definisana ukupno 31 ekstremna klimatska pojava u Srbiji i sve su na osnovu specifičnosti i stepena štetnosti svrstane u 5 kategorija. Sistematska geografska proučavanja ovih pojava bi mogla intenzivirati borbu protiv atmosferskih nepogoda u Srbiji i pomoći sistem osiguranja ljudi i materijalnih dobara. U okvirima regulativa morale bi da se nalaze precizne definicije svih nepogoda sa preciznim granicama štetnosti pojave, zatim procene moguće ugroženosti i mogućnosti zaštite u pojedinim regionima i sl.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Climatic extremes in Serbia: Definitions, types and classification
T1  - Klimatski ekstremi u Srbiji - definicije, vrste i klasifikacija
VL  - 90
IS  - 4
SP  - 125
EP  - 146
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Climatic extremes as negative events are named to be one of the major problems of humankind today. Still, their complex and systematic study is missing - they are studied only as an 'attachment' to the problem of contemporary climate changes. Number of terms is used arbitrarily, such as climatic extremes and extreme climate events. From the geographical perspective, there is a need to define extremes and classify them at first, and only then to establish criteria for their identification, to link the problem to the geographical base, etc. There should be a specific approach for every area on Earth. In this work 31 extreme climate events have been isolated and defined, and all of them, according to their specific characteristics and their harmfulness, have been classified into 5 categories. Systematic geographical studies of these events could intensify the fight against atmospheric hazards in Serbia and help the system of insurance of people and material goods. There should be regulations that would include precise definitions of all hazards with precise borders of the harmfulness of the event, then the assessment of the possible endangerment and the possibility of protection in certain regions, etc., Klimatski ekstremi kao nepovoljne pojave danas se svrstavaju među najveće probleme čovečanstva. Ipak, nedostaje njihovo kompleksno i sistematsko proučavanje, a ne kao 'privezak' problemu savremenih promena klime. Mnogi termini se koriste proizvoljno, kao klimatski ekstremi i ekstremne klimatske pojave. Sa aspekta geografije postoji potreba prvo za definisanjem ekstrema i njihovom klasifikacijom, a tek onda za uspostavljanjem kriterijuma za njihovo identifikovanje, za povezivanje problema sa geografskom osnovom itd. Za svaki prostor na Zemlji neophodan je specifičan pristup. U radu je izdvojena i definisana ukupno 31 ekstremna klimatska pojava u Srbiji i sve su na osnovu specifičnosti i stepena štetnosti svrstane u 5 kategorija. Sistematska geografska proučavanja ovih pojava bi mogla intenzivirati borbu protiv atmosferskih nepogoda u Srbiji i pomoći sistem osiguranja ljudi i materijalnih dobara. U okvirima regulativa morale bi da se nalaze precizne definicije svih nepogoda sa preciznim granicama štetnosti pojave, zatim procene moguće ugroženosti i mogućnosti zaštite u pojedinim regionima i sl.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Climatic extremes in Serbia: Definitions, types and classification, Klimatski ekstremi u Srbiji - definicije, vrste i klasifikacija",
volume = "90",
number = "4",
pages = "125-146",
url = ""
Anđelković, G.. (2010). Climatic extremes in Serbia: Definitions, types and classification. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 90(4), 125-146.
Anđelković G. Climatic extremes in Serbia: Definitions, types and classification. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2010;90(4):125-146. .
Anđelković, Goran, "Climatic extremes in Serbia: Definitions, types and classification" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 90, no. 4 (2010):125-146, .

Thunderstorms as extreme climate event in Serbia

Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2009)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Humankind has been exposed to climate extremes from the very beginning of its existence. Today, prevention and mitigation of natural catastrophes have become a priority for International Union and World Meteorological Organization. Atmospheric electrical discharges and thunders represent an event characteristic of our part of the world in the warm half of a year. This climate event pose a danger to human life and material goods, so this work discusses approximate number of days with thunder and the absolutely highest number of days with thunder in Serbia in the period from 1995 to 2005.
AB  - Ljudska vrsta je od početka svog postojanja bila izložena klimatskim ekstremima. Danas su za međunarodnu zajednicu i Svetsku meteorološku organizaciju sprečavanje i ublažavanje prirodnih katastrofa postali prioriteti. Atmosferska električna pražnjenja i grmljavine predstavljaju pojavu karakterističnu za naše krajeve u toploj polovini godine. Radi se o klimatskoj pojavi opasnoj za život ljudi i za materijalna dobra, pa su u ovom radu razmatrani prosečni broj dana sa grmljavinom i apsolutno najveći broj dana sa grmljavinom u Srbiji u periodu 1991-2005. godina.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Thunderstorms as extreme climate event in Serbia
T1  - Grmljavinske nepogode kao ekstremna klimatska pojava u Srbiji
VL  - 89
IS  - 4
SP  - 277
EP  - 294
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Humankind has been exposed to climate extremes from the very beginning of its existence. Today, prevention and mitigation of natural catastrophes have become a priority for International Union and World Meteorological Organization. Atmospheric electrical discharges and thunders represent an event characteristic of our part of the world in the warm half of a year. This climate event pose a danger to human life and material goods, so this work discusses approximate number of days with thunder and the absolutely highest number of days with thunder in Serbia in the period from 1995 to 2005., Ljudska vrsta je od početka svog postojanja bila izložena klimatskim ekstremima. Danas su za međunarodnu zajednicu i Svetsku meteorološku organizaciju sprečavanje i ublažavanje prirodnih katastrofa postali prioriteti. Atmosferska električna pražnjenja i grmljavine predstavljaju pojavu karakterističnu za naše krajeve u toploj polovini godine. Radi se o klimatskoj pojavi opasnoj za život ljudi i za materijalna dobra, pa su u ovom radu razmatrani prosečni broj dana sa grmljavinom i apsolutno najveći broj dana sa grmljavinom u Srbiji u periodu 1991-2005. godina.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Thunderstorms as extreme climate event in Serbia, Grmljavinske nepogode kao ekstremna klimatska pojava u Srbiji",
volume = "89",
number = "4",
pages = "277-294",
url = ""
Anđelković, G.. (2009). Thunderstorms as extreme climate event in Serbia. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 89(4), 277-294.
Anđelković G. Thunderstorms as extreme climate event in Serbia. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2009;89(4):277-294. .
Anđelković, Goran, "Thunderstorms as extreme climate event in Serbia" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 89, no. 4 (2009):277-294, .

Precipitation as adverse climatic phenomenon in Negotin

Anđelković, Goran; Živković, Nenad

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2007)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
AU  - Živković, Nenad
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - Climatology is traditionally connected to different conditions of the atmosphere. However, many occurrences appear from time to time. Those occurrences are defined as extreme. Nowadays it is important to study extreme occurrences for every geographical area. In this paper we have investigated one segment of extreme climatic conditions in Eastern part of Serbia - adverse characteristics of precipitation. Data for Negotin were analyzed, as a representative of the climate in this area. Extreme values of precipitation in one place were taken as dangerous occurrences. We have calculated thresholds above which we consider daily amount of precipitation as dangerous. Thresholds for dangerous lengths of rainy and droughty periods were calculated, too.
AB  - Klimatologija se tradicionalno vezuje za najčešće pojavljivana stanja atmosfere. Međutim, mnogi događaji se pojavljuju samo povremeno u vremenu i prostoru. Oni nose pridev ekstremnih. Danas je postalo važno da se za svaku geografsku oblast prouče ekstremni događaji. U ovom radu ispitan je jedan segment ekstremnih klimatskih uslova u Istočnoj Srbiji -nepovoljne karakteristike padavina. Analizirani su podaci za Negotin, koji je predstavnik klime te oblasti. Uzeto je da ekstremne vrednosti padavina u jednom mestu predstavljaju opasnu pojavu. Izračunati su pragovi iznad kojih dnevnu količinu padavina smatramo opasnom pojavom, zatim pragovi za opasne dužine kišnih i sušnih perioda.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Precipitation as adverse climatic phenomenon in Negotin
T1  - Padavine kao nepovoljna klimatska pojava u Negotinu
VL  - 87
IS  - 1
SP  - 51
EP  - 62
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran and Živković, Nenad",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Climatology is traditionally connected to different conditions of the atmosphere. However, many occurrences appear from time to time. Those occurrences are defined as extreme. Nowadays it is important to study extreme occurrences for every geographical area. In this paper we have investigated one segment of extreme climatic conditions in Eastern part of Serbia - adverse characteristics of precipitation. Data for Negotin were analyzed, as a representative of the climate in this area. Extreme values of precipitation in one place were taken as dangerous occurrences. We have calculated thresholds above which we consider daily amount of precipitation as dangerous. Thresholds for dangerous lengths of rainy and droughty periods were calculated, too., Klimatologija se tradicionalno vezuje za najčešće pojavljivana stanja atmosfere. Međutim, mnogi događaji se pojavljuju samo povremeno u vremenu i prostoru. Oni nose pridev ekstremnih. Danas je postalo važno da se za svaku geografsku oblast prouče ekstremni događaji. U ovom radu ispitan je jedan segment ekstremnih klimatskih uslova u Istočnoj Srbiji -nepovoljne karakteristike padavina. Analizirani su podaci za Negotin, koji je predstavnik klime te oblasti. Uzeto je da ekstremne vrednosti padavina u jednom mestu predstavljaju opasnu pojavu. Izračunati su pragovi iznad kojih dnevnu količinu padavina smatramo opasnom pojavom, zatim pragovi za opasne dužine kišnih i sušnih perioda.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Precipitation as adverse climatic phenomenon in Negotin, Padavine kao nepovoljna klimatska pojava u Negotinu",
volume = "87",
number = "1",
pages = "51-62",
url = ""
Anđelković, G.,& Živković, N.. (2007). Precipitation as adverse climatic phenomenon in Negotin. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 87(1), 51-62.
Anđelković G, Živković N. Precipitation as adverse climatic phenomenon in Negotin. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2007;87(1):51-62. .
Anđelković, Goran, Živković, Nenad, "Precipitation as adverse climatic phenomenon in Negotin" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 87, no. 1 (2007):51-62, .

Temperature conditions on July 2007 as extreme climatic phenomenon in Serbia

Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2007)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - According to other parts of the world extreme climatic phenomenon have passed beside Serbia. However, some of them appeared in our country. Beside extreme climatic phenomenon, extreme climatic seasons have great significance for geographic environment. During the 2007 July was has had high temperatures long lasted. The absolute maximal temperature has been achieved in Serbia. In Smederevska Palanka was registered 44.9°C. Those events deserves great scientific attention. in this paper we have considered in detailed those temperature conditions as unsuitable climatic phenomenon, especially in relation to range of extremity of temperature in Serbia.
AB  - U odnosu na ostale delove sveta Srbija je dosta pošteđena ekstremnih klimatskih događaja. Ipak, neki od njih pojavljuju se i kod nas. Pored ekstremnih klimatskih pojava i ekstremne klimatske sezone imaju veliki značaj za geografsku sredinu. Tokom 2007. godine mesec juli se istakao po izuzetno visokim temperaturama vazduha koje su dugo trajale. Dostignuti su apsolutni maksimumi temperature u Srbiji. U Smederevskoj palanci je zabeleženo čak 44,9°C. Takvi događaji zaslužuju naučnu pažnju. U radu su detaljno razmotrene tadašnje temperaturne prilike kao nepovoljna klimatska pojava, posebno u odnosu na pragove ekstremnosti temperature u Srbiji.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Temperature conditions on July 2007 as extreme climatic phenomenon in Serbia
T1  - Temperaturne prilike u julu 2007. godine kao ekstremna klimatska pojava u Srbiji
VL  - 87
IS  - 2
SP  - 51
EP  - 62
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2007",
abstract = "According to other parts of the world extreme climatic phenomenon have passed beside Serbia. However, some of them appeared in our country. Beside extreme climatic phenomenon, extreme climatic seasons have great significance for geographic environment. During the 2007 July was has had high temperatures long lasted. The absolute maximal temperature has been achieved in Serbia. In Smederevska Palanka was registered 44.9°C. Those events deserves great scientific attention. in this paper we have considered in detailed those temperature conditions as unsuitable climatic phenomenon, especially in relation to range of extremity of temperature in Serbia., U odnosu na ostale delove sveta Srbija je dosta pošteđena ekstremnih klimatskih događaja. Ipak, neki od njih pojavljuju se i kod nas. Pored ekstremnih klimatskih pojava i ekstremne klimatske sezone imaju veliki značaj za geografsku sredinu. Tokom 2007. godine mesec juli se istakao po izuzetno visokim temperaturama vazduha koje su dugo trajale. Dostignuti su apsolutni maksimumi temperature u Srbiji. U Smederevskoj palanci je zabeleženo čak 44,9°C. Takvi događaji zaslužuju naučnu pažnju. U radu su detaljno razmotrene tadašnje temperaturne prilike kao nepovoljna klimatska pojava, posebno u odnosu na pragove ekstremnosti temperature u Srbiji.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Temperature conditions on July 2007 as extreme climatic phenomenon in Serbia, Temperaturne prilike u julu 2007. godine kao ekstremna klimatska pojava u Srbiji",
volume = "87",
number = "2",
pages = "51-62",
url = ""
Anđelković, G.. (2007). Temperature conditions on July 2007 as extreme climatic phenomenon in Serbia. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 87(2), 51-62.
Anđelković G. Temperature conditions on July 2007 as extreme climatic phenomenon in Serbia. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2007;87(2):51-62. .
Anđelković, Goran, "Temperature conditions on July 2007 as extreme climatic phenomenon in Serbia" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 87, no. 2 (2007):51-62, .

Methodology of determination of extreme air temperatures thresholds in eastern Serbia (Negotin town): In January and July

Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2006)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - The human life and the most of human activities are adapted to the normal climatic conditions everywhere in the world. Therefore any deviation in intensity, frequency or spatial distribution of climatic events is considered as extraordinary climatic phenomenon which could cause unpleasant consequences. These events are known as extreme phenomenon. In this paper extreme air temperature events are formulated, and methodology for identification is considered on the example of Negotin town in eastern part of Serbia.
AB  - Čovekov život i aktivnosti su prilagođeni normalnim klimatskim uslovima u odgovarajućem delu sveta. Zbog toga svako odstupanje u intenzitetu učestalosti ili prostornoj rasprostranjenosti klimatskih pojava mnogo od normale predstavlja vanrednu situaciju i može imati nepovoljne posledice. Za takve pojave se kaže da su ekstremne. U radu su definisane ekstremne temperaturne pojave i razrađena je metodologija za njihovo otkrivanje na primeru grada Negotina na istoku Srbije.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Methodology of determination of extreme air temperatures thresholds in eastern Serbia (Negotin town): In January and July
T1  - Metodologija određivanja pragova za ekstremne temperature vazduha u istočnoj Srbiji na primeru januara i jula meseca u Negotinu
VL  - 86
IS  - 1
SP  - 61
EP  - 72
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2006",
abstract = "The human life and the most of human activities are adapted to the normal climatic conditions everywhere in the world. Therefore any deviation in intensity, frequency or spatial distribution of climatic events is considered as extraordinary climatic phenomenon which could cause unpleasant consequences. These events are known as extreme phenomenon. In this paper extreme air temperature events are formulated, and methodology for identification is considered on the example of Negotin town in eastern part of Serbia., Čovekov život i aktivnosti su prilagođeni normalnim klimatskim uslovima u odgovarajućem delu sveta. Zbog toga svako odstupanje u intenzitetu učestalosti ili prostornoj rasprostranjenosti klimatskih pojava mnogo od normale predstavlja vanrednu situaciju i može imati nepovoljne posledice. Za takve pojave se kaže da su ekstremne. U radu su definisane ekstremne temperaturne pojave i razrađena je metodologija za njihovo otkrivanje na primeru grada Negotina na istoku Srbije.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Methodology of determination of extreme air temperatures thresholds in eastern Serbia (Negotin town): In January and July, Metodologija određivanja pragova za ekstremne temperature vazduha u istočnoj Srbiji na primeru januara i jula meseca u Negotinu",
volume = "86",
number = "1",
pages = "61-72",
url = ""
Anđelković, G.. (2006). Methodology of determination of extreme air temperatures thresholds in eastern Serbia (Negotin town): In January and July. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 86(1), 61-72.
Anđelković G. Methodology of determination of extreme air temperatures thresholds in eastern Serbia (Negotin town): In January and July. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2006;86(1):61-72. .
Anđelković, Goran, "Methodology of determination of extreme air temperatures thresholds in eastern Serbia (Negotin town): In January and July" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 86, no. 1 (2006):61-72, .

Altitude precipitation gradient in Serbia

Živković, Nenad; Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2004)

AU  - Živković, Nenad
AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2004
UR  -
AB  - Using average annual precipitations data for period 1961-90. from all rain gauges in Serbia, southern of Sava and Danube rivers, the map of altitude precipitations gradient is constructed. 59 regions homogeneous for relation X=f(H) are obtained by regression analysis method (two-dimensional type, X precipitation height and H - altitude). Some new method are applied, some limitations are shown, some regularities are found in disposition of precipitation growth and it is indicated on practical application of this method in physico-geographical research.
AB  - Koristeći podatke o prosečnim godišnjim padavinama za period 1961-90. sa svih kišomera u Srbiji južno od Save i Dunava, konstruisana je karta visinskih gradijenata padavina. Regresionom analizom (dvodimenzionalni tip X - visina padavina i N - nadmorska visina) formirano je 59 rejona homogenih za odnos X=f(H). Primenjeni su neki novi metodi, pokazana ograničenja uočene pravilnosti u rasporedu prirasta padavina i ukazano na praktičnu primenu ovakvog postupka u fizičko-geografskim istraživanjima.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Altitude precipitation gradient in Serbia
T1  - Visinski gradijenti padavina u Srbiji
VL  - 84
IS  - 2
SP  - 31
EP  - 36
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Živković, Nenad and Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2004",
abstract = "Using average annual precipitations data for period 1961-90. from all rain gauges in Serbia, southern of Sava and Danube rivers, the map of altitude precipitations gradient is constructed. 59 regions homogeneous for relation X=f(H) are obtained by regression analysis method (two-dimensional type, X precipitation height and H - altitude). Some new method are applied, some limitations are shown, some regularities are found in disposition of precipitation growth and it is indicated on practical application of this method in physico-geographical research., Koristeći podatke o prosečnim godišnjim padavinama za period 1961-90. sa svih kišomera u Srbiji južno od Save i Dunava, konstruisana je karta visinskih gradijenata padavina. Regresionom analizom (dvodimenzionalni tip X - visina padavina i N - nadmorska visina) formirano je 59 rejona homogenih za odnos X=f(H). Primenjeni su neki novi metodi, pokazana ograničenja uočene pravilnosti u rasporedu prirasta padavina i ukazano na praktičnu primenu ovakvog postupka u fizičko-geografskim istraživanjima.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Altitude precipitation gradient in Serbia, Visinski gradijenti padavina u Srbiji",
volume = "84",
number = "2",
pages = "31-36",
url = ""
Živković, N.,& Anđelković, G.. (2004). Altitude precipitation gradient in Serbia. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 84(2), 31-36.
Živković N, Anđelković G. Altitude precipitation gradient in Serbia. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2004;84(2):31-36. .
Živković, Nenad, Anđelković, Goran, "Altitude precipitation gradient in Serbia" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 84, no. 2 (2004):31-36, .

The basic characteristics of the Belgrade’s heat island

Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2003)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2003
UR  -
AB  - The urban heat island, as a phenomenon due to the higher air temperature in the cities as compared to their immediate surroundings, represents the most important consequence of the urbanization influence on the topoclimate. As compared to the smaller cities in its surroundings, Belgrade's average annual temperature is from 0,4 to 1,0 ºC higher (period 1961-1990). A very liable index of the Belgrade's heat island is the air temperature measured at the airport in Surčin. In the period from 1971-1990. average annual air temperature at the airport was 11,2 ºC, and in the city center it was 0,7 ºC higher. Belgrade has a higher absolute minimal temperature than its surroundings during every month. In the last climatic period the absolute temperature minimum in Belgrade was even 5,4 ºC higher than the highest value measured within this parameter in its wider surroundings (Veliko Gradište -26,4 ºC). In the above mentioned twenty years period the absolute air temperature minimum in Surčin was -26,0 ºC, and in the city center only -18,2 ºC. The number of the frosty days at the airport was 77,8, and in Belgrade 58,2. Although the heat island of Belgrade was formed together with formation of the city, it was more evident at the beginning of the 20th century (0,4 ºC). During the next five to six decades a faster intensity growth was recorded (up to 0,9 ºC). This coincides with the period of the population growth as well as with development of the city activities, industry above all. During one year the intensity of the Belgrade's heat island reached its maximum in winter. In January the city, as compared to Surčin, was warmer for about 1,0 ºC, and in September for only 0,1 ºC. The daily variations of the heat island are such that it reaches its highest intensity during the evening hours (at 9 p.m. 0,9 ºC). If the average values of the extreme daily temperatures are being examined, one can see a distinct difference: average city minimums are 1,5 ºC higher than the airport minimums, while the maximums are only 0,2 ºC higher. During winter, in concrete anticyclonic conditions, it can be 10 ºC warmer in the city than in the immediate surroundings. Together with the perennial growth of heat island intensity, its "space range" also expands. The space structure of the heat island is very distinct. Exceptions in the temperature values between certain points of measurements in the winter morning hours can go up to 6-8 ºC.
AB  - Uticaj čoveka na atmosferu i klimu u gradovima se manifestuje izmenom vrednosti svih klimatskih elemenata. Još od početka XIX veka se smatra da se klimatski uticaj urbanizacije najjasnije ispoljava na temperaturi vazduha. Tačnije, svi gradovi, i manji, isto kao i veliki, imaju višu temperaturu vazduha od svoje neposredne okoline. Na taj način dolazi do formiranja gradskog ostrva toplote. To važi i za Beograd. Intenzivnost i razmere tog fenomena se menjaju u vremenu i prostoru. Upravo taj problem je razmotren u ovom radu.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - The basic characteristics of the Belgrade’s heat island
T1  - Osnovne karakteristike beogradskog ostrva toplote
VL  - 83
IS  - 1
SP  - 15
EP  - 30
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2003",
abstract = "The urban heat island, as a phenomenon due to the higher air temperature in the cities as compared to their immediate surroundings, represents the most important consequence of the urbanization influence on the topoclimate. As compared to the smaller cities in its surroundings, Belgrade's average annual temperature is from 0,4 to 1,0 ºC higher (period 1961-1990). A very liable index of the Belgrade's heat island is the air temperature measured at the airport in Surčin. In the period from 1971-1990. average annual air temperature at the airport was 11,2 ºC, and in the city center it was 0,7 ºC higher. Belgrade has a higher absolute minimal temperature than its surroundings during every month. In the last climatic period the absolute temperature minimum in Belgrade was even 5,4 ºC higher than the highest value measured within this parameter in its wider surroundings (Veliko Gradište -26,4 ºC). In the above mentioned twenty years period the absolute air temperature minimum in Surčin was -26,0 ºC, and in the city center only -18,2 ºC. The number of the frosty days at the airport was 77,8, and in Belgrade 58,2. Although the heat island of Belgrade was formed together with formation of the city, it was more evident at the beginning of the 20th century (0,4 ºC). During the next five to six decades a faster intensity growth was recorded (up to 0,9 ºC). This coincides with the period of the population growth as well as with development of the city activities, industry above all. During one year the intensity of the Belgrade's heat island reached its maximum in winter. In January the city, as compared to Surčin, was warmer for about 1,0 ºC, and in September for only 0,1 ºC. The daily variations of the heat island are such that it reaches its highest intensity during the evening hours (at 9 p.m. 0,9 ºC). If the average values of the extreme daily temperatures are being examined, one can see a distinct difference: average city minimums are 1,5 ºC higher than the airport minimums, while the maximums are only 0,2 ºC higher. During winter, in concrete anticyclonic conditions, it can be 10 ºC warmer in the city than in the immediate surroundings. Together with the perennial growth of heat island intensity, its "space range" also expands. The space structure of the heat island is very distinct. Exceptions in the temperature values between certain points of measurements in the winter morning hours can go up to 6-8 ºC., Uticaj čoveka na atmosferu i klimu u gradovima se manifestuje izmenom vrednosti svih klimatskih elemenata. Još od početka XIX veka se smatra da se klimatski uticaj urbanizacije najjasnije ispoljava na temperaturi vazduha. Tačnije, svi gradovi, i manji, isto kao i veliki, imaju višu temperaturu vazduha od svoje neposredne okoline. Na taj način dolazi do formiranja gradskog ostrva toplote. To važi i za Beograd. Intenzivnost i razmere tog fenomena se menjaju u vremenu i prostoru. Upravo taj problem je razmotren u ovom radu.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "The basic characteristics of the Belgrade’s heat island, Osnovne karakteristike beogradskog ostrva toplote",
volume = "83",
number = "1",
pages = "15-30",
url = ""
Anđelković, G.. (2003). The basic characteristics of the Belgrade’s heat island. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 83(1), 15-30.
Anđelković G. The basic characteristics of the Belgrade’s heat island. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2003;83(1):15-30. .
Anđelković, Goran, "The basic characteristics of the Belgrade’s heat island" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 83, no. 1 (2003):15-30, .

Anthropogenic heat release in the atmosphere of Belgrade

Anđelković, Goran

(Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo, 2002)

AU  - Anđelković, Goran
PY  - 2002
UR  -
AB  - During last few decades the phenomenon of global warming up of the atmosphere is discovered. It is also concluded that the climate in cities changes, the main result of what is the higher air temperature, the heat island within the places with cold weather. This happens also in Belgrade. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but the anthropogenic production of energy is considered to be one of the main factors for the rise of temperature. The aim of this work is to define anthropogenic sources of heat in Belgrade and to reckon the quantity of heat they emit as additional sources in relation to the sun.
AB  - Tokom poslednjih decenija je otkriven trend globalnog zagrevanja atmosfere. Takođe je konstatovano da se menja klima gradova, što se najviše manifestuje porastom temperature vazduha tako da se stvaraju urbana ostrva toplote u hladnijoj okolini. To je utvrđeno i za Beograd. Navodi se više uzroka ovoj pojavi, ali se smatra da je antropogena proizvodnja toplote jedan od glavnih činilaca porasta temperature. Cilj ovog rada je da se definišu antropogeni izvori toplote u Beogradu i da se izračuna količina toplote koju oni emituju, kao dopunski izvori toplote u odnosu na Sunce.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo
T2  - Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
T1  - Anthropogenic heat release in the atmosphere of Belgrade
T1  - Antropogena emisija toplote u atmosferu Beograda
VL  - 82
IS  - 2
SP  - 55
EP  - 66
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Goran",
year = "2002",
abstract = "During last few decades the phenomenon of global warming up of the atmosphere is discovered. It is also concluded that the climate in cities changes, the main result of what is the higher air temperature, the heat island within the places with cold weather. This happens also in Belgrade. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but the anthropogenic production of energy is considered to be one of the main factors for the rise of temperature. The aim of this work is to define anthropogenic sources of heat in Belgrade and to reckon the quantity of heat they emit as additional sources in relation to the sun., Tokom poslednjih decenija je otkriven trend globalnog zagrevanja atmosfere. Takođe je konstatovano da se menja klima gradova, što se najviše manifestuje porastom temperature vazduha tako da se stvaraju urbana ostrva toplote u hladnijoj okolini. To je utvrđeno i za Beograd. Navodi se više uzroka ovoj pojavi, ali se smatra da je antropogena proizvodnja toplote jedan od glavnih činilaca porasta temperature. Cilj ovog rada je da se definišu antropogeni izvori toplote u Beogradu i da se izračuna količina toplote koju oni emituju, kao dopunski izvori toplote u odnosu na Sunce.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo",
journal = "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva",
title = "Anthropogenic heat release in the atmosphere of Belgrade, Antropogena emisija toplote u atmosferu Beograda",
volume = "82",
number = "2",
pages = "55-66",
url = ""
Anđelković, G.. (2002). Anthropogenic heat release in the atmosphere of Belgrade. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva
Beograd : Srpsko geografsko društvo., 82(2), 55-66.
Anđelković G. Anthropogenic heat release in the atmosphere of Belgrade. in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 2002;82(2):55-66. .
Anđelković, Goran, "Anthropogenic heat release in the atmosphere of Belgrade" in Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 82, no. 2 (2002):55-66, .